Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

Yeah thats about the point I personally start losing some steam. I want a relatively small capture pedal player, not some sorta half assed everything-to-everyone-to-no-one device.
I think some of their plug in like the Mesa are pretty darn good
But yes , I get your point and that is why I think they are releasing the smaller pedal first , for the people who just want the capture in a compact solution
I think some of their plug in like the Mesa are pretty darn good
But yes , I get your point and that is why I think they are releasing the smaller pedal first , for the people who just want the capture in a compact solution

Ahh, I’m confusing not-yet-announced products. :ROFLMAO: I thought the simple capture pedal idea had morphed into some… i don’t know what. I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.
Hi IK.

I made the mistake of posting how happy I was about my tone yesterday, how I got there, and of course multiple douchebags had to chime in and tell me I wasnt hearing what I was hearing. It's a really good thing we cant throat punch people over the internet.

I guess I’m one of said douchebags. You might add here that your secret to tonal bliss was delaying your entire signal 20ms. Maybe those douchebags have made similar mistakes in the past of getting tricked into thinking something weird was awesome only to notice later that it was just weird and a waste of time…. Maybe they were trying to save you the potentially long period of time before you discovered you had messed up. That was my motivation, can’t speak for the others.

Fwiw, not that anyone would likely be interested, but in case any such a pedal was built to suit my needs, here's some ideas of what it'd be like in various incarnations of complexity.

The most basic pedal would be sized as an Amplifirebox (or similar).
Would load exactly one amp at a time, no FX but a gate and that was it.
There'd be a pretty small display and 5 endless encoders on it, plus one hardwired output volume pot. The endless encoders would have LED rings (or something similar).
Controls would be gain, BMT and master, by default the tone stack would be post-modeling but one should be able to define placement, frequencies and Q via software.
One single switch would likely be sufficient on such a unit (on/off or cycle, depending on your use case).
Should feature an IR loader (in case direct captures would be your thing, which they would be for me). All encoders could have an ALT function so you could access patches, IRs, noise gate threshold and maybe a simple global EQ.
Could optionally feature a cab-free second output.
Would buy this in a heartbeat (in case the price was right), would allow me to take any amp ever made with me in a pocket or on my pedalboard.

Next incarnation would allow for 2 captures being loaded simultaneously (and serially, at least for a start), following the idea that tons and tons of great guitar tones are a combination of whatever pedals with whatever amps.
That device would have to have 2x5 endless encoders, as WYSIWYG is your friend. Should also have two switches, both of which should be configurable in various ways. Might be a good idea to have a remote control jack or even MIDI on this, too.
I would buy this even more than the smaller one, for me that'd be the perfect baseline model when recording or using my pedalboard.
Could be used largely without any menu diving and once you'd have your models and switch layouts sorted, you'd likely never needed to connect it to a computer again, either. Size could still be considerably smaller than the design that was leaked.

Especially in case the latter would be the baseline model, one could build up on it.
For a gig-ready standalone unit, an addtional EQ (for, say, post-boosting) and a simple delay/verb department would likely be sufficient already. Could even work within the same form factor boundaries.
Or you could go big and add all the usual suspects.

Oh, and I'd generally like to be able to load either captures or models.

Thing is, in case the leaked unit was for real, there's plenty of things making absolutely no sense - or at least leaving plenty of things left to be desired. It's not particularly small, not exactly gig-ready for most people (at least not on its own), non-endless encoders are horrible, etc. Pretty much every imaginable user would end up with a compromise of some sorts.
I guess I’m one of said douchebags. You might add here that your secret to tonal bliss was delaying your entire signal 20ms. Maybe those douchebags have made similar mistakes in the past of getting tricked into thinking something weird was awesome only to notice later that it was just weird and a waste of time…. Maybe they were trying to save you the potentially long period of time before you discovered you had messed up. That was my motivation, can’t speak for the others.


I have been doing this $hit for far too long to let someone tell me what I hear and feel. That simple. So yeah, it is a douche move.
You never make rig mistakes, unlike most players. Noted.


I make mistakes all the time. telling someone what they are experiencing audibly if you arent there is beyond silly. I mean "you aren't hearing what your hearing" is pretty funny if you are not in the same room.
I make mistakes all the time. telling someone what they are experiencing audibly if you arent there is beyond silly. I mean "you aren't hearing what your hearing" is pretty funny if you are not in the same room.

It’s more something like “you probably aren’t hearing what you think you are hearing” but by all means carry on if it makes you happy. Maybe even double down on it and delay your whole signal by 100ms or like 2 whole seconds, maybe more is even better…

It’s more something like “you probably aren’t hearing what you think you are hearing” but by all means carry on if it makes you happy. Maybe even double down on it and delay your whole signal by 100ms or like 2 whole seconds, maybe more is even better…


I was thinking 4 full seconds with a Shimmer Reverb at the end. I hope thats ok.
Fwiw, not that anyone would likely be interested, but in case any such a pedal was built to suit my needs, here's some ideas of what it'd be like in various incarnations of complexity.

The most basic pedal would be sized as an Amplifirebox (or similar). Would load exactly one amp at a time, no FX but a gate and that was it.

And that's why I'm leaning toward the Ampli-Firebox Mk II.

It does exactly what you described above and I don't need all of the stuff you mentioned below. The features it has plus the headphone out, that the Dream does not, makes it look like an ideal candidate for a box I can stuff in the pocket of my gig bag and take with me for practice when staying with friends over the weekend.

Headphone out, reverb, noise gate and I'm good.

You may have just pushed me over the edge.

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It does exactly what you described above and I don't need all of the stuff you mentioned below.

No, not really. As a 1-channel, never-being-switched device, it's fine (I use a MkI on my board), but switching sounds is instant nightmare as you're losing all control over any parameter settings.
Besides, why-oh-why did they add a HP out but no interface capability or at least an aux in, the latter costing pennies? I mean, you can't jam along anything with that HP out.
Apart from that, I don't think I'll ever buy something of that company again, their tactics are just too shady.
And btw, all that is a shame, really, because their amp modeling is still up with the best out there IMO.
And that's why I'm leaning toward the Ampli-Firebox Mk II.

It does exactly what you described above and I don't need all of the stuff you mentioned below. The features it has plus the headphone out, that the Dream does not, makes it look like an ideal candidate for a box I can stuff in the pocket of my gig bag and take with me for practice when staying with friends over the weekend.

Headphone out, reverb, noise gate and I'm good.

You may have just pushed me over the edge.


I really want to add one of these to my arsenal. I am waiting on a buddy to come over and jam this week with his NuX Amp Academy though before I decide. I have played through the MKI AFB and really liked it.
I am waiting on a buddy to come over and jam this week with his NuX Amp Academy though before I decide.

I own both an AFB and an AA. The AFB is most often used as a quite clean pedal platform for all things dirty while the AA is used for all clean sounds (with an option to add a bit of hair through some RC Boost clone). And while the clean patch of the AA pretty much grew on me (it's pretty compressing but at least for live that seems to be a good thing), regarding anything else in terms of sound quality, it's almost night and day. For the price, the AA is really nice, but in case you care about great playing dynamics, the AFB still is running circles around it. All strictly IMO, so checking it out is a good idea.
No, not really. As a 1-channel, never-being-switched device, it's fine (I use a MkI on my board), but switching sounds is instant nightmare as you're losing all control over any parameter settings.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but if you use the Amp toggle switch to change presets can't you still use the knobs to make tone and gain adjustments if needed?