NDSP Quad Cortex

Asiago Ranch Chicken Club

This was my go-to for years until I got a raw one. I still get one every couple months and while I know the chances of getting another raw one are slim, I can’t get that exact moment I realized as a result of the texture in my mouth that it was raw out of my head.

Wendy’s has been my IDGAF food for the last couple months ever since good pizzas are $28 for a 12” these days, so I fall back on my high school favorite, Big Bacon Classic, single, no pickles with a root beer. I ate a double a few weeks ago and the whole digestive system let me know it was a bad idea loud and clear.
Trapped in a Wendy's trying to decide what to buy.

The answer is always Jr. Bacon cheeseburger!

On sale for a buck right now!

This was my go-to for years until I got a raw one. I still get one every couple months and while I know the chances of getting another raw one are slim, I can’t get that exact moment I realized as a result of the texture in my mouth that it was raw out of my head.

Wendy’s has been my IDGAF food for the last couple months ever since good pizzas are $28 for a 12” these days, so I fall back on my high school favorite, Big Bacon Classic, single, no pickles with a root beer. I ate a double a few weeks ago and the whole digestive system let me know it was a bad idea loud and clear.
I'm gonna go right now and get a BBC and a root beer in your honor Drew.

I said what I said.
Even a noob like me can get good tones out of the Quad Cortex.

This is a faux quad tracked song, which I did by recording two takes with the automatic double tracker on the Quad Cortex. Mix turned out really well, I think, thanks to the new strings on this guitar and the bass.

Good tone, but a little tip. The more tracks you add, the less gain you need. So if you double track, your gain levels are probably fine. For quad tracking, you can and probably should dial it back a little. It will help with the overall tightness and impact. With too much gain the combination of four tracks gets a bit too smeary and your riffs lose some balls.