Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

Meanwhile, this is a great-looking, tiny, fairly priced pedal with stellar sounds and modern daw integration. I’m jealous.

I still hate the look of the software GUI and those silly cloud fences everywhere that folks need to hop over.. but whatever. J Cordy is right—how could this have not happened years ago already.

Everyone’s talking about how to combine it with all kinds of other stuff and it’s true that’s great. But that little thing is giggable completely on its own. No, I wouldn’t do that. First I’d surround it with a couple grand of analog stuff I have sitting in the drawer, then I’d get frustrated with cables and hassle, and finally pair it with something Hx that’s similarly tiny, like everyone else. But it would be fine on it’s own.

The Fins must be jealous too. This company has proven that there’s a way of getting something to market in a relatively inoffensive manner that puts the actual benefits to its customers ahead of the victory in battle attitude toward its competitors (especially the ones who invented the innovations they’ve appropriated).

And as always, it’s always heartwarming and worth a giggle to see all the people who have decreed profiles a cumbersome and limited paradigm getting hot and bothered about doing it under another brand moniker.
Meanwhile, this is a great-looking, tiny, fairly priced pedal with stellar sounds and modern daw integration. I’m jealous.

I still hate the look of the software GUI and those silly cloud fences everywhere that folks need to hop over.. but whatever. J Cordy is right—how could this have not happened years ago already.

Everyone’s talking about how to combine it with all kinds of other stuff and it’s true that’s great. But that little thing is giggable completely on its own. No, I wouldn’t do that. First I’d surround it with a couple grand of analog stuff I have sitting in the drawer, then I’d get frustrated with cables and hassle, and finally pair it with something Hx that’s similarly tiny, like everyone else. But it would be fine on it’s own.

The Fins must be jealous too. This company has proven that there’s a way of getting something to market in a relatively inoffensive manner that puts the actual benefits to its customers ahead of the victory in battle attitude toward its competitors (especially the ones who invented the innovations they’ve appropriated).

And as always, it’s always heartwarming and worth a giggle to see all the people who have decreed profiles a cumbersome and limited paradigm getting hot and bothered about doing it under another brand moniker.
I thought of you when making the purchase :guiness:rofl
Unrelated to this thread but I know they have an office in Sunrise, which is 5 miles from me. I had just gotten promoted at my current job when I saw they had an ad up for a product tester. When the ad was first listed, I don’t recall it having any qualifications aside from experience with gear and I kick myself in the ass regularly for not doing it. Last time I checked they added a college degree to the qualifications, which took me out of the running. Damnit, I could have been testing this pedal out before the YouTubers!
That's an mbenigni story if ever I've read one. ;)
FWIW, I ordered mine yesterday morning if I look at the order on IK's website, it it still at status "Received".

However, I received FedEx tracking yesterday and the unit made it's way over from Italy to the UK overnight, and it was delivered just before midday today.
I don't think I had tracking yesterday? Tracking number has no results on fedex yet but who knows. They probably sold a metric ton of these things yesterday.
FWIW, I ordered mine yesterday morning if I look at the order on IK's website, it it still at status "Received".

However, I received FedEx tracking yesterday and the unit made it's way over from Italy to the UK overnight, and it was delivered just before midday today.
I still can't get over how fast yours arrived. From another country, even.


Maybe they knew you might change your mind LOL?