Starting to take shape (Pedalboard build rev0.5’ish)

Latest revision, with a couple changes.

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First impressions with a couple of the EHX classics.

Bad Stone = Solid. Sounds good. I’m not a huge phaser guy but it has a nice vibe to it after a quick play through.

Small Clone = Absolute dog shit. It’s too early to draw definitive conclusions, (probably not) but I’m confident to say there is no way I’d ever engage that pedal over the Deco. (Which is my favorite chorus pedal)

I’d imagine the SC is going to have a quick exit when the Reverbatron5000 lands later in the week.

As usual the Goldent Ratio > Deco > Dig > Blackhole stack gets shit done. Excited to dig back into analog land. 🤘
Very nice board! I have a Small Clone too... it's noisy, does a few sounds well but nothing is gonna blow your socks off. I rarely use it to be honest because I have better options too. If I buy another reverb pedal the Blackhole is first on the list -- love the plugin version.
Very nice board! I have a Small Clone too... it's noisy, does a few sounds well but nothing is gonna blow your socks off. I rarely use it to be honest because I have better options too. If I buy another reverb pedal the Blackhole is first on the list -- love the plugin version.

Thanks man. Yeah I’m going to kick the tires on it a bit more tomorrow. It didnt impress me out of the gate, but I’m a bit of cork sniffer when it comes to chorus. I think I’ll probably just upgrade my make-a-wish 3rd Dimension pedal with a Dimension C. (Or roll the dice on the Jam Waterfalls)

The Blackhole is just a superb reverb. I like it so much I’ve considering dumping it to offset the ransom on an H90 to see what else Eventide has cooked up. :ROFLMAO: I really like this though because it’s simple to control and such a great singular sound.

Nice! :beer

Seems like the great EHX pedals are timeless, and then there are the others. :wat

Yeah a lot of these EHX’s are just vibe machines. The SC is the first to underwhelm, but you have to crack a few eggs to make on omelet, or something. :ROFLMAO: Never too late to figure out the classics are classic for a reason. Haha
Reverbatron5000 in the house. Its morphing into a proper board now. 🤘


  • Figure out expression control on the Reverbatron and get a longer cable to run it on the other side. It’s like brushing your teeth with the left hand atm.
Random thoughts
  • Flip the WOM for an Elastic Matress, which might allow room for another pedal on the bottom row.
  • There may be just enough vertical space to squeeze in a QuarterMaster 10 switcher, or run an MX10 underneath.
  • Sell the BH, put the Dispatch in the closet and squeeze in an H90.
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I figured I wouldn’t clog the Favorite Pedals thread with my own bullshit pedal build.

First wave of new pedals in the door yesterday. POG, OpAmp Big Muff, and Walking On the Moon.

POG doing poggy things. No complaints. Big Muff doing that Siamese Dream thing perfectly. I’ve owned both of these before so no surprises. I didn’t get hip to the Elastic Mattress pedal until after ordering the Walking On The Moon, which is supposedly just the Electric Mistress rebranded. (Though seeing Andy Summers on it adds to the vibe right :ROFLMAO: ) Super dope tones nonetheless. Im pleasantly surprised, that was kind of a last second stocking stuffer I threw in on the order (ya know, for the effort) and it’s kind of cool.

Current rotation. Probably gonna run the board with just the SD1 on OD duty for a bit to free up space on the Cioks.

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The board will start taking shape over the weekend as The Strymon’ing begins. Dig v2 should be here today, and Deco v2 tomorrow. I’ve owned both so know what I’m getting. (V1’s at least) Dig is my favorite delay pedal I’ve ever owned and the Deco is kind of Strymon’s hidden gem. Believe it or not it’s actually my favorite chorus pedal lol. Lo-fi tones are dope. Curious to try the tape saturation with the $80 tone knob, because it was generally way too dark on V1.

Needs (Insert Farley)
  • Compressor and/or a clean boost. (sweetener) Might resort to using the Tumnus as boost in the interim, but I’m running out of spots in the Cioks QC7
  • An expansion to the QC7
  • More delays and verbs
Saturday Night Live Television GIF

  • I’m pretty much a delay fiend, though I’m intentionally not going too crazy there yet because I want to spend some time with Dig/Deco. DMM, Halo, or El Cap all in the running for “next”.
I need to find some decent patch cables. These thin ones I have (I hate the 1/4” ones) get mangled super quick when having to twist them for the top jack to side jack connections. I need to google, maybe they make some thin line ones where the connectors are are the opposite side on either end.

Time to break out the pedal train board which I never thought I’d ever use after abandoning my last build a few year ago.

