stop going in circles on complicated gear that you'll just get wound up with and use individual fx pedals you old batA bunch of idle questions - with the VP4, can you change the current mode via midi? Can you tap the tempo via a midi CC? What do people think of the spillover performance? Does it match the Axe3?
Can you rearrange the ordering of the pedals so that the processing goes 4>3>2>1 ?
What are the various options for the hold modifier on each button?
Can you activate the tuner from a midi CC? Can you set the tuner to automatically mute when it opens?
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I'm wondering if I can do this, and use the MC6 for the following:
A == scene mode
B == stomp mode
C == tap tempo
D == preset mode
E == empty
F == tuner
My Mark V footswitch would sit on the floor off to the side of the board.
Fuckin' Silky Kilroy!stop going in circles on complicated gear that you'll just get would up with and use individual fx pedals you old bat
Nah, the more I think about it, the VP4 is really hitting that right spot in terms of simplicity versus flexibility.
I hear you. If the HX effects had the fractal delays and reverbs it would be all I'd use with my amps. The fractal effects keep me with the vp4, but the lack of stereo output in 4cm (i like stereo rigs) and the lack of an amp-switching relay muted my initially very positive feelings for this unit. It's just not as practical as I'd like it to be.I've been 50/50 on the VP4 since I got it and may end up selling soon. Part of my thinking is to see where they go with the platform and sell it later if other things grab my attention. The VP4 is super convenient to configure for mono vs. stereo to amps or 4CM at the end of a pedalboard chain. However, there is a tone change through the DSP that is pretty subtle and probably nothing as a fault with the I/O and AD design, but for my ears is more noticeable than Strymon or other pedals I own with ADT. If I'm going to have that result, I'd rather use an all-in-one modeler or the full featured FM9 as a pedalboard.
The Source Audio stuff all sounds great. The Collider I really enjoyed and I sold it to @Snags in the end I think. I don't really remember why. I know their pedals don't really work very in the context of a midi switching multi-preset rig; their spillover from preset to preset is basically nonexistent, and the Collider even had weird artifacts when switch that basically meant you needed to just use it for one sound per-song.I'm going the other way with the VP4 now tbh. I'm concerned there'll be too much to tweak! I'm primarily going to use it for delay and reverb and I'm thinking a source audio collider might suit me better. Or wildcard going back to a MXR M300 (another pedal that I don't know why I sold) and a Boss DD200.
However, there is a tone change through the DSP that is pretty subtle and probably nothing as a fault with the I/O and AD design, but for my ears is more noticeable than Strymon or other pedals I own with ADT.
Which tbh... fits right in with the 'Keep It Simple Stupid' philosophy. If you take their pedals as a "I hit this switch, it gives ms this sound" scenario, then they work very well and sound bloomin' great - easily up there with the best of them for delay and reverb, but even their non-spatial effects are good.
I've been 50/50 on the VP4 since I got it and may end up selling soon. Part of my thinking is to see where they go with the platform and sell it later if other things grab my attention. The VP4 is super convenient to configure for mono vs. stereo to amps or 4CM at the end of a pedalboard chain. However, there is a tone change through the DSP that is pretty subtle and probably nothing as a fault with the I/O and AD design, but for my ears is more noticeable than Strymon or other pedals I own with ADT. If I'm going to have that result, I'd rather use an all-in-one modeler or the full featured FM9 as a pedalboard.
Have you considering running it through a parallel mixer w/kill-dry enabled?
I have not - but may give that a try soon.