OK, to be fair, I watched Phil’s product video where he explains the business model and it makes some more sense to me. Not that I’m running out and buying one, but I get the appeal. First off, this guitar will be made in only UP TO 50 units. If they only get orders for 10 of them, that’s all they’ll build. Once the window is closed, thats it. They’ll never make this model again and they start the next model. Sooooo, if being the only kid on the block with a particular guitar is your thing, this may be for you. I’m somewhat that guy and is a reason I love my Knaggs stuff. Although they’ve gotten a little more popular, there still aren’t many in these parts.
Next, they seem to be built to a very high quality. I’ll give Phil this much, he’s nit picky to an aggravating degree. I’ve eye rolled his videos so many times I cant count, because of this reason. So, that WOULD translate to building as close to a perfect instrument in theory. In his video he goes over a few problems he found with the prototype. Each guitar is hand painted by one person. 3 piece quartersawn neck is different, I suppose. High polished nickel frets looked perfect. If Phil is the one doing the QC, I have to say I trust him.
Some of the case candy is goofy and in my opinion makes the guitar hard to take seriously. A backstage pass and a poster of a comic book character with the guitar? Lose that, yesterday.
They’re still up against the market forces I stated above in previous posts and I think that will be hard to overcome. The guitar seems to be a good value for what you’re getting and if you want a sort of custom shop guitar with a very limited buy in, this may be a good option. Any other guitar at this price point will be a well made but assembly line guitar. There are very few choices for customization.
Anyway, I don’t think you’d be throwing your money away but you may be wondering why you didnt just buy Brand X for the same money forever. Thats my 2 cents.