I still can’t really see it turning into a situation where you have to pay just to unlock features - the plugins ARE separate products and firstly exist entirely outside of the QC, so I don’t think charging for them is a problem. Line 6 charges for Helix Native and Metallurgy, and their other plugins, on top of what the cost of the modeller was. I find it quite hard to say one is drastically different from the other if you want a HW modeller, and software.
As it stands, it’s their first HW device, and they only have one product available in the line. Line 6 can afford to take gambles and risks with newer smaller products that use fragments of the flagship model. I think especially with how the launch has gone, they’re on a bit of a PR campaign to tread carefully and spin things positively. Doubt they’ll penny pinch until there’s QC mini, QC ultra, QC micro, QC mandingo etc. Compare QC as a product to how ToneX works - both ToneX pedals cost WAY less than the competition, but have built in storefronts in the software to buy additional content to expand them. IK have that with T Racks and Amplitube already, and it’s factored into these products from the get go.