SoOOoN (Neural DSP Nano Cortex)

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About 1998 through 2008. We mainly sold the higher end stuff like the Reference and the in-wall and in-ceiling stuff.

Those were high times! They didn't join the race to the bottom in earnest until a few years after the crash.
Bet you $100 I did the mech design on those in-walls an in-ceilings you displayed.

We designed and developed the original copper woofer cone line with the black dustcaps and then the next
iteration with the inverted copper dustcaps.

That f-@#$%$#@#$%#$%-ing swiveling tractrix horn tweeter used in the inwalls......... :cuss:cuss:cuss
About 1998 through 2008.

Part of the original doc pkg for the custom molded & stamped woofer baskets they used.

Check out the date I created the doc! October 1998. :LOL:

Tooling's paid for! Our cost is suddenly less!

This is the very definition of an NRE that's been fully amortized.

Oh! R&D's paid for! Our cost is suddenly less!

If the R&D is in-house and an on-going overhead it's not listed as a project specific NRE - non recurring expense.

If you subbed out the R&D for the project and had it amortized along with the tooling then it is an NRE and your
SKU piece price would come down accordingly once the amortization is complete.

Not to harp but you sorta kicked it in with the "Yeah, that's not how it's done" reply - which came across pretty snarky.
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Warning ..... annoyed rant ..... nothing at all to do with for / against the NC ... its about the Y/T's and their gear-gasm's

It probably happens all the time, but this time it seemed to be on a whole 'nother level.

All the "big" Y/T guitar reviews / influencers were posting pre-release videos - sometimes for days - claiming they knew nothing about the NC and speculating on what it might or might not be ...then BAM .... the embargo is lifted and they [all] within 6 - 12 hours after release had recorded, edited and released gear-gasm'ing / game changing video's about the NC.

There were 3 or 4 key people who I really admire but have lost a good deal of my respect ......... as if they care about people like me ..... I'm under no illusions !

In short .... i.m.h.o .....they were lying to build up the "monstrous greatness" of the NC

For some reason this made my guts chirn more than usual.

I can only assume that NDSP paid these people in cash or kind enough to "perform this pole dance" for them.

I get they've got to make a living .... but f%ck me .... this has ... i.m.h.o ... put a good deal of them well and truly into "shill" territory, when many of those very same people have explicitly tried and claimed to build their credibility as not be shill's.

Anyway .... rant over.

I can only assume that NDSP paid these people in cash or kind enough to "perform this pole dance" for them.

The ones with large audiences also get paid a good chunk by the big box retailers who need to move product.

25 years ago you learned about new gear via guitar magazines which were filled with full page ads and reviews.

Now it's Youtube. The content creators are basically modern day salesmen.
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The ones with large audiences also get paid a good chunk by the big box retailers who need to move product.

25 years ago you learned about new gear via guitar magazines which were filled with full page ads and reviews.

Now it's Youtube. The content creators are basically modern day salesmen these days.
More importantly......

It probably happens all the time, but this time it seemed to be on a whole 'nother level.

All the "big" Y/T guitar reviews / influencers were posting pre-release videos - sometimes for days - claiming they knew nothing about the NC and speculating on what it might or might not be ...then BAM .... the embargo is lifted and they [all] within 6 - 12 hours after release had recorded, edited and released gear-gasm'ing / game changing video's about the NC.
I only saw HW do that and who knows if he actually did have the unit ahead of time. Feel free to pm me instead of name and shaming cause this is kind of fascinating haha. If this is really happening that is a new layer of "wtf is going on".

The Andertons video suggested that this was meant to come out at the "Soon" NAMM... and they also said it must be august 26 (or some date late in august) because your youtube is full of NC videos... either way people knew about this months and months ago. So making a speculation video a week or so ago when you knew months ago is truly weird. There are so many other ways to get clicks circulating around the topic, choosing to pretend you dont know is not a good look imo (for instance you can just say lets round up the speculations on the internet... you're not injecting your own false predictions in there).
I only saw HW do that and who knows if he actually did have the unit ahead of time. Feel free to pm me instead of name and shaming cause this is kind of fascinating haha. If this is really happening that is a new layer of "wtf is going on".

