Thinking about selling the Stealth

[...] Being a self aware grown adult goes a long way in these scenarios. [...]
Shit. I guess I'm out then.

Go Go Go Running GIF
Finally got to try the GB cab.

Arrested Development Tobias GIF

I liked it enough at the home loudish sweet spot but wasn't bowled over. Too murky to my ears and just truncated. I see the obvious pairing with Marshalls working? The Peavey cab is cool. I could see overall taking one for 2x12 purposed but maybe grabbing another one and side by sideing when you feel like face melting? Construction is solid. Not as solid as the EVH 112s though.

At this point; it was a plus cash means to move the Stealth ends and I am good with that. I'll sit on it for a bit and see how I feel. I am thinking 2 redbacks (or something exponentially more powerful) in this PV cab might be a bit more painful :satan We'll see down the road!
You were so close to my rig with the Stealth and Peavey cab. Total missed opportunity :hmm. How's the jack plate/panel? Seems to be the cheapest part of the cab IME.

I'm honestly not suprised you aren't into the Greenbacks. I'm not 100% sold on them either but they've worked well enough so far. Thinking Creambacks since I already have one, or keep them in and never turn the presence control up past 9 o clock on the Stealth.
You were so close to my rig with the Stealth and Peavey cab. Total missed opportunity :hmm. How's the jack plate/panel? Seems to be the cheapest part of the cab IME.

I'm honestly not suprised you aren't into the Greenbacks. I'm not 100% sold on them either but they've worked well enough so far. Thinking Creambacks since I already have one, or keep them in and never turn the presence control up past 9 o clock on the Stealth.
They're fine but not inspiring to me at lower volumes at least? Agree 100% on the jacks and jack switch confidence as well.