SoOOoN (Neural DSP Nano Cortex)

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Ugh, I hope that thing is just some fake. I do not want a mini QC without a touchscreen or one that is entirely app controlled. Might as well use a plugin at that point.
I could see the value of this type of a unit if paired with a streamlined Bluetooth app / editor.

All depends on pricing &, of course, feature set.

If it can run a single signal lane and has access to all the blocks on the QC, it'll probably work well for a lot of people especially if PCOM lands here.

I could see some folks putting this in their bag, go to a gig and run the Nameless amp and a Matchless clean etc, a delay block, OD and comp and call it a job done.
Whilst we don't know what this is, given the massive, universal success and "everywhere'ness" of the Helix Stomp .... I would have thought some sort of "baby / nano" QC equivalent of the Stomp would have been a total no-brainer and fly out the door (?)

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LED rings = yay, standard pots (no endless encoders) = nay!

Quoting myself, but just thought about that again: *IF* you already have LED readouts, how could you even remotely think about *NOT* using endless pots?!?
Yeah, I hate standard pots on a digital device as much as it gets already - but I do in fact understand why they exist. They might be cheaper (not because of part prices but considering the work it takes to properly implement them), but in the first place, you need a readout for encoders, so that might rule them out on many devices. But once the readouts are there, only a moron would still use standard pots.
Ugh, I hope that thing is just some fake. I do not want a mini QC without a touchscreen or one that is entirely app controlled. Might as well use a plugin at that point.

Depending on the limitations, I don't think the lack of a screen would be a showstopper for me. Think along the lines of a Pod Express, you really don't need a display to operate the thing.
However, I think it'd be a decent idea to at least add a simple 3 (or more) digit display. To display patch numbers, parameter values, FX types and what not. Just to help a little with orientation (IMO the Kemper Player would defenitely be a much better device with such a display, too).
Depending on the limitations, I don't think the lack of a screen would be a showstopper for me. Think along the lines of a Pod Express, you really don't need a display to operate the thing.
However, I think it'd be a decent idea to at least add a simple 3 (or more) digit display. To display patch numbers, parameter values, FX types and what not. Just to help a little with orientation (IMO the Kemper Player would defenitely be a much better device with such a display, too).

Let's assume that pic posted is real. It looks like its features could be something like this:
  • 2 or 4 scenes per preset. Either you toggle between scene A and B with footswitches, or each footswitch can toggle between A/B and C/D. Maybe hold to change presets, activate tuner etc.
  • Dedicated controls for Gain and output Level.
  • 4 knobs you can assign to control parameters, similar to Eventide H90 or a shitty version of Fractal's Performance view.
  • 3 buttons up top that might be quick toggles for some states, maybe programmable.
  • Two other buttons for maybe some secondary functions or setup
  • Not quite sure what all the horizontal LED rows represent. Presets, scenes, levels maybe.
You quickly run into issues where you have no idea of the full picture other than what you hear. You'd have to pull up your phone, connect it and check your preset. In a live situation that means you need to remember a whole lot more than glancing at a screen where you can see your preset and scene assignments.

In pedals with presets this is much easier as you likely have a low number of presets, and you mostly build your current sound out of their combinations instead of "one thing switches everything".

My Luminite M1 has a touchscreen that is only 3.5" and that would be easily enough to control something like the a mini QC with half the DSP, so not being able to fit one isn't a good excuse for not having a touchscreen.
You quickly run into issues where you have no idea of the full picture other than what you hear.

See, I absolutely agree with you. And it's one of the reasons why I'm not particularly interested in a Kemper Player, either (at least not in a price range that I could as well find a Toaster for).
But then, in case they kept it simple and tried to come up with a really competive price, I'd likely be just fine with that - I mean, you could perhaps even buy a 2nd hand smartphone for 50 bucks just to operate the thing. Keep it in the same case and everything's fine.
Maybe this will be marketed as Rabbeas favorite toy and pictured falsely as some kind of live players mini QC dream on pedalboards, but in fact all it will do is end up on every streamers/tiktokers/instagrammers desktop making reels and shorts.

Oth… it wouldn’t exactly be strange with products tailored towards that… whether we like it or not.
See, I absolutely agree with you. And it's one of the reasons why I'm not particularly interested in a Kemper Player, either (at least not in a price range that I could as well find a Toaster for).
But then, in case they kept it simple and tried to come up with a really competive price, I'd likely be just fine with that - I mean, you could perhaps even buy a 2nd hand smartphone for 50 bucks just to operate the thing. Keep it in the same case and everything's fine.
Yeah the Kemper Player is a big nope for me for the same reason.

I could see this maybe working if you could use those knobs to control whatever you have selected in your app. The smartphone becomes your screen for overview and selecting stuff and the knobs make it more palatable to operate than virtual sliders and whatnot. Then it becomes kind of like a QC with an external screen and less knobs (which just means more pages of controls).
I could see this maybe working if you could use those knobs to control whatever you have selected in your app. The smartphone becomes your screen for overview and selecting stuff and the knobs make it more palatable to operate than virtual sliders and whatnot. Then it becomes kind of like a QC with an external screen and less knobs (which just means more pages of controls).

I would actually pretty much expect it to work that way. At least it's like that in the HX-universe, whatever you select in the editor is automatically selected on the hardware, too.
But uhm, as they already messed the encoder thing up (by not using encoders), they might as well mess this up, too. In fact, any proper communication between app and device is already severely crippled by those stupid pots, because once you edit on the mobile device, touching the knobs will cause parameter jumps (seriously, just reading this is making me cringe - and hoping the leaked picture is not the real deal).
end up on every streamers/tiktokers/instagrammers desktop making reels and shorts.
Quote myself…. As a homeplayer that may also be the only viable way to share or give from oneself to others in the hopes that it at least makes someone out there happy… for 30 seconds. I accept they put their thumb on me and drag me out of view the moment they’re done. See me see me hear me hear me… now swipe me away like garbage please!
These kind of mini products are there to facilitate the people who can't or won't go the whole hog and get one of the big boy modellers, and they address people who don't want to be tied down to a single eco-system. The people who have pedalboards full of Boss, Strymon, Meris, Digitech, etc etc... who want a good solution for going direct at a gig or at home when they're playing or recording.

Quite a few people here and on guitar forums in general, are fully invested in the digital modelling world, and you've more or less aligned yourselves with brand N or brand F or brand L... and that's pretty much the tick-box checked for you.

But there's an entire world of guitar players out there who don't post on forums, and who don't operate the way that this crowd does.
These kind of mini products are there to facilitate the people who can't or won't go the whole hog and get one of the big boy modellers, and they address people who don't want to be tied down to a single eco-system. The people who have pedalboards full of Boss, Strymon, Meris, Digitech, etc etc... who want a good solution for going direct at a gig or at home when they're playing or recording.

Quite a few people here and on guitar forums in general, are fully invested in the digital modelling world, and you've more or less aligned yourselves with brand N or brand F or brand L... and that's pretty much the tick-box checked for you.

But there's an entire world of guitar players out there who don't post on forums, and who don't operate the way that this crowd does.
Looking at Reddit where you have a different demographic, it's easy to see why e.g the Tonex One is a hit. It's cheap and sounds good. The cost is by far the biggest factor.

I may curse the Tonex software and the mini size pedal with fiddly knobs to hell, but for many it's a practical option to get a good sound into headphones for little money. They'll just put up with its quirks and the software.

I think "QC for less" will appeal in a similar way. I just wish the actual product is practical like the full size QC.
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