Toneking and McKnight have a guitar company now.


Mmmmm, I dunno. Poked around on their site. Phil doesn’t seem like a bad guy. I used to watch his channel a bit. He falls into the ‘regular guy with an opinion’ category as opposed to the ‘expert in the field I should listen to’ one. Nothing wrong with that, but often times category A tries to come off like category B and I didn’t get that vibe from him. Glen Fricker, this means you.
Looked at their other associates. I have zero reason to buy this guitar and not something built by Grover Jackson or FMIC Jackson for the same money, both of whom I trust and like already. The price point and market are already very saturated for this product and I see little chance for much success.
Wish them well and hope they sell a million. I wouldn’t buy one, though.
Mmmmm, I dunno. Poked around on their site. Phil doesn’t seem like a bad guy. I used to watch his channel a bit. He falls into the ‘regular guy with an opinion’ category as opposed to the ‘expert in the field I should listen to’ one. Nothing wrong with that, but often times category A tries to come off like category B and I didn’t get that vibe from him.
Looked at their other associates. I have zero reason to buy this guitar and not something built by Grover Jackson or FMIC Jackson for the same money, both of whom I trust and like already. The price point and market are already very saturated for this product and I see little chance for much success.
Wish them well and hope they sell a million. I wouldn’t buy one, though.
He doesn't look like someone who would play that guitar.

I am going to go smash something Hulk style and rail at the harsh downturn the world just took. :horse
Why the hate / surprised faces? It's exactly what Phil always says he loves the most, 80s shred guitar.
And the site says it's all made in USA.
The price point and market are already very saturated for this product
That's the first thought I had. But hey, set up a web site, see how many orders you get, start building a few guitars and see how it goes.

Especially with everything going on with the QC, there's no way I'd buy a guitar from a brand new company, and send some company I'd never heard of $1250, without even so much as an endorsement on their website from someone I'd recognize. Not saying that would be enough either, because I'm cautious by nature.
That's the first thought I had. But hey, set up a web site, see how many orders you get, start building a few guitars and see how it goes.

Especially with everything going on with the QC, there's no way I'd buy a guitar from a brand new company, and send some company I'd never heard of $1250, without even so much as an endorsement on their website from someone I'd recognize. Not saying that would be enough either, because I'm cautious by nature.
I want to know who's building em. Friedman guitars are basically Grover Jackson guitars so I'd be good with that. Either show me a history, pedigree or expertise. Not 1m youtube hits. I know youtube famous is a thing, but it doesnt mean you can produce a good guitar. It means you can produce attractive videos. I'd sooner watch their movie before buying this guitar.
Good luck to them for sure, but i hope they did their homework the market is already saturated, everyone and their uncle is making guitars
80's Shred machine ? Sure but most in this demographic already have their 1 or more 80's axe of mass distortion
so :idk
Maybe it's an internal joke between them "Let's see how many we can sell without even telling people WTF it's made of!"