Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

February 16: the next stage in the tone revolution​

TONEX has taken the world by storm, inspiring thousands of players to capture and share the best amp and stomp Tones Models possible using IK’s breakthrough AI Machine Modeling technology.

But the next stage is coming… Tune in February 16 to see what happens.

--Source IK Multimedia Newsletter
How has IK Multimedia been generally in terms of taking feedback, implementing user feature requests and that sort of stuff? I'm really hoping they put some more effort into the ToneX app.
How has IK Multimedia been generally in terms of taking feedback, implementing user feature requests and that sort of stuff? I'm really hoping they put some more effort into the ToneX app.
Sometimes really good, sometimes 4 years of silence

February 16: the next stage in the tone revolution​

TONEX has taken the world by storm, inspiring thousands of players to capture and share the best amp and stomp Tones Models possible using IK’s breakthrough AI Machine Modeling technology.

But the next stage is coming… Tune in February 16 to see what happens.

--Source IK Multimedia Newsletter
This is probably a green light for Mitch @ Sweetwater
Monday at noon
i’m not the target audience but other things i’m surprised it doesn’t have:

- more I/O so you can send various signals to poweramps/FOH/unprocessed out/digital etc. Doesn’t have to be loads but having these makes a device so flexible for any situation where you can just chuck a cable in and go.

- FX loop. Maybe not for use in the traditional sense, but it means you can make presets with FX positioned in different places. Also useful when combined with the above and you can tap your signal at different points of the signal chain and send it to an output

- dual amps (maybe it has it but the I/O seems a bit limited to process them differently).

As I said before though, I’m not the target customer. I’d rather use a laptop/iPad with Amplitube for a flexible and recallable rig if ai was so determined to use ToneX captures. Given the amount of other units that would need to get used with this, I wonder if it has a ground switch
I see this as a "fits into any kind of setup" kind of device. You can throw it into a loop on your Helix or Axe III. You can use it to take your amps on tour as a portable rig with a couple of additional pedals, etc.. and honestly, out of all of the profiler/capture boxes, this is the best one.

I'm looking at it as a way to fill in some gaps in the Helix and Axe primarily. Well worth the £400 or whatever it will end up being.
How bad is the Mooer one? Their capture software looks good, but their pedals have a lot of latency usually. Not sure if you can switch with midi
i’m not the target audience but other things i’m surprised it doesn’t have:

- more I/O so you can send various signals to poweramps/FOH/unprocessed out/digital etc. Doesn’t have to be loads but having these makes a device so flexible for any situation where you can just chuck a cable in and go.

- FX loop. Maybe not for use in the traditional sense, but it means you can make presets with FX positioned in different places. Also useful when combined with the above and you can tap your signal at different points of the signal chain and send it to an output

- dual amps (maybe it has it but the I/O seems a bit limited to process them differently).

As I said before though, I’m not the target customer. I’d rather use a laptop/iPad with Amplitube for a flexible and recallable rig if ai was so determined to use ToneX captures. Given the amount of other units that would need to get used with this, I wonder if it has a ground switch
We will have to wait for the full specs to see what it supports in this regard. I went through the IK X-Drive pedal's manual and it basically has the same inputs and outputs, just with different names plastered on them. This is what it supports:
  • Line out without cab sim.
  • Line out with cab sim from the cab sim out (right output on the Tonex).
  • Headphones out with or without cab sims.
  • Cab sims get enabled/disabled globally rather than per input.
  • USB in/out with or without cab sim. Needs to be activated as a separete setting and the Out and Cab Sim Out become L/R channels. USB input supports sending both DI and effected signal.
Ideally the ToneX would have a more refined version of this setup, allowing for mono line out w/o cab sim + mono FOH w/ cab sim for example. TRS in with using one of the outputs as fx loop send would be welcome too but I wouldn't count on it.

Having an fx loop would be nice, but it's not a dealbreaker for me at least. You just need to use something else for headphones if you want to put reverbs/delays after the ToneX. Inconvenience for sure.

Dual amps might happen in the same way UA and Strymon do it, namely the simulation is applied separately to L/R signal (if the input is TRS) but you cannot run model A on left and model B on right. Even on my Fractal I rarely use dual amps even on my Axe-Fx 3 because they are complicated to setup to get sounds truly better than just a single amp so for a product like this, I don't consider a big deal.
How bad is the Mooer one? Their capture software looks good, but their pedals have a lot of latency usually. Not sure if you can switch with midi

No clue about their "X2" unit, but I have the old 4-button Preamp Live. It's a shame, because at least for clean sounds, it was pretty good while it worked.

It's pretty much bricked, after it started giving white noise instead of the actual signal. Fortunately, I bought it used and it was cheap, 120-150 € maybe? Don't remember.

Feature-wise it's decent enough. Amp, Line and XLR outputs (both with separate, optional cab sim!!!), 1/4" headphone out, quick and easy "profiling" (EQ curve matching, actually), FX loop, pre- and post- noise gates, lots of models, desktop and phone apps (trashy, very "Chinese" UI, but useable).Line

I've never used the Midi connection, though, so I can't comment on that.

I remember profiling my LAB Series amps using a clean Fender Twin profile, and A/B-ing through the FX loop sounded 100% spot-on. Took about 5 minutes, which is awesome.

The higher-gain models were all really noisy (I'm a humbucker guy, fwiw), to an extent that I found almost unusable, since its noise gates are rather "conservative" and can ruin the fun a bit.

I once tried profiling an amp with a Catalinbread SFT in front, and it wasn't as exact as capturing clean sounds, still alright for band rehearsal though, maybe even gigging.

EDIT: The Mooer Preamp Live turning into a white noise brick seems to be a common problem, I'm afraid. I did research it further, and there doesn't seem to be a good solution, other than trying a complete wipe - some say it worked for them, some say it didn't (like myself, for instance). Apparently, some of the parts inside have a short lifespan. :(
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The Mooer capture isn't too bad, it's just a while lot of clunk to setup.

There's a quick comparison with a QC capture around 9:30 here.

The Mooer capture isn't too bad, it's just a while lot of clunk to setup.

There's a quick comparison with a QC capture around 9:30 here.

Bummer, doesn't seem to have a way to switch tones from MIDI or remotely in any way. I was looking into this to get my favorite amps into helix, but no go