Neural DSP Nano Cortex

Not if all you want is a capture of your amp clean and overdrive channels
Different things for different people do I wish it was more like a POD express w drive
Flange , phase and a few delays
Yes but as a simple 4 channel modelling box , grab and go , I think it will sell well
Maybe, but why limit it so much?
Is the delay mono only and any modulation controls for it?
Two little features that I really think could have made a huge difference in usability for this:

1. An EQ block
2. A preset number display

An EQ block would have made this much more flexible, give a tool to quickly “fix” problems, and even made it possible to use acoustic instruments.

Something to see what preset number you’re on, even just a 7 segment LED display, would make it feasible to use MIDI to change presets
Maybe, but why limit it so much?
Cost, size, heat.


Having said that, I can't imagine why there aren't a few different modulation effects, a couple of different reverbs, and the ability to swap something else in place of that transpose block. Hopefully we'll see improvements like these in firmware updates... S O O N.
Quick confirmation that at least thru headphones the reverb, delay, and chorus are all stereo.
Delay seems to be set at around 400 ms and all three FX sound bloody glorious.

Also, the box is nice and cool after 30 minutes and there's no vents holes or internal noise -
whatever is inside is running pretty efficiently.
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Oh no, you’re right! I read the manual wrong.

I assumed the Level knob was the preset volume level, but it’s the master output level.

So to change the Capture volume level you have to hold the Capture button for 2 sec and then use the Level knob.

Ugh :(

They could've easily done it so the dedicated level knob would switch functions. Or heck, just add one more pot, there's enough space. If there's anything you might want to adjust very, very quickly, it's gotta be patch volume to balance your presets.
Two little features that I really think could have made a huge difference in usability for this:

1. An EQ block
2. A preset number display

An EQ block would have made this much more flexible, give a tool to quickly “fix” problems, and even made it possible to use acoustic instruments.

Something to see what preset number you’re on, even just a 7 segment LED display, would make it feasible to use MIDI to change presets

Number 2. So many manufacturers don't do this. A simple display for preset numbers couldn't be that hard. In fact we know it isn't. I'd buy more Source Audio stuff if it wasn't for this. Faaaaark!