Premier Guitar Mystery Stocking


Rock Star
Premier Guitar Mystery Stocking is low live!

I know that they have become kind of a joke amongst the TGP crowd. I went ahead and treated myself to one this year. Did anyone else grab one of these?
I bought one of those and got this guitar starter pack (retails for $175):


Funny enough, it used to be that those mystery stockings would sell out like a couple of minutes in (if the site didn’t crash), but I think raising the price and the overall bad word-of-mouth the last couple of years brought the whole thing back down to earth.

I wasn’t going to bite this year, but I think around 3PM Eastern time today, I clicked on the link and they were still available.
I got one. It’s fun - I will probably get another one of those neon Fender straps to add to my current collection of 2 from previous stockings.
I think last year I got the black and gray checkered strap in the box too. That one’s pretty nice actually with the built in strap locks. I’d be happy with the camo one! :headbang