NDSP Quad Cortex

Hey Guys! You may have saw I just got a Mesa Mark VII.

Going to give out a couple more free packs of the VII for the QC.

1 capture of each mode. Includes baked in Marshall 1971 Greenback.

Let me know if interested and I will pick one or two.
cool man! Can't wait to try them out!

Hey Guys! You may have saw I just got a Mesa Mark VII.

Going to give out a couple more free packs of the VII for the QC.

1 capture of each mode. Includes baked in Marshall 1971 Greenback.

Let me know if interested and I will pick one or two.
Hey Guys! You may have saw I just got a Mesa Mark VII.

Going to give out a couple more free packs of the VII for the QC.

1 capture of each mode. Includes baked in Marshall 1971 Greenback.

Let me know if interested and I will pick one or two.
I'll be playing the Mark VII pack you were so kind to hand out tonight at band practice.

It'll be LOUD lol
Im having some troubles with syncing sample clocks using QC, a boss Gigcaster and a Mac…in an aggregated audio device.
Both QC and the Gigcaster have no parameters regarding clocksource / sample rates.
When I select the QC as a source….things get messy. With the Boss as a master, it seemed ok for a while.
Does it even send a clock over usb?

Does anyone know how QC handels its clock? Is it always running on its own/master?…does it send a clock over usb?…does it switch to slave when there is a clocksource incoming?

Feels a bit “consumergrade” that there is no option to choose slave/master tbh….unless there is something smart I’m not aware of ;)
Made a seperate capture this morning of the IIC mode and upped it to the cloud.

Im having some troubles with syncing sample clocks using QC, a boss Gigcaster and a Mac…in an aggregated audio device.
Both QC and the Gigcaster have no parameters regarding clocksource / sample rates.
When I select the QC as a source….things get messy. With the Boss as a master, it seemed ok for a while.
Does it even send a clock over usb?

Does anyone know how QC handels its clock? Is it always running on its own/master?…does it send a clock over usb?…does it switch to slave when there is a clocksource incoming?

Feels a bit “consumergrade” that there is no option to choose slave/master tbh….unless there is something smart I’m not aware of ;)
I think it only runs its own internal clock; it has no settings in the unit or driver for clock settings nor a Word Clock port so... yeah..
probably completely unrelated but interesting post none the less on FB

someone was trying to purchase QC from his local retailer ,and they had none in stock so the retailer called the distributor and was told
" the QCs are back ordered as they are waiting for parts and will not ship agin until the new QC is released .

So maybe we are going to see that Nano in the next month or 2
So maybe we are going to see that Nano in the next month or 2
If they release a QC 2, OG QC owners will probs be pissed if it's an improvement on the OG 🤣

Especially since many (on discord) QC owners think the QC is very future proof and they don't have to worry about buying the latest and greatest every few years

Edit edit: QC is backordered on Sweetwater as well. Something is up
If they release a QC 2, OG QC owners will probs be pissed if it's an improvement on the OG 🤣

Especially since many (on discord) QC owners think the QC is very future proof and they don't have to worry about buying the latest and greatest every few years

Edit edit: QC is backordered on Sweetwater as well. Something is up
I bet its the small one NANO they probably use many of the same parts , encoders and jacks. building a run of Nanos used up the parts , because wait for it someone probably underestimated what they needed to order
Hmm…I’m having bad experiences with their support.
2nd time in a row they give silly answers about how to properly sync audio clocks in an agregatted device on a Mac.
Plus they ask me to make videos on an issue they can reproduce themselves in 60 seconds…if they can’t reproduce..ok…but they don’t even seem to bother…when you ask them to try to reproduce themselves…radiosilence…
Have you heard anything by any chance?
I just want to know if he can say it had more than 3 switches if it 5 or 6 and a screen I am pretty sure the mock designs
I had posted from the NDSP forum will be in the ballpark
Hmm…I’m having bad experiences with their support.
2nd time in a row they give silly answers about how to properly sync audio clocks in an agregatted device on a Mac.
Plus they ask me to make videos on an issue they can reproduce themselves in 60 seconds…if they can’t reproduce..ok…but they don’t even seem to bother…when you ask them to try to reproduce themselves…radiosilence…
Yeah having to record your issue (when it's a known issue of the unit) is stupid 🤣