Thinking about selling the Stealth

Thats fine. I'm not speaking to that. All I'm saying is that with res/pres dimed on the Ironheart and the 5153, the Ironheart is bigger and more hifi sounding.
Yeah i guess the thing is a Laney is not ever going to be in the running for me. So my care level is kinda nonexistent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Your other fave the Triple XXX is much more my speed.
Maybe; maybe not? I am not averse to it at all. Dead simple to do. But the only amp that really benefitted from it was a Bugera turd I owned for a few months :bag :barf
I don’t know either JT, but given Shredder77’s issues… that’s where I’d start. I was trying to bond with some DSL’s but having trouble. Too much gain and a bit harsh in the upper registers. I gave a couple to an amp guy that I trust and love here in Austin. He loaded them with some Tung Sols and the entire voice became more musical. Softer. So I’m a firm believer in finding your tubes and speakers… love the results. Peace Bro.
I don’t know either JT, but given Shredder77’s issues… that’s where I’d start. I was trying to bond with some DSL’s but having trouble. Too much gain and a bit harsh in the upper registers. I gave a couple to an amp guy that I trust and love here in Austin. He loaded them with some Tung Sols and the entire voice became more musical. Softer. So I’m a firm believer in finding your tubes and speakers… love the results. Peace Bro.
Yeah I'd his has tube issues with that howl. I've never heard an amp do that in my life.
@deadpool_25 I’m ready to vote.

Perhaps a wake up call might set things straight? I’m against bans too but perhaps a nudge?

It has nothing to do with “darling amps” rather the denigration of those that enjoy them. It’s belittling and narrow minded IMO.
Jesus christ :rofl
This comment has me sooooo tempted to click "show ignored content."

We could all just say we banned him, but keep reading and replying to his posts…
I’m gonna follow your point as I think it’s solid. It’s just disheartening. But I admit, I haven’t always been the best at offering solid posts. But I do try and I do strive to learn and do better. We have some truly awesome folks here. I love that.
I’m gonna follow your point as I think it’s solid. It’s just disheartening. But I admit, I haven’t always been the best at offering solid posts. But I do try and I do strive to learn and do better. We have some truly awesome folks here. I love that.
Oh, I don’t know what to do about it. I’ve got him blocked, but obviously still “show ignore content” enough to have seen the crazy Mooer rant and the “I blocked you but am still reading your posts” stuff. Winter is a rough season! :beer
No acknowledging
Oh, I don’t know what to do about it. I’ve got him blocked, but obviously still “show ignore content” enough to have seen the crazy Mooer rant and the “I blocked you but am still reading your posts” stuff. Winter is a rough season! :beer
I’m sensing a victimhood here rather than owning up. Maybe I’m the same guy when painted in to a corner. I hope not. I sincerely hope he gives our points some thought. I would hope we can be aware enough to forgive human frailties in others and ourselves.
I actually agree with a lot of things Shred has said about the 5153. I never really bonded with 5150 I-III amps either because of their honky midrange and exaggerated compression, especially the III. I already let my EMGs do the midrange honk and compression, I don‘t need or want anything extra.
I actually agree with a lot of things Shred has said about the 5153. I never really bonded with 5150 I-III amps either because of their honky midrange and exaggerated compression, especially the III. I already let my EMGs do the midrange honk and compression, I don‘t need or want anything extra.
5150 is awesome. But the III 50 watter is a sleek utilitarian piece. That got sold :pickle
All 5153s are god tier to me, cheat code for punk and metal. I just need to have words with the designer for the rear power and standy switches, should be sent straight to Arkham honestly.

Using it as a poweramp only is great but the lack of MV always makes me nervous 🤣. If they moved the power switches and added a MV, big oofs
Switches in the back are a total non issue. I guess if you play at home and never move the amp, then yeah I can see that being "annoying" but at gigs, practice etc you have to reach in the back anyway to plug your speaker cable, power, loop cables etc so :idk I just turn the amp on right after plugging everything in.
Yeah any situation like home or studio where you want it semi perm hooked up it’s just annoying. If I was carting it around it’s not so bad in a jam/gig environment
Another day or two and we will all be on Shred’s ignore list. He’ll be in here arguing with his own completely different opinion from the day before.

I actually agree with a lot of things Shred has said about the 5153. I never really bonded with 5150 I-III amps either because of their honky midrange and exaggerated compression, especially the III. I already let my EMGs do the midrange honk and compression, I don‘t need or want anything extra.
I don’t have familiarity with this amp, but was curious if you’ve tried it with anything other than the EMGs, which I moved away from 15 years ago because I felt like they were SUPER compressed. Was just wondering if it’s possible the amp is giving a better look at your pickups.
I think I misunderstood this forum. Its not about gear, but about using gear to make associations with other people.
These broad, negative, condescending generalizations about users here and their intent might be why you are running into trouble.

We have fun here. There is a ton of colorful conversation in which we often poke fun at ourselves and others alike. Typically that stuff stops short of personal attacks but there have definitely been threads where folks get offended and make things personal. Those people tend to not last long here.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm primarily here for gear discussion, and love sharing the experience I've acquired through my own 30 year long raging gear addiction with others. A little humility goes a long way. I'd encourage you to try to relax a bit and maybe not take everything as a personal attack that requires escalation. People are genuinely here to help even if we appear to be a bunch of dump apes throwing feces.
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Gear and a place to hang to pass some time with some cool people. Period. Like anywhere else; there can be cliques. And sometimes people are inevitably going to not get along with other people. Being a self aware grown adult goes a long way in these scenarios. Sometimes a place isn't for everyone and that's ok. Either way if a place is just a glorified product manual/manufacturer support center because a person is purposefully not trying to join in a conversation; that's about as unfun as a place could get.