Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

BTW, yes, this is how it will undoubtedly work. That's how their other pedals work too. Load a preset. Tweak a knob, it jumps immediately to the new value.

This is only how oldfashioned, badly designed pedals work. In 2023, a decent pedal should have endless encoders and readouts (ideally LED ring readouts). The HX series does it, the GT series does it (for a long time already), the QC does it. Yeah, some, such as the Strymons, don't - but that's just as bad design.
And well, I don't get it how you folks are constantly asking for the best modeling tech but apparently seem to be willing to let those folks get away with way sub-standard usability.
This is only how oldfashioned, badly designed pedals work. In 2023, a decent pedal should have endless encoders and readouts (ideally LED ring readouts). The HX series does it, the GT series does it (for a long time already), the QC does it. Yeah, some, such as the Strymons, don't - but that's just as bad design.
I don't accept that at all.

My Novation Summit isn't any lesser the synth because it has analog style controls, and my Waldorf Iridium isn't any more superior the synth because it has a smattering of endless rotaries.

And well, I don't get it how you folks are constantly asking for the best modeling tech but apparently seem to be willing to let those folks get away with way sub-standard usability.
Physical controls with a definite minimum and maximum can actually be a good thing for usability.

Some people get confused with endless rotaries. Some people get confused with menu after menu. Some people get confused by LED rings and they would prefer a simple analog style knob with a white line to indicate the position.

There is no perfect product that fits all people. IK made their choices, it's up to you and the rest of us to decide if it suits our needs or not. No point whinging about things you can't change.
Physical controls with a definite minimum and maximum can actually be a good thing for usability.

Well, in case they're WYSIWYG analog controls. In a digital environment, they usually get in the way (unless they're motorized).

Some people get confused with endless rotaries.

Hm, pretty much everybody seems to get along just fine with the HX family devices.

There is no perfect product that fits all people. IK made their choices, it's up to you and the rest of us to decide if it suits our needs or not. No point whinging about things you can't change.

I'm sure they just used some old stock for the housing.
And well, I absolutely don't agree - only in case many people whinge things will change. That's how things work.
I either want a full amplitube thing or a much smaller just amp loader thing...So tired of these too big yet too small 3 button things

Every bit this! Would love to replace my Amplifirebox (even if I get along fine with it) and/or my Amp Academy. In case the TONEX pedal would be as compact as those, I could even consider getting two - and yeah, seriously. That's just how much I love my current board's WYSIWYG approach.
Ok, takeaway from the video: Once you move a control a bit, it'll briefly display the saved parameter value and then perform a parameter jump to the knob's value. That *is* kinda workable but man, as said, it's 2023...