Neural DSP Nano Cortex

Point being that I can't believe you are judging the product on its own merits since your vocal about disliking the company.
Nothing personal, but it makes your product comments translate into blah blah blah inside my brain.
I never said I hated the company, when did I say that?


I get that you love this product, but I am very confused about .... nevermind, I knew I should have stayed silent and let others talk ...

I suppose in any thread, no one can post unless they are fans, owners? Or those whom haven't owned what has been modeled, can't have an opinion?

I give up around here.....

This thing is so awesome, and neural is the best company ever ...they are just the best dudes and have the best bodies...and I just wish i could fondle their......oops. wrong meeting.
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And they are both lacking major features than the Nano has, so 6 of one - a half dozen of the other.
Dollars to donuts the Stomp is the closest competitor and the only thing it doesn’t beat this at is capturing. Of all the Kemper and QC owners I know IRL, I still don’t know of anyone capturing their own amps.
And they are both lacking major features than the Nano has, so 6 of one - a half dozen of the other.
HX Stomp does not do captures (or really need them since it has so many drive/amp models) and Tonex One does not make them. To me the transpose, chorus and delay fx are certainly not worth the price difference to the Tonex One.

Did you type this by accident or do you REALLY believe this?
I meant the capture making functionality. Majority of people owning Kempers don't make their own profiles. Majority of QC owners don't make their own captures. Same for Tonex. I don't see how the Nano would be different in this regard.
I never said I hated the company, when did I say that?
I never implied that you hated them. You just suffer from a............ 'pre-existing condition'.

I get that you love this product, but I very confused about ....
Never said I loved the product. I've actually been pretty vocal about some of its shortcomings and dumb design decisions.
This thing is so awesome, and neural is the best company ever ...they are just the best dudes and have the best bodies...and I just wish i could fondle their......oops. wrong meeting.

Think you need to step away from the keyboard for a bit. You're taking this shit way too serious and too personal.
I never implied that you hated them. You just suffer from a............ 'pre-existing condition'.

Never said I loved the product. I've actually been pretty vocal about some of its shortcomings and dumb design decisions.

Think you need to step away from the keyboard for a bit. You're taking this shit way too serious and too personal.
Dollars to donuts the Stomp is the closest competitor and the only thing it doesn’t beat this at is capturing. Of all the Kemper and QC owners I know IRL, I still don’t know of anyone capturing their own amps.

I'd argue Bluetooth access to a cloud and editor is a pretty big deal.

I only personally know 1 Kemper user and he made profiles of both of his heads.
The 1 Nano owner I know will be making captures of his five heads before selling them.

This thing reminds me so much of the AmpliFirebox. A few minor tweaks could make it into something desirable, but I'll place my bet right now that NDSP will never do them.

And there's that deep underlying disdain for the company I just mentioned in another post. :grin:grin:grin:grin

You guys just can't help yourselves!


I’m not trying to help myself. Let’s not forget how and why this forum started……and the fact that I personally pay money out of my pocket for the specific reason that I can say whatever the fuck I want about a company I have great disdain for without fear of repercussion.
Remember, this box is only 84 € cheaper than the HX Stomp, and 398 € more expensive than a Tonex One. I just can't see the value without making its feature set better. The capture making functionality does not count because 99% of users will never use it.

I don't really buy this line of thinking. One of the predominant reasons to even BUY a Quad Cortex let alone a Nano Cortex, is the capture technology. People are absolutely going to use it, both content providers and end-users alike.
I’m not trying to help myself. Let’s not forget how and why this forum started……and the fact that I personally pay money out of my pocket for the specific reason that I can say whatever the fuck I want about a company I have great disdain for without fear of repercussion.
It remains to be seen how much of TGP's actions back then were down to fanboi moderators, versus backroom collusion directly with NeuralDSP. I mean.. it is possible, sure. I do remember back then moderators would come down like a ton of bricks on anyone making even mild jokes about NeuralDSP or the QC. I was a victim of it, you were, JiveTurkey was, a whole bunch of others.

I just hope we can avoid eye-for-an-eye bullshittery to be honest.
It remains to be seen how much of TGP's actions back then were down to fanboi moderators, versus backroom collusion directly with NeuralDSP. I mean.. it is possible, sure. I do remember back then moderators would come down like a ton of bricks on anyone making even mild jokes about NeuralDSP or the QC. I was a victim of it, you were, JiveTurkey was, a whole bunch of others.

I just hope we can avoid eye-for-an-eye bullshittery to be honest.

Our only bans to date were people here to troll members, I can’t see anyone being banned here for critiquing or shit-talking gear or a company. If anything, the opposite happened last year when one company owner reported a bunch of posts critiquing their newer product and instead of deleting them, I greeted him in the thread and stated that was the place to address concerns.
Our only bans to date were people here to troll members, I can’t see anyone being banned here for critiquing or shit-talking gear or a company. If anything, the opposite happened last year when one company owner reported a bunch of posts critiquing their newer product and instead of deleting them, I greeted him in the thread and stated that was the place to address concerns.
Aye, hope achieved then!!
I'd argue Bluetooth access to a cloud and editor is a pretty big deal.

I only personally know 1 Kemper user and he made profiles of both of his heads.
The 1 Nano owner I know will be making captures of his five heads before selling them.

Cloud and editor are only a big deal if the on-device UI is crippled and it doesn’t have any modeling, though.
FWIW, whenever I've owned these capture platforms, I've always made a ton of captures of my amps. I really don't think it is accurate at all to say that hardly anyone makes their own captures; it is almost the entire point of these platforms. Regardless whether you're talking Kemper, Quad Cortex, ToneX, or NAM, or whatever else.

That is to say - the sharing of captures is a nice cheeky bonus to draw in people who don't have the equipment or knowledge to make them. But the central USP of capture functionality, is that people can capture their OWN amps.
One of the predominant reasons to even BUY a Quad Cortex let alone a Nano Cortex, is the capture technology.
I think the vast majority of QC owners will use captures, but won't actually capture any amps, simply because they either don't have enough to worry about, or they don't have the time/skill/equipment/inclination to do so.

The same goes for any capture technology, whether it be Kemper, ToneX, or Tonocracy - NAM may be the exception here because it is very much an "enthusiasts" tool.

I know that when I had my QC, I did capture a couple of amps, but I seldom used my own captures. The same is true for my ToneX.

That's why I don't think the Kemper Player being unable to make profiles isn't an issue for most people.