Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

Oh, ok - but to get them into the unit, they still need to be part of a "full" preset, right? At least that's what it reads like to me.
Yeah I think you will need to have at least one preset with the model assigned to upload it and maybe after that you can change that preset to something else while keeping the model on the unit? Not sure how it works.

Did that, resulted in a corrupt file (of 345 bytes). Using Firefox under macOS that is.

Just left click normally on the link Laxu gave, everything works here, the PDF opens in the browser.
I kinda like it.

"Warm Tube Glow"

I agree and I will say this orange w black back ground is going to be pretty visible compared to small blue strips
Reading through the manual.
  • 9V @ 320 mA power required.
  • Custom IRs can only be uploaded by making them part of a preset. Which is a bit weird. If you want to have many custom IRs you have to put them into presets whether you use them or not.
  • Volume knob is inexplicably not MIDI controllable but there is a separate "MODEL VOL" param that is probably good enough.
  • Stomps are baked in rather than assignable, same as the ToneX app. So if you want a "boost+amp" you need a capture that has those.
Lack of an fx loop is a bit disappointing as it would have been nice to be able to use the headphones out with post-fx. Headphones out is also mystery spec and I would not expect it to work with high impedance headphones.

I'm probably not going to pick one up at 495 euros. I don't care for the workflow of hunting down the "perfect" captures, hate the ToneX app, already own a Fractal for "a ton of options".

Instead I might be looking at people ditching their Strymon Iridiums for this and see if I can pick one up real cheap. I know I like how that pedal sounds even if it's not the most accurate modeler on the market.
$400 and it runs on 9V@320mA! I think I'm in. This, and a rechargeable battery, will be a perfect practice rig for me. And if I ever do gig again, it'll work well on a board with an HX Stomp.

What a weird time to be buying amp emulation hardware. Until a few months ago you could expect to drop $1K-$2K for Kemper/ NDSP. Now IK will hook you up for $400. (Though I have to remind myself this time: apples and oranges.) And if you have a decent laptop at hand, you could cobble something together for $150 or so. Hell, if you're resourceful and don't mind spending a weekend with your propeller hat on, you could get an open source solution going for free.
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Did the ToneX pedal come out today? I can’t tell.

(Runs and hides from social media avalanche)
Not clear to me either way. Sweetwater says "Pre-order Now!" but then has an Add to Cart button on the product page. :idk It would be good to know a release date.
Damn, the embargo has lifted and youtube is swarming with Tonex Pedal reviews.
Literally everyone has a review of it except one individual..... where is Rabea?
Maybe he's declined to demo (and let's remember most of the videos are demos rather than reviews) because of a conflict of interest with NeuralDSP? Or he's just taking his time to do a good video rather than try to be the first out of the gate.
Not clear to me either way. Sweetwater says "Pre-order Now!" but then has an Add to Cart button on the product page. :idk It would be good to know a release date.
It is available today, this is not a pre-order. For those who have TONEX MAX, you can purchase from our store and apply the coupon that will appear in your cart (if you are logged in with the account that has TONEX MAX).
conflict of interest with NeuralDSP?
But he continues to review other products... does that mean ToneX is a direct competitor to QC from NDSP's perspective, to the extent he contractually obligated NOT to review other 'capturing' devices?