Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

Clearly not. Because otherwise you wouldn't have said what you said.

For me, as someone using a pedalboard, when estate is pretty much always an issue, a pedal double the size of what other pedals offering similar functionality, isn't "akin" towards that direction. YM obviously seems to V, be it so. But allow me to think of it whatever I will.
For me, as someone using a pedalboard, when estate is pretty much always an issue, a pedal double the size of what other pedals offering similar functionality, isn't "akin" towards that direction. YM obviously seems to V, be it so. But allow me to think of it whatever I will.
I don't know why you're banging on about size, when my original comment where I used the word 'akin' was talking about feature set, and how there are a lot of people out there expecting this thing to be a fully fledged modeller. It isn't. It's an amp in a box.
and how there are a lot of people out there expecting this thing to be a fully fledged modeller. It isn't. It's an amp in a box.

Which is precisely why I tried to make clear that I'm not one of them.
However, from a unit of that size, I expect something else than being "just a single amp model" - and, again as said, very well within the physical constraints. Otherwise, why not just make it smaller?
I guess we should rather just agree to disagree, this isn't going anywhere.

Fwiw, as far as founding my own company goes, if I was somewhat younger with no kids, I likely would at least try some things out.
And fwiw #2: During all these years, at least I helped quite some (audio software) companies to make their products better, so I'm at least not completely talking just out of my ***.
Because it’s not a manufacturing efficiency, and the size likely doesn’t matter to most people.

I'm aware of all that. I'm also aware that it'll still sell like hotcakes (and well, at least sort of, deservedly so). It seems to be so good that I will defenitely buy one myself at one point in time (fortunately no need to rush it, I expect this technology to become absolutely common in the near future).
Still, I think my complaints are at least sort of valid. I think user friendliness should be optimized as much as possible and form factor is a thing for at least some folks.
Will not get in the way of this becoming a success story (in fact, it already seems to be one), just as the various shortcomings of, say, the Helix didn't get in the way of it becoming a success story. But at the same time I think it's fair to point at whatever shortcomings.
And fwiw, just as a (sort of rethoric) question: If IK had designed this from scratch, without the X-Gear stuff in their "backyard", would the Tonex still look the same? I would take pretty much any bet that it wouldn't. But obviously, we'll never know.
If IK had designed this from scratch, without the X-Gear stuff in their "backyard", would the Tonex still look the same? I would take pretty much any bet that it wouldn't. But obviously, we'll never know.
I reckon you can count on some huge willy havin' product owner over at IK dreaming up an entire eco-system of products... and the bean counters basically going "okay... if the 1st thing is successful, you can do the 2nd... if the 2nd thing is successful... you can do the 3rd...." and so on.

These product ideas aren't dreamt up in a 2 year span and delivered to market. Some of the people in this industry (of which I am a part of!) have had dreamy ideas for decades of their lives. A lot of the time it's about getting stakeholder buy-in and proving the case internally, so you can make the thing you've been dreaming about.
Does anyone have the lack of financial self preservation to take this thing apart and see if you can fit the important parts in a much smaller box? I really want this, but I can't fit it on any sensible pedalboard I have
Does anyone have the lack of financial self preservation to take this thing apart and see if you can fit the important parts in a much smaller box? I really want this, but I can't fit it on any sensible pedalboard I have
I expect the PCB is about the size of the box so I doubt you can make it much smaller. It's about the size of two Boss pedals (w/ patch cables).
You could perhaps strip out the switch section, they're often on a separate PCB - it's like that on Boss' units, on the Helix and also on the Amplifirebox. I already thought about doing so with the AFB as I only use it a) in a loop and b) strictly in one channel WYSIWYG mode, just didn't do so because it might be a decent idea to keep it as a backup.
There's nothing wrong with the Tonex pedal size. It's even less wide than a Volante, the greatest pedal on earth.
I wish my missus complained that my dick was too big.

Alas, she's also grumbling about needing a few extra inches.
It's even less wide than a Volante, the greatest pedal on earth.

Not a fair comparison. The Volante is stuffed with UI elements, the Tonex isn't. It also likely needs the three switches, whereas I could imagine most people not exactly using them on the Tonex.