New Line 6 product speculation thread [disclosure: HX One]

Like a native - quite literally!;)

Zucchini is an Italian word...

Courgette is French, but from 1066, French was the language of the noble class.

Rather interestingly, the English language is littered with different terms depending on your social status - pork, beef, mutton, venison are all words we might use today to describe food, and are derived from french, whereas pig, cow, sheep, deer are Germanic words used by peasants to describe the animal, because they didn't get to eat them

This continues to this day, where you Americans eat stuff that wouldn't legally be considered food over here! ;)

BTW - where the merry fu@k does "eggplant" come from?

This post proves an American mentality: people with EU accents are smart.
So sad…..

Well, I have a Whammy V, a POG2, and an MXR poly octave pedal and I’ve owned all of them for a long time and gigged with all of them. The Helix Poly stuff is better than all of them, full stop.

I do agree on the HX algorithms, but as far as I remember there's no dual poly pitch in the HX universe (yet), which is why the POG 2 remains top-tier.
I do agree on the HX algorithms, but as far as I remember there's no dual poly pitch in the HX universe (yet), which is why the POG 2 remains top-tier.
Genuine question, what does one use dual poly pitch for? As a virtual capo and then harmonizing chords on top of that?
As said, I don't agree with that, at least not with all of it. Especially when it comes to latencies, the advanced L6 pitch stuff is not exactly great, to put it carefully.

Hmmm… I don’t see why I really have to explain this. For anyone who has used both of them extensively this is pretty obvious. But I’ll do it anyway…

HX is better because you can choose where you want to be on the spectrum between having very little latency and having very high quality. For playing a part that is clean or almost clean in a quiet section of a song where the guitar will be heard very clearly, you can select very high quality. If you want less latency and are in a context where you can get away with some artifacts (overdriven tones where they wouldn’t be noticed as a bad thing), you can select that.

The latency has never been a problem for me regardless as long as I’m playing loud or through IEMs. My picking hand adjusts to play slightly ahead subconsciously so that what I’m playing is heard as being in time. I’ve never had to practice that, it just happens. Maybe I’m unique in my ability to do that, but I doubt it. If I were playing in a bedroom listening to latency, of course it would bother me. Playing with a band and focusing on a performance, never remotely noticed it or struggled to play in time.

Where the HX stuff really stands out is that brilliant auto eq control. You can turn it down and have the whammy sound, or adjust it up so that you have a more natural tone to the shifted stuff.

I also use the heck out of it for practicing tunes and where the track I have is in a different key than what we’re gonna perform it in.
