NDSP Quad Cortex

I was expecting some kind of smoking gun of a broken promise like “it will be in the first release” or “It will be released in Q4 2021”. It’s taking a long time, but don’t all modelers advertise things they plan to add in the future?
I was expecting some kind of smoking gun of a broken promise like “it will be in the first release” or “It will be released in Q4 2021”. It’s taking a long time, but don’t all modelers advertise things they plan to add in the future?
I mean do we need it? It was promised and spoken about pre launch in 2021. They were also known as “the” amp sim company bringing out their own unit. The association to run their own plugins in their own unit is a no brainer
I was expecting some kind of smoking gun of a broken promise like “it will be in the first release” or “It will be released in Q4 2021”. It’s taking a long time, but don’t all modelers advertise things they plan to add in the future?
No, they do not. Most manufacturers make product pages that only list what the device is capable of doing right now, or features that are guaranteed to happen in a reasonable timeframe (not within several years). Most also add a "specifications subject to change" disclaimer somewhere.

NDSP made the mistake of advertising features that were a long way off from happening, and took pre-orders from people based on promising those features. For example this is what the first pre-order page says about the desktop editor:
  • Is there a desktop controller?
    Yes. The desktop controller will be available at no cost when Quad Cortex ships.
Instead that took like 2 years from release to happen. The keyword here is "when" instead of "after". For a company with such a strong marketing push online, they really did not do a good job with the product pages.

When the QC finally was released after being delayed, I estimated it would take them 1-2 years to get all the promised things and improvements into play, but as usual, I was wildly optimistic about that. Based on their blog posts I assumed the editor was well on its way and would be released later the same year the QC released.
Yes. The Plini and Gojira for now
He asks whether the user will be able to run all their plugins (which is what “plug-in compatibility” would properly connote), so it’s more of a, “Yes, but no.”

Yes. The Plini and Gojira for now

So from what I get ... and just now reading their NEWS updates section:-

-> the new FW will drop [hopefully] in the next few weeks
-> there are currently 2 x " X " versions of the Plugins awaiting this FW
-> 2 more " X " versions will be available for this new FW on its release
-> if you already own any of these 4 will be able to just d/l the QC X version for free
-> if you buy any of these 4 now you will get the PC version now ... and the X version once the FW drops
-> the rest of the current ~20 or so plugins not yet X-re-coded, will be X-re-coded over time - but no timeframe is specified
-> very interestingly [to me] .... brand new Plugin releases - ie: ones not currently in existence - will not come with the X version but rather they will be added to the list of all plugins to-re-do for X coding for the QC over time ... presumably this is to keep the $$ coming it (?)

Have I got this right ?

So from what I get ... and just now reading their NEWS updates section:-

-> the new FW will drop [hopefully] in the next few weeks
-> there are currently 2 x " X " versions of the Plugins awaiting this FW
-> 2 more " X " versions will be available for this new FW on its release
-> if you already own any of these 4 you can just d/l the QC X version for free
-> if you buy any of these 4 now you will get the PC version now ... and the X version once the FW drops
-> the rest of the current ~20 or so plugins not yet re-X-coded will be X-re-coded over time - but no timeframe is specified
-> very interestingly .... brand new Plugin releases - ie: ones not currently in existence - will not come with the X version but rather they will be added to the list of all plugins to-re-do for X coding for the QC over time

Have I got this right ?


It’s even simpler. Two plugins will be compatible after the next FW update. The rest, SOON. (Not really)
Can they be run on the qc right now? I’m not upto date and haven’t seen any videos of it in action. Would be cool to see.

The QC won’t “run” the plugins. They have remodeled the plugins devices and they will be blocks available on the QC. There really won’t be much to demo, it’s like any other amp or effect being added, just for people that own the plugin.
-> very interestingly [to me] .... brand new Plugin releases - ie: ones not currently in existence - will not come with the X version but rather they will be added to the list of all plugins to-re-do for X coding for the QC over time ... presumably this is to keep the $$ coming it (?)
My assumption is that they need to migrate all the existing plugins to “X”, of which they have done 2, and that all new plugins will be X at release.

To me it’s likely that the architecture of the plugins wasn’t 100% aligned with the architecture of the cortex…ones you get both in 1 architecture…things should align a lot smoother, cause what you build on A, works on B
My assumption is that they need to migrate all the existing plugins to “X”, of which they have done 2, and that all new plugins will be X at release.

To me it’s likely that the architecture of the plugins wasn’t 100% aligned with the architecture of the cortex…ones you get both in 1 architecture…things should align a lot smoother, cause what you build on A, works on B
This is as it should be. The question is whether it will be so… and when.

(Insert “S O O N” joke.)
My assumption is that they need to migrate all the existing plugins to “X”, of which they have done 2, and that all new plugins will be X at release.

To me it’s likely that the architecture of the plugins wasn’t 100% aligned with the architecture of the cortex…ones you get both in 1 architecture…things should align a lot smoother, cause what you build on A, works on B
Well that’s a yes and no as well
Since they know that they need X plugins to be compatible one would assume that going fwd they would just do that from the start , but the recent Morgan plug in is NOT x compatible
So they are continuing to create plugins that will require rework to work.
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I think they will. It's in private beta now, AFAIK.
I would think so , that video that showed plug in compatible blocks working with Bea was recorded in early May
But I still won’t not rule out a last minute elegant announcement advising a small delay

Let’s see they have 5 days to make it , I am rooting for them as this would actually be the first time they have matched what they said and I think would be a very positive sign
Well that’s a yes and no as well
Since they know that they need X plugins to be compatible one would assume that going fwd they would just do that from the start , but the recent Morgan plug in is NOT x compatible
So they are continuing to create plugins that will require rework to work.
Or…the building of that plugin had started before deploying new architecture to the plugin side…and during a transitional phase they have some in the works that will need migration once their finished.

Maybe they need to train dev teams…idnk…but one new plugin that needs migration doesn’t seem a hard indicator that they will always need to migrate to x after initial release….doesnt make sense..
The origin of plug-ins running on the QC happened at TGP when someone asked Doug if the QC would be able to run them, he replied back "Sure, that shouldn't be a problem" or something extremely similar and poof, a star is born.
Or…the building of that plugin had started before deploying new architecture to the plugin side…and during a transitional phase they have some in the works that will need migration once their finished.

Maybe they need to train dev teams…idnk…but one new plugin that needs migration doesn’t seem a hard indicator that they will always need to migrate to x after initial release….doesnt make sense..
true, I would say I agree ,we will have to watch for the next plug in release which I would suspect is likely going to be sometime in July . perhaps around summer NAMM in Nashville which is less than a month away . if that comes out as X at launch then its obvious they have stopped driving the wrong way and turned around which would be bode well for future launches as they would only need to port blocks and not recreate them
The origin of plug-ins running on the QC happened at TGP when someone asked Doug if the QC would be able to run them, he replied back "Sure, that shouldn't be a problem" or something extremely similar and poof, a star is born.
he also replied Amp models PFTTT , we can throw one full model in a weekend , full amp models in 24 hours
which should have translated to Amp models PFFT , we can remove 50% of them in a weekend , should not be a problem ..

but I digress , as much as they annoyed me , the editor IS very good with few bugs and if they make good on this one they are moving in the right direction