NDSP Quad Cortex

Correct and they also have Summer Namm in Nashville in like 2 or 3 weeks

If they announce new hardware this year I have a feeling it might be there

They could also be close with SLO and Nameless plugin being ready

Wonder if this will make an appearance at Summer NAMM '24 :banana :grin:pickle

Yeah, I don't think it's a big deal. We know it's in private beta, so it'll emerge when it's ready. If it's "late", I see this being later by a week or so at most. End of the month is time for a "development update" anyway, so they can just say it's running a smidge late and should drop in the next week or two.

Yeah, in their defense, after thoroughly shitting the bed with any of their initial timelines and expectations, they have at least made sure that most of the big ticket items they’ve added since have been fully featured and stable. The looper took forever, but at least when it dropped it was badass. They could have made matters worse by rushing stuff out the door halfassed, but at least they’ve kept the post launch quality up. IMO
Yeah, in their defense, after thoroughly shitting the bed with any of their initial timelines and expectations, they have at least made sure that most of the big ticket items they’ve added since have been fully featured and stable. The looper took forever, but at least when it dropped it was badass. They could have made matters worse by rushing stuff out the door halfassed, but at least they’ve kept the post launch quality up. IMO
Definitely and as far as trending upwards they have been more productive than L6 lately
They released Cortex Control in November
Now 1.3.0 pending and I suspect they will get in another one ( hopefully w more devices) in the fall
Definitely but probably in the online hype of Soon, Sooner

I think they will be there in person this time Summer Namm is like 1/10th the cost

Maybe they'll be doing a 1-2 punch... 3.0 by end of month... then a smaller 'Dual Cortex' at Summer NAMM...

If we're gonna dream... may as well go big. :headbang
RE: Power supply. It is well known that the first few batches of the QC shipped with bad power supplies, causing worse issues than ground loops at live shows. It happened to us once when we played live, and our other guitarist was powerless to do anything. Terrible loud buzzing noises that WERE NOT ground hum. Neural even asked people to mail into support to arrange exchanges. So far as I know, this never really went critical mass like it should have. A few people got replacements. Most people were left hanging dry.
It's not the case that just the first few batches of the QC shipped with bad power supplies. The power supply issue was never addressed, and no one got power supply replacements. You will get terrible noise with the QC if you don't give it proper ground. It's fine in most setups which is why I still use it and like it, but not in some cases which is likely what you experienced.
It's not the case that just the first few batches of the QC shipped with bad power supplies. The power supply issue was never addressed, and no one got power supply replacements. You will get terrible noise with the QC if you don't give it proper ground. It's fine in most setups which is why I still use it and like it, but not in some cases which is likely what you experienced.
Right, gotcha!
Anybody running their QC in a loop of their Fractal (FM9)? I'm thinking this could be a convenient setup for when I'm recording. I'm thinking from the FM9 take output 3 with a humbuster cable to input 1 on the QC and running stereo TRS balanced cables from the QC's output 3 and 4 and into input 2 of the FM9. Should work pretty well!
Anybody running their QC in a loop of their Fractal (FM9)? I'm thinking this could be a convenient setup for when I'm recording. I'm thinking from the FM9 take output 3 with a humbuster cable to input 1 on the QC and running stereo TRS balanced cables from the QC's output 3 and 4 and into input 2 of the FM9. Should work pretty well!
I think I must be missing something here, I dont really understand how this would be preferable to just using an interface? Are you going to put a Helix in the loop of the QC too?
I think I must be missing something here, I dont really understand how this would be preferable to just using an interface? Are you going to put a Helix in the loop of the QC too?

This would enable me to use the Fractal as my only interface, this will help keep the DI levels consistent etc. In this way if I want to track some guitars with a QC Capture I can do that while still retaining the DI levels of the Fractal. Anyway, it's just something that I want to give a try. Can't hurt ;)
This would enable me to use the Fractal as my only interface, this will help keep the DI levels consistent etc. In this way if I want to track some guitars with a QC Capture I can do that while still retaining the DI levels of the Fractal. Anyway, it's just something that I want to give a try. Can't hurt ;)
The Fractal stuff can function pretty well as a general routing matrix, but I don't really like using modellers as interfaces (especially when dealing with different sample rates, other digital gear and monitor controllers etc). I think its a lot more robust to have something dedicated.

On my rig, I have all my modellers and gear hooked up to a patchbay but normalled to where I typically send it. I plug my guitar into my DI box and the signal automatically gets sent to a tuner, axe fx, interface, reamp box (calibrated for unity), my amp switcher without needing to plug any other cables in, select anything, or adjust any levels. It also requires no work at all for me to mix and match different gear. I can use pedals inside the axe fx loops in the loops of my amps, or I can route anything to a Fryette Powerstation, or any other combination. I'd be spending half of my day inside Axe Edit if I was to try and do all that from the Axe FX alone, and I'd lose out on using its own I/O for other things. YMMV of course
Anybody running their QC in a loop of their Fractal (FM9)? I'm thinking this could be a convenient setup for when I'm recording. I'm thinking from the FM9 take output 3 with a humbuster cable to input 1 on the QC and running stereo TRS balanced cables from the QC's output 3 and 4 and into input 2 of the FM9. Should work pretty well!

I do this all the time with the III, you could do something similar with a FM9.

I have the III setup to where I can simultaneously have models from the III, a Kemper (or QC) connected, Tonex via USB, real amps connected via Reactive Loads and feed the front of the amps from one of the outputs from the III so I can use all the Drives in the III to boost the real amp. And switch between any of them from one Preset.

Change a to a different Preset and I can shoot a Kemper profile easily without having to disconnect anything.

The Multiplexer block makes all of this possible.

Maybe they'll be doing a 1-2 punch... 3.0 by end of month... then a smaller 'Dual Cortex' at Summer NAMM...

If we're gonna dream... may as well go big. :headbang
I just found out Summer Namm has been discontinued unfortunately so they won’t be showing anything there
Maybe the fall