Official Original (LOL) Funny Picture Thread! \m/

Funny Story that I'm still cracking up over 4 days later.

This past Sunday my daughter and her family stopped by late on their way home from a weekend camping outdoors with other families at a Y thing.
She, her husband, and their two daughters (ages 2 and 5.5) were wiped out as are my wife and I from moving.

We're all lounging on the living room floor - no furniture yet - and the oldest girl starts in with a long story about how they roasted
an entire pig all day and then she was really brave and tried bites from all parts including the cheeks!
She agrees that it's a little boring without salt and stuff.

"But..... ", she very animatedly exclaimed in her 5 and a half year old way,


Took 2, maybe 3 seconds before the adults are all looking back and forth at one another to confirm that they heard what they just heard. :giggle:

Haven't had that good of a collective laugh in a long time.

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