NDSP Quad Cortex

The origin of plug-ins running on the QC happened at TGP when someone asked Doug if the QC would be able to run them, he replied back "Sure, that shouldn't be a problem" or something extremely similar and poof, a star is born.

That sounds like just a comment about the difficulty of it. The faq comment only said they would add plugin support in the future. I’d be disappointed too if I bought a QC based on the hope they would add plugin support. They sure seem to be slow rolling out new features. But considering all the outcry, I was expecting it would be easy to find a link from 2021 to a broken promise they made of a date for plugin support, but I couldn’t find one.
That sounds like just a comment about the difficulty of it. The faq comment only said they would add plugin support in the future. I’d be disappointed too if I bought a QC based on the hope they would add plugin support. They sure seem to be slow rolling out new features. But considering all the outcry, I was expecting it would be easy to find a link from 2021 to a broken promise they made of a date for plugin support, but I couldn’t find one.
Factor in the year long pre-order phase, where they were generating sales based in part on that FAQ...

Entirely possible that without that FAQ, some people wouldn't have pre-ordered at all.

Using marketing to generate sales is all well and good. But once you say something like "we will support plugins" then by de facto that is a promise. And people are well within their rights to be pissed off that it has taken so long.

The best approach - and least cunty approach - is to just not promise anything at all. But NeuralDSP did the classic Devi Ever kickstarter approach of taking money through promises and then not delivering, and now they've got a reputation. Rightly so in my view.
That sounds like just a comment about the difficulty of it. The faq comment only said they would add plugin support in the future.

Back when Doug Castro was still lurking TOP, he mentioned porting plugins as a "straightforward" process.

That was three years ago.

Got me a smaller pedelboard, kicked the Halo off cause I found the “crossfeedback” parameter ;), which gave room for the expression pedals I’m used to. Top right corner dials from 70 to 100%..look at it as a mastervolume. Rightbottem controls delay level, left bottom is a wah. Top left is a mididevice I can control wirelessly from small joysticks velcroed to my guitar, not sure I’m gonna stick to that, for now it triggers some scenes/stomps that are hidden in hybrid mode.

I’ll probably end up making a small satellite board with some stuff on it I like, (like a pog 2, maybe an H90), but are not essential. The idea is that the core of my mainrig also is the “grab and go”.

Back when Doug Castro was still lurking TOP, he mentioned porting plugins as a "straightforward" process.

That was three years ago.

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That reply is a half dozen red flags rolled into one. It’s like he’s hedging his bets by assuming the customer doesn’t know the difference between modeling an amp and approximating an amp with an existing model. Aren’t “it will be easy to do” and “it’s already being done” mutually exclusive?

It kind of suggests that he doesn’t believe or understand that the feature is necessary, which speaks to the urgency with which it’s been addressed. :D
Back when Doug Castro was still lurking TOP, he mentioned porting plugins as a "straightforward" process.

That was three years ago.

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Yeah a lot of that going around back then. This is a classic "CEO speaking out of his ass, then devs tell him that hey, this is actually way more complex than you think!"

I feel very vindicated by not going all in on the QC but selling it for what I paid, and playing the waiting game. Honestly I really wanted to love it too!
I feel very vindicated by not going all in on the QC but selling it for what I paid, and playing the waiting game. Honestly I really wanted to love it too!
Me too. Very glad I sold it to be honest. Probably one of the worst gear choices I've made throughout the years.
I wonder if he's right and after all the drama, porting the plugins will turn out to be a meh feature because you can already get those sounds in the QC :giggle:
Well , there is one amp they removed from the Cortex pre launch that many wanted to have and that’s the Mark 2c+
Since they did a Mesa approved plug-in it doubtful they will re add that model now
But that is one that hopefully they do the X version soon because it’s one amp they are missing

Most of the others you are right they are current models just slight tweaks
Gojira 5153 34 red
Tim Henson is the Matchless
Asato is the lone star
Rebea Kraken
Petrucci JP2C

So there will be a ton of crossover in the Archetypes
But things like the Mark, Cali
Natas don’t really have equivalents
I wonder if he's right and after all the drama, porting the plugins will turn out to be a meh feature because you can already get those sounds in the QC :giggle:
Exactly - there’s this obsession with the plugins. I get it somewhat especially if you’re a fan of said artist. But any unique elements could have just been added to the QC as a stock model/effect. I’m sure most plug-in elements are replicable (?) right now on the QC. Just need a few more amp models and things like transpose and doubler. Maybe couple extra delays and reverbs if they are truly unique.

Of course with all that said… WHERE MY 3.0 AT?!?!??!? 😜
Well , there is one amp they removed from the Cortex pre launch that many wanted to have and that’s the Mark 2c+
Since they did a Mesa approved plug-in it doubtful they will re add that model now
But that is one that hopefully they do the X version soon because it’s one amp they are missing

Most of the others you are right they are current models just slight tweaks
Gojira 5153 34 red
Tim Henson is the Matchless
Asato is the lone star
Rebea Kraken
Petrucci JP2C

So there will be a ton of crossover in the Archetypes
But things like the Mark, Cali
Natas don’t really have equivalents
As a big Metallica fan - especially old school - the Mark IIC+ model is the single most item I’m waiting to be loaded on the QC.

They have the JP2C but it’s just not the same.

And there’s a couple of factory IIC+ captures that are “OK” at best and of course with captures you can’t dial in like a real amp. You’re at the mercy of the captures settings with a bit of “fake” basic BMT controls that may or may not (more likely) react like the real thing.

And also would be geeked to get the Omega Granophyre onboard the QC as well.
I feel very vindicated by not going all in on the QC but selling it for what I paid, and playing the waiting game. Honestly I really wanted to love it too!

I’ve said this before but to reiterate for this discussion - I feel fortunate to having been oblivious to the early QC drama because I was completely disinterested in modeling up until earlier this year. As they say “Ignorance is Bliss”! I was aware of the plug-ins mostly because I was lusting for a Granophyre (initially called the Iridium) back in 2019. Big Slipknot and Mick Thomson fan. But the QC was never on my radar when it launched.

I feel I took the plunge at the perfect time in QC’s lineage. Firmware is pretty decent currently (2.3.1 was out when I finally tried it). The computer editor was out already. And plug-in integration (while limited at first) is right around the corner.
S O O N :p

If anyone has followed my modeling trek - I’ve tried many actually starting with QC, then trying Helix, back to QC, FM3, back to QC, Helix, and finally back on a QC. Literally my 4th. A charm this time? Hope so! lol.

Oh and did have an FM9 in early 2023 but that was my first and last modeler stint until early 2024. It was more of a turn-off than anything.

QC is what made me change my approach of incessant tweaking simply because it sounded great out of the box and had a good onboard interface.
As a big Metallica fan - especially old school - the Mark IIC+ model is the single most item I’m waiting to be loaded on the QC.

They have the JP2C but it’s just not the same.

And there’s a couple of factory IIC+ captures that are “OK” at best and of course with captures you can’t dial in like a real amp. You’re at the mercy of the captures settings with a bit of “fake” basic BMT controls that may or may not (more likely) react like the real thing.

And also would be geeked to get the Omega Granophyre onboard the QC as well.
oh crap I forgot about the Omega yep that would be another one that if you love the plugin you would want ported as there is no current equivalent in the QC models IMO
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I seem to one of few in this thread that actually likes the QC. I’m not burdened by initial promises…cause I bought it as is a couple months back…and would do so again without thinking if disaster hit my current one.

The plugins…i don’t care about those at all. I’d rather see them put there time in more capability of the hardware…press&hold functions, virtual midicontrolable expression pedals 3/4, control parameters via CC, verbs with diffusion, verbs with diffusion, did I mention verbs with diffusion?
I seem to one of few in this thread that actually likes the QC. I’m not burdened by initial promises…cause I bought it as is a couple months back…and would do so again without thinking if disaster hit my current one.

The plugins…i don’t care about those at all. I’d rather see them put there time in more capability of the hardware…press&hold functions, virtual midicontrolable expression pedals 3/4, control parameters via CC, verbs with diffusion, verbs with diffusion, did I mention verbs with diffusion?
I share your sentiments. Loving mine! I’m somewhat neutral on the plug-in integration. Hopefully it’s cool though. It just gives a few more options to the unit which is great.

But like you say I’m eager for it to be done so the dev team can move on to some core QC work and improvements.
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I seem to one of few in this thread that actually likes the QC. I’m not burdened by initial promises…cause I bought it as is a couple months back…and would do so again without thinking if disaster hit my current one.

The plugins…i don’t care about those at all. I’d rather see them put there time in more capability of the hardware…press&hold functions, virtual midicontrolable expression pedals 3/4, control parameters via CC, verbs with diffusion, verbs with diffusion, did I mention verbs with diffusion?
I can agree with that, much nicer to start with a more mature product.

I really wanted to love the QC, but I think they need to get past this plugin support hurdle to focus on the actual things that matter. Adding more amp, cab and especially fx options, or improving the sound of the existing ones. But by the time that happens, what else will be available from other companies?
I really wanted to love the QC, but I think they need to get past this plugin support hurdle to focus on the actual things that matter. Adding more amp, cab and especially fx options, or improving the sound of the existing ones. But by the time that happens, what else will be available from other companies?

Pretty much this. If they were aggressively developing native content for the QC I would probably still own it. Brilliant form factor, UI, and feature set, but adding only three amps in 18 months is dreadful and it doesn’t appear they are adding any native amps in the next update either.
I seem to one of few in this thread that actually likes the QC. I’m not burdened by initial promises…cause I bought it as is a couple months back…and would do so again without thinking if disaster hit my current one.

The plugins…i don’t care about those at all. I’d rather see them put there time in more capability of the hardware…press&hold functions, virtual midicontrolable expression pedals 3/4, control parameters via CC, verbs with diffusion, verbs with diffusion, did I mention verbs with diffusion?

It's interesting that the people who rip the QC for not having plugin capability don't seem all that interested in actually using that capability or even the QC itself.

I'm with you on the added functionality. I would love some more delay and reverb types because the QC is such a cool platform. I would love a Space Echo, some good Strymon style character reverbs, just more of those options.

Over the last month or so I have tinkered with a few different setups going into an amp and cab. I have an HX Effects which on paper should be killer for effects in front of a clean amp. But it's noisier than anything else I've used which is annoying. And the interface sucks, I'm constantly accidentally switching effect models instead of moving them, or having to page around to see which of the three parameters I can edit at a time.

Adding more effects to the QC would make it a killer effects only device that also has a great interface. You can actually adjust with knobs which is awesome!

Right now the reverbs remind me of the Helix when it first launched...it had the legacy effects from the M series which were okay. After a few years they added some interesting modulation reverbs, and then after a few more years they added those dynamic reverbs which are awesome.