Should I buy a QC?

TBH, I have to disagree there. My clips are Helix, and the oscillation stems from the Adriatic Delay, which sounds really really good.

Analog delays typically cannot do the high pitch squeal thing at the tempos I play at, because they don't have enough BBD chips, so they just end up farting out. Truly, I've been round the houses with this for years - to the point where I wish I hadn't f*****g written the parts! :rofl
Yep the Helix analog delays sounds nice and Fractal recently did some updates that get I think gets close but I still think there’s something special about the analog sound even besides the oscillation.

Now that said it all that “specialness” goes away for the most part in the mix especially if it’s dense. :rofl
Ok tried the loop. I first started with a simple one guitar cable in and out of the loop. Put the loop in the chain and turning on the loop gave me a volume boost. So dropped the send to -10 db and it was level and transparent. So then I hooked up my Eventide H90 and I hear no tone loss and don’t have volume issues. Actually if I put the send to 0 it clips the Eventide. Need to test some other pedals and haven’t tried putting 100% wet on the Eventide and using the mix in the QC.

Getting set up to do some direct captures next with the Reactive load and see how that goes. Then try capturing my cabs.
Well spoke too soon before I tried at loud volume. Yeah the loops aren't going to work for my needs. A shame too because I think it as potential. Probably just keep loading down my heads into IR's for silent recording or maybe give Tone X but no really sure about it or the Kemper stage which has crossed my mind.
Well spoke too soon before I tried at loud volume. Yeah the loops aren't going to work for my needs. A shame too because I think it as potential. Probably just keep loading down my heads into IR's for silent recording or maybe give Tone X but no really sure about it or the Kemper stage which has crossed my mind.
That was quick! :oops:
Well spoke too soon before I tried at loud volume. Yeah the loops aren't going to work for my needs. A shame too because I think it as potential. Probably just keep loading down my heads into IR's for silent recording or maybe give Tone X but no really sure about it or the Kemper stage which has crossed my mind.
I had a terrible time with the loops when I had mine
That was quick! :oops:
The comments about the loops seem to be fairly accurate. At low volumes it isn’t as noticeable but up at gig levels it was. If it’s not going to work the way I need it to then it goes back. If you can use it without wanting to use other effects units in its loops then it’s a very good sounding unit.
There’s been a couple people trying to sort out the issue with the loops that have some numbers to show if that’s any help-

Well spoke too soon before I tried at loud volume. Yeah the loops aren't going to work for my needs. A shame too because I think it as potential. Probably just keep loading down my heads into IR's for silent recording or maybe give Tone X but no really sure about it or the Kemper stage which has crossed my mind.
What's the specific issue at higher volumes that can't be addressed by trimming the Send 1/2 output levels in Globals? Is the s/n ration adversely affected when you do so?

I've found that the headphone output is also weirdly hot at 0dB (and/or my headphones are really efficient?) Dialing that back to -12dB took care of all my noise floor concerns on that output.
What's the specific issue at higher volumes that can't be addressed by trimming the Send 1/2 output levels in Globals? Is the s/n ration adversely affected when you do so?

I've found that the headphone output is also weirdly hot at 0dB (and/or my headphones are really efficient?) Dialing that back to -12dB took care of all my noise floor concerns on that output.
It was mainly the lower volumes masking the level discrepancy and some tonal difference. Also it could be in part on the Eventide side. I’ll mess with it more. Didn’t think about checking the global. I’ll do some more experiments today to see if I can get it to work. Maybe even try the balanced cable thing. Still not sure why some digital unit designers can make their product work well with out of the box gear and some can’t. I get there is a lot of different types of outboard gear with different sensitivities to levels but some seem to make it easy.

All that said… still thinking it’ll end up going back unless I wonder into some kind of fix.
Didn’t think about checking the global. I’ll do some more experiments today to see if I can get it to work. Maybe even try the balanced cable thing. Still not sure why some digital unit designers can make their product work well with outside out of the box and some can’t. I get there is a lot of different types of outboard gear with different sensitivities to levels but some seem to make it easy.
I was convinced the s/n ratio on the headphone jack was just "something I'd have to live with", until I finally got around to swiping up and looking at the single most obvious thing. Took me literally two seconds to fix it LOL.

That said, I'm still not really clear on what your symptom is with the FX loop levels, so I can't speculate as to whether Globals will resolve (or whether it's a hardware design issue.)
I was convinced the s/n ratio on the headphone jack was just "something I'd have to live with", until I finally got around to swiping up and looking at the single most obvious thing. Took me literally two seconds to fix it LOL.

That said, I'm still not really clear on what your symptom is with the FX loop levels, so I can't speculate as to whether Globals will resolve (or whether it's a hardware design issue.)
Yeah I’ve got them figured out now. It was was a combo some of the Eventide patches having more output. My Nightsky didn’t seem to have the issue that made me look deeper into the Eventide patches. Anyway that said I’m still kinda struggling with the feel of it. Some of amp tones are really good but especially adding other digital units to it the latency becomes more noticeable. Still on the fence.
The fact that I have went THIS long without buying one is very telling. I will try and buy anything gear wise. I just can't get down with this.
Exactly ! I m normally hyped with these type of products but in the end I’ve done a good choice to never have one . Still No editor (at this price🤦) , no plug ins included as they promised in the beginning, you hit 3 switches at the same time with your feet…. And the tone sound synthetic in all demos, except the clean tones . They say the wifi suck. Well. Fail.
Good to have it confirmed by someone whose ears I respect! (or at the very least, someone who doesn't seem to have shit for brains)