Been a good weekend, played a few hours but didn’t want to overdo it kinda. Happy with the ACS1 choice, it’s a solid amp foundation I think.

So this is a first plan. Exchanged an old ditto for the new one and also got the TC Infinity sustainer (wich I have been wanting to try). Infinity works darn good and sucks in everything I send into it and sustains it. A cool thing is that it seems to be able to use its tone print reverbs when a sample is going, unlike other “hold reverb” pedals. I couldn’t find a cable for it but I will dive into it to see if I can customize the tone print to a cool reverb for my taste.

Carcosa will be on there for sure, just trying to see what madness it wants to be fed with. The Walrus ambient is indeed nice, great value there. Dreamy and lush. But I don’t think it will be a first in chain reverb.

Next project in the week is to see wich of my two old Boss overdrives goes on there. OD-3 and SD-2. Don’t think I’ll use both.

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Beautiful!!!! Needs more pedals!!!! All drives!!!!! Moar!!!!!MOAR!!!!!!!!!!
Almost done. Waiting on Phaser and a few wires.
Always wanted to do an all-Boss board.

Picked up a used and pretty cheap Catalinbread DLS MK3 as a birthday present for a close friend today (we have a tradition of gifting each other one pedal per year).

Needless to say, I had to give it a try when I got home. In Super Bass mode and on 18V, of course.

This thing is really cool as a preamp!

If it weren't for my Model T style pre, I'd probably have to get another for myself just as well.

Takes pedals like a real amp would, gets LOUD and "feels open" and "amp-like". Also, no noise issues at all.


I can only recommend.
Don’t wanna start a thread and as this thread definitely isn’t like the one in T.O.P I guess we could fill out… with filler… stuff… nonsense.

Aaaaaanyhow… testing out my old OD-3 and SD-2. Haven’t used since pre HX Stomp, and probably longer.


Hard to choose between them.

OD-3: sounds great, pretty flat, there’s a low and high cut, it emphasizes the mids in my tele, but I’d consider it pretty “transparent” and flat compared to TS like pedals. Very smooth and creamy breakup and clipping structure when gain turned up. The clipping also fades/decays very evenly and gradually. I think it has good “harmonic” qualities.

SD-2: Crunch mode is even more flat, boosts everything kinda, gain is not as smooth, kinda more rough around the edges and there’s a fast decay between clipping to clean, kinda glassy.
Lead mode: distortion…. A good distortion I think. It chugs away on the bridge pickup easily. I think it’s quite flat sounding, def not like a ds-1.

There can only be one on the board. I’m leaning towards OD-3 here because it feels just right and the humble mid push seems to fit my setup. Could be used as an always on thing also.

Guess I could hit 2 birds with SD-2, def like the lead mode, but I doubt I’d use the crunch mode often because it basically only adds its weird clipping.

But I have time… going to give it a few days or a week, A/B them.