Neural DSP Nano Cortex

I think the vast majority of QC owners will use captures, but won't actually capture any amps, simply because they either don't have enough to worry about, or they don't have the time/skill/equipment/inclination to do so.
Yeah, this is the often put forth logic. But personally, I don't really buy it, but I don't have any facts to back that up. It just feels wrong to me.

I'm sure QC must have some sort of analytics built in where they track what areas of the product people are using, and they'd probably have hard numbers about how often the capture tech is used.
I'll complain about that. While I don't think it needs "16 delays", I think it needs more than one for each effect type. To me this needs to be something more like:

  • Gate available no matter what.
  • Transpose.
  • Wah.
    • This is unlikely to eat much CPU, and could be autowah or expression controlled.
  • Compressor or Drive
    • Small, popular selection of ~5-6 guitar + bass drives and fuzz.
    • A couple of compressor options, say Dynacomp and "studio" compressor.
  • Now, NDSP has already painted themselves in the corner with the pre-fx being two slots for Gate + Transpose, but I think they could move these features to the app and open up those slots for wah and drive. Or make them Transpose/Wah + Comp/Drive.

  • Chorus
  • Flanger
  • Phaser
  • Tremolo
  • Analog
  • Digital
  • Tape
  • Reverse
  • Spring
  • Plate
  • Room
  • Hall

Remember, this box is only 84 € cheaper than the HX Stomp, and 398 € more expensive than a Tonex One. I just can't see the value without making its feature set better. The capture making functionality does not count because 99% of users will never use it.
I´ve got all the things of that list (except the transpose) in several multieffects I own. The NC would be a way to add capturing to my existing rigs (small, no gain guessing, good quality, MIDI, low current draw).

So, for me, the only thing that counts is the on-board capturing and playing capabilities (and the transpose would be a godd add).

Is it 398€ worth it? That´s the question... and I don´t know the answer yet.
Sorry, but this thing is overpriced and underwhelming.....i could buy 2-3 devices right now with more functionality and controls...I just don't understand why someone would die on THIS hill ....

If it was 400, even 449usd, it may be easier to handle.....but why wouldn't someone just buy a decent laptop and an interface if this is the function they want would get more out of it ....for longer.

It's an over priced paperweight....until they bring more functionality in a future fw update....and you know they will.

Glad those that like it do, but there is nothing wrong with being critical of a device, from a company that has traded in on a lot of customers good will already.

Just my opinion, and that doesn't matter.
I respect this opinion and can see what you mean
I ordered the Nano. Ticks enuf boxes for me. I don't already have an investment in expensive modelling or capture solutions, just a collection of amps and a couple earlier amp sim pedals. I'm not a touring pro, just a studio composer and occasional small venue performance artist. Sure - I wish it was $100 bucks cheaper, but this will suffice and I don't think I'll be lusting after next month's even more ground breaking game changing ultimate perfect your-search-is-over box of perfect tone. I have no axes to grind regarding the company, just hope they aren't destroying the rain forests or donating millions to... the other candidate, whoever he is.
Had anyone here even met the guy? I bet you that very few have. He’s about as recluse as Alexander Dumble.
Actually, I did read that and thought to myself... other than being a chucklehead and/or Tony McKenzie, I can't think of a reason why anyone would dislike Cliff.
Actually, I did read that and thought to myself... other than being a chucklehead and/or Tony McKenzie, I can't think of a reason why anyone would dislike Cliff.

Waaay back on HCAF days he was kind of a prick and not in a fun way, but in fairness A. that was HCAF B. understandably a bit extra defensive when first launching the AXE fx :idk