Lets Go Start GIF
Nice! How would you rate the TC Electronics Dimension? On par with Boss? I’ve been eyeing that for some time….
Reverbatron5000 in the house. Its morphing into a proper board now. 🤘

View attachment 24609

  • Figure out expression control on the Reverbatron and get a longer cable to run it on the other side. It’s like brushing your teeth with the left hand atm.
Random thoughts
  • Flip the WOM for an Elastic Matress, which might allow room for another pedal on the bottom row.
  • There may be just enough vertical space to squeeze in a QuarterMaster 10 switcher, or run an MX10 underneath.
  • Sell the BH, put the Dispatch in the closet and squeeze in an H90.
Is this a Terra 42?
Just saw your response to @JiveTurkey but anything you’d like to add? Your thoughts and settings? Any tone suck?

It’s a solid chorus and pretty hard to beat for the price. I didn’t notice any notable tone suck. I’ve never owned a proper Dimension C so I don’t have much of a comparison point beyond models of it. I only dropped it off the board to regain some real estate since the Deco is my primary chorus pedal.
Endured a pretty shitty week, but finally got a moment to do something semi-fun, and redid the board.


Bottom row running mono into the front of the Jazz Chorus. Top row is running in stereo. Holy shit the amount of cabling to run stereo, but it’s awesome to hear everything moving and shifting. Very cool.

Need to get stuck in on the new pedals when I have some more time.
Endured a pretty shitty week, but finally got a moment to do something semi-fun, and redid the board.

View attachment 25252

Bottom row running mono into the front of the Jazz Chorus. Top row is running in stereo. Holy shit the amount of cabling to run stereo, but it’s awesome to hear everything moving and shifting. Very cool.

Need to get stuck in on the new pedals when I have some more time.

Noice!!! :chef

I'd Wet/dry that setrup sometime. :banana
@Whizzinby How are you liking the Volente?

I refrained from commenting on it earlier because my first impression was bleh. Luckily I did because when I went back to play it the second time I realized I had the speed switch set to half. :facepalm Once I fixed that I was able to dial in a really nice base delay. I’m kind of figuring out the face controls. Smidge of mechanics, and wear on studio mode with the golden ratio selected is super nice. Need to screw around with the silver ratio. I also actually kinda like the spring reverb on it. I’m not a spring guy, but adding just a touch of it really rounds out the tone, especially if not using a verb down chain. So far so good! (And I haven’t really messed with any of the head and feedback buttons, just have the 4th head selected for both for the time being)

@Whizzinby what's your thoughts on the electric mattress vs walking on the moon?

It doesn’t sound decidedly worse than the WOTM. (How’s that for an endorsement! lol)

I had the week from hell so I havent shot them out yet, but I primarily got the Mattress to recover some board real estate (and the ability to run it in stereo, and extra controls) but it doesn’t jump out to me as “better” tonally than the WOTM, which I found to be an insta-vibe machine. That said, it still sounds good and I’ll bet they are super close when I get around to shooting them out. Probably all in my head. LOL

Noice!!! :chef

I'd Wet/dry that setrup sometime. :banana

I already have ideas. :p
Endured a pretty shitty week, but finally got a moment to do something semi-fun, and redid the board.

View attachment 25252

Bottom row running mono into the front of the Jazz Chorus. Top row is running in stereo. Holy shit the amount of cabling to run stereo, but it’s awesome to hear everything moving and shifting. Very cool.

Need to get stuck in on the new pedals when I have some more time.
That Deco be like:
Cat Balance GIF
I refrained from commenting on it earlier because my first impression was bleh. Luckily I did because when I went back to play it the second time I realized I had the speed switch set to half. :facepalm Once I fixed that I was able to dial in a really nice base delay. I’m kind of figuring out the face controls. Smidge of mechanics, and wear on studio mode with the golden ratio selected is super nice. Need to screw around with the silver ratio. I also actually kinda like the spring reverb on it. I’m not a spring guy, but adding just a touch of it really rounds out the tone, especially if not using a verb down chain. So far so good! (And I haven’t really messed with any of the head and feedback buttons, just have the 4th head selected for both for the time being)

It doesn’t sound decidedly worse than the WOTM. (How’s that for an endorsement! lol)

I had the week from hell so I havent shot them out yet, but I primarily got the Mattress to recover some board real estate (and the ability to run it in stereo, and extra controls) but it doesn’t jump out to me as “better” tonally than the WOTM, which I found to be an insta-vibe machine. That said, it still sounds good and I’ll bet they are super close when I get around to shooting them out. Probably all in my head. LOL

I already have ideas. :p
Once you dive into the heads (especially true in stereo) the Volante really stretches its legs. A wet/dry/wet solution would showcase it. I’m working on getting my w/d/w setup going. Just need another cab. The delays I’ll use will be the Volente and Boss EVH unit. Yes, the reverb used tastefully add depth and indeed, rounds it out is a great way to describe it. I, too, use things like mechanics, wow and flutter on the easy side but the age settings vary according to desire.

If you bond with it and keep it, you may want to consider looking at the following:
