I think part of it is Steven doesn't trust anyone else, runs a small family-centric operation, and doesn't
want to sub-contract out the work. Being constantly overwhelmed with demand, and behind on service
is kind of built into the operation as a result.
For me the issue with Fryette has been always the service part. Not answering emails, then if you do get a communication going they might just stop answering out of the blue. They do seem to work like an old fashioned mom&pop store where you have to call in, which is not something I'm going to do all the way from Finland.
I've seen posts that mentioned the difficulty some have had with service. It's been a real issue.
I've been fortunate in that however I sought to communicate with Fryette, and the times when I did, I was able to get my concerns addressed expeditiously.
I've read some real horror stories over at the other place about people who ordered amps or pedals from small builders and received no communication and didn't get what they had ordered for more than a year if ever, and sometimes got no replies, no gear, and their money was lost. I'm thinking of SOB strings which I loved or Shad at Bludotone. There are several others.
With Fryette the concerns have centered around service after purchase. They have not been universal but have been notable in number. As with any company, on gear forums we tend to read posts about the bad experiences. Not too many people post about their positive experiences with getting their gear repaired.
But yes, as I understand it service at Fryette has been a mixed bag and a truly negative experience for some. I'm not here to defend them or make excuses, only to say that I really like their gear and have been able to interact with their support in a way that was satisfactory and timely.
The problematic interactions are not universal. As mentioned before, if I was living out of the USA these concerns would weigh more heavily and would be taken into account when considering purchasing one of their products. You may be on your own regarding repairs that will be at your own expense and may be frustrated if you want to get your gear fixed under warranty in an expeditious manner.
To some this is unacceptable. I fully understand that.
All I'm saying is that hasn't been my experience nor that of many other satisfied Fryette gear owners. My Sig:X and Deliverance 120 deliver tones and feel that aren't Marshall, Fender, or Mesa clones and to me that has a distinct value. I'm truly happy with their gear.
Hopefully exchanges like ours will encourage them to be mindful of the concerns about service and will inspire increased attention to customer satisfaction in this area.