Should I buy a QC?

I thought certain effect types got better over time. Chorus being one. They added a bunch of good chorus options. I though their OD’s were pretty good from the jump. The bonked Flanger got replaced by a decent one. The Freeze was a good addition.

I found most of the delays to be average, but the Dual Delay they added was nice. Probably the best of the bunch. Imo

The Spring reverb is trash, (but I’m not a huge spring reverb guy) and I found most of the other reverbs to be sort of blah.

Def a weak point of the device. Needs more variety.
I agree the Dreamscape chorus and MXR 117 and Dual Delay were nice adds

With Corus 2.0 it appears they are going to have a Desktop editor
New file manager , ir block
Hybrid mode. That should make a lot of people happy

Technically if they pull that off really the plug in compatibility is the last big thing I think from 2 years ago
I’m tired of all the updates to my Fractal. Can I move to a more stable platform like QC? Pros/cons?
I haven't read through all of the pages yet, but here are my personal thoughts on the QC vs Fractal.

Small footprint for easy portability.
Nice amp list.
Ability to "capture" your real amps.
Good routing options.
Touch screen and rotary switches that feel high quality.

No desktop editor (BIG con for my workflow)
Need good wifi for updates (doesn't allow you to download update to desktop and load into the unit)
Amp modeling sounds good depending on the model, but isn't as accurate as Fractal (when comparing both units to my real amps)
Can feel a little sterile under the fingers.
Uses wall wart vs IEC cable for power. (An IEC would feel more "road proof" and is easier to replace than a wall wart if the thin cable gets damaged)

I know several people who swear by their QCs, so it's a great fit for some. I need to make some captures to see if that narrows the gap a bit for my personal needs.
I haven't read through all of the pages yet, but here are my personal thoughts on the QC vs Fractal.

Small footprint for easy portability.
Nice amp list.
Ability to "capture" your real amps.
Good routing options.
Touch screen and rotary switches that feel high quality.

No desktop editor (BIG con for my workflow)
Need good wifi for updates (doesn't allow you to download update to desktop and load into the unit)
Amp modeling sounds good depending on the model, but isn't as accurate as Fractal (when comparing both units to my real amps)
Can feel a little sterile under the fingers.
Uses wall wart vs IEC cable for power. (An IEC would feel more "road proof" and is easier to replace than a wall wart if the thin cable gets damaged)

I know several people who swear by their QCs, so it's a great fit for some. I need to make some captures to see if that narrows the gap a bit for my personal needs.

Welcome to the forum, Justin! Great to have you here!

fretworn's post was being sarcastic, but the dude disappeared before he could set that straight. :rofl
Oh well. Hopefully my post is helpful to someone else with the same question.
I do think captures are the calling card for the QC. If I were looking for the best modeler solely for amp models....idk why you wouldn't give the fractal line or line 6 a look first.

But yeah I think id choose QC over Kemper tbh if those were my two choices
I think for a full flagship, id go with the QC because of the size and the option to use external expression. That's just me liking smaller things.
I think for a full flagship, id go with the QC because of the size and the option to use external expression. That's just me liking smaller things.

I can see why you're attracted to the compact aspect of the Quad Cortex.

But surely, the "compact" size thing with the QC is really a bit of hand-wavey misdirection isn't it? Because of the QC's external power brick.

Helix, Helix LT, FM3, FM9 all have multi-region transformers with IEC sockets built in (my personal preference).
I can see why you're attracted to the compact aspect of the Quad Cortex.

But surely, the "compact" size thing with the QC is really a bit of misdirection isn't it? Because of the QC's external power brick.

Helix, Helix LT, FM3, FM9 all have multi-region transformers with IEC sockets built in (my personal preference).
True. Me dont like bricks. I dont even use the one for my HX Stomp.

I would probably put the QC on a metro 16 with a DVP X mini.
True. Me dont like bricks. I dont even use the one for my HX Stomp.

Yeah, I loved many things about the HX Stomp, but the power supply was a real PITA. I understand why they did it, and the idea is that it's just a "bil 'ol pedal"... but still.

Other thing that drove me crazy about the Stomp was accidentally knocking the capacitive footswitches when twiddling knobs.

Everything else about the Stomp was amazing though and it really is the absolute best bang-for-buck item of swiss army knife music gear ever.

And cute AF. I still remember opening the box and falling in love with it, like I'd just found a small fluffy kitten.
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Yeah, I loved many things about the HX Stomp, but the power supply was a real PITA. I understand why they did it, and the idea is that it's just a "bil 'ol pedal"... but still.
Yep, I use a proper power supply (CS6) and it also feels safer with a angled down plug for the power.
Other thing that drove me crazy about the Stomp was accidentally knocking the capacitive footswitches when twiddling knobs.
Yeah. I turn that off, both because my feet are mostly naked, and also the knob twisting.
Everything else about the Stomp was amazing though and it really is the absolute best bang-for-buck item of swiss army knife music gear ever.
And cute AF. I still remember opening the box and falling in love with it, like I'd just found a small fluffy kitten.
Haha, this is so true. I always smile when I look at it. Its my little baby for sure. Never getting rid of it :)
Honestly, the main appeal of the QC for me is its size, although the closeness of the lower/upper rows of switches is a concern, as is the fact that they double as control knobs (cool idea, though).

I'm still hovering on the FM9 fence, but a major drawback is its size and weight, for me. I have this thing about fitting everything on a PT Jr that I've used since 2014. :grin

I am primarily a 4cm user with Mesa amps and so far amp modelling is a “play around at home” thing. But I'm not opposed to going full modeler, if I can reach a point where it sounds as good and is as much fun as my tube amps in a loud rock band setting.

So in my current 4 cm world, carrying around a huge unit (ahahaha) that's just for effects doesn't really make sense. I currently use a HXFX+Stomp setup, with a couple of drive pedals, that is pretty great, although a bit of a pain, power and cabling-wise. But the size and weight factor + function is really nice.
Yep, I use a proper power supply (CS6) and it also feels safer with a angled down plug for the power.

Yeah. I turn that off, both because my feet are mostly naked, and also the knob twisting.

Haha, this is so true. I always smile when I look at it. Its my little baby for sure. Never getting rid of it :)

All the same, for me, every point. :beer
(Well, except maybe “never getting rid of it”… it could happen. But I did fall in love with its whole look and size and design, too. It's definitely one of the coolest and most well-designed guitar products I've ever seen.)
Yep, I use a proper power supply (CS6) and it also feels safer with a angled down plug for the power.

Yeah. I turn that off, both because my feet are mostly naked, and also the knob twisting.

Haha, this is so true. I always smile when I look at it. Its my little baby for sure. Never getting rid of it :)

Sir, we have run all your forum messages through our super advanced machine learning AI doohickey and we have an answer. The modelling device that would most satisfy you is:

The HX Quad Stompex.
We all make jokes about QC me included but I can’t ignore the impact they have had on the market
I mean with all these shortcomings at launch they have still managed to sell 15,000 units and are still quickly selling out of stock .

I truely feel if they had delivered all they promised , plug in compatibility, editor, all the amps and fx they would have caused some serious issues for the others
IMO the competition dodged a bullet by the fact they did not deliver what was on paper out of the gate