Basically; the VII sounded awesome. Even with the wrong tube bias selection

But it was super noisy. And effects weren't coming through as clearly. No idea if that was mental or placebo wtf contributed to that. FM9 was initially "winning" in this comparison (FX fidelity) by a LARGE margin.
I was originally going to use the FM9 in 4cm. I set it up to switch amp channels, switch GR55 presets and engage pre and post effects as needed. I have some humbuster cables but it is still a bit noisier than the Stomp. Not sure why. When switching back and forth and noticed the tube bias switch being wrong; I took a break to reset my ears. Then I went back at it and went between the VII and BL. I set the BL up as a 2 channel amp and the VII the same. Mainly trying to avoid bringing external drives or any need for pre effects and pedal power and floor real estate that comes with all that.
The BL worked great using (generally volume matched) Crunch/Crush settings on channel 1/2. You do all sorts of sh!t with the VII and it's various modes to give you a huge array of variably gained up tones.
I put the Stomp on top of the GR-55 top screen section (just above the preset name text) and put the expression pedal that controls the loop of the Stomp (Trumpet engage) on the right side of the GR55. This small board and whatever amp channel switch to the side will do what I need. For now. As always. Duh