The Andertons video suggested that this was meant to come out at the "Soon" NAMM... and they also said it must be august 26 (or some date late in august) because your youtube is full of NC videos... either way people knew about this months and months ago. So making a speculation video a week or so ago when you knew months ago is truly weird. There are so many other ways to get clicks circulating around the topic, choosing to pretend you dont know is not a good look imo (for instance you can just say lets round up the speculations on the internet... you're not injecting your own false predictions in there).

They knew , people saw pictures of it at NAMM.
I would also say the LA footage in their Film was likely done last January when they put up the SOON sign in their booth
Its doubtful they would have flown those 2 back to LA to Film 10 mins footage, so all the inside YouTubers knew I would bet
You mean like THIS fucking guy, looking like he’s playing a gig, with all the flashing lights, guitar faces, etc… ALL BY HIMSELF?

Goddamn toolbags. 😂

I really like Rabea as a person and player - based purely on his Y/T presence - Idk ... maybe in real life he is a totaly douche .... but I doubt it .... he usually seems very genuine.

But yeah ... I hadn't seen ^this^ video .... it is dead-set, out of the ball-park, a combination of cringingly embarrassing, totally contrived and lacking any degree of self-awareness ..... by NDSP and Rabea.

Like I said .... i.m.h.o .... this product release has really just taken the whole Y/T influencer / reviewer thing to a whole new level of incredulity and bald-faced lying ... there isn't even a veneer or pretense any more .... NDSP clearly pays it puppets very well to dance for them .... which is of course their right.

But hey ... w.t.a.f do I know.

Yeah. It’s sad. But maybe only to a certain group of people, idk. I tend to accept, and tolerate all the twists and turns social media takes even if I sometimes don’t understand it. It’s apparent that this, the latest, is very much pushing the boundaries again. The people we liked for reasons turns out to do the opposite things of what we thought.

But mostly that is on us. It’s our own expectations and views that we put on people that we don’t really know. And when they break our image of them… we get disappointed, but they didn’t mean to, or they didn’t care or calculated that they might step on some of their fans toes. We can’t really hold them accountable because our own view of them.

I to, don’t really like what Rabbea have “become”. I prefer the old Rabbea. But this is what he likes to do. Sadly we have to accept it. I agree the content is cringy, but not to him and his many fans. Just look at the comments. Everyone is cheering him on. Good for him.

That example makes me feel more like I’m old and left behind and I’m not even expected to like that. It’s not for me. Kinda like that.
@norminal @BenIfin @James Freeman

Out of curiosity, what should Rabea being doing in order to not be a cringe puppet toolbag or whatever?

Seems to me he's made a playthrough video of one of his songs, with high production values and modern editing. Where is the crime exactly??

Not trying to be a douche just for the sake of it, but I'm genuinely curious what you guys (and other people here) actually want to see from Youtubers who demo guitar gear?

I watched that video yesterday. I quite liked it as a song, and the video semi reminded me of one that I did a long time ago now for a ThorpyFX Fallout Cloud demo.
@norminal @BenIfin @James Freeman

Out of curiosity, what should Rabea being doing in order to not be a cringe puppet toolbag or whatever?

Seems to me he's made a playthrough video of one of his songs, with high production values and modern editing. Where is the crime exactly??

Not trying to be a douche just for the sake of it, but I'm genuinely curious what you guys (and other people here) actually want to see from Youtubers who demo guitar gear?

I watched that video yesterday. I quite liked it as a song, and the video semi reminded me of one that I did a long time ago now for a ThorpyFX Fallout Cloud demo.
The point I tried to make is that it’s we ourselves that have opinions and expectations on content creators. They don’t always live up to that. Again. It’s not their fault we don’t always like it.

Personally I prefer reviews that’s more like GuitarJon does, or Leon Todd, or Michael Banfield, Brett Kingman etc etc. But im not mad at Rabbea for not doing it like that anymore or very seldom these days, I just choose my content and what I want to see.
Where is the crime exactly??
Being so unauthentic it insults the intelligence of many, leading to never wanting to watch geartubers again, not just him.

Out of curiosity, what should Rabea being doing in order to not be a cringe puppet toolbag or whatever?

For example, this in my opinion is a more ELEGANT and "transparent" way of doing product placement with entertainment value:

Right, so its aesthetics then basically. Which is fine. But I don't see how those differences amount to him being a toolbag or a puppet. Stephen Carpenter is a case in point, because he goes through gear like no one's business!!

Personally I like Rabea's channel and I watch his stuff often.

Now if we were talking about Henning or Glenn Fricker....
team america vomit GIF
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