NDSP Quad Cortex

I was going to joke “When your $1,699 modeler becomes a $2,699 modeler”, but we are all way too deep in the gear game to start quibbling over a dollar spent (future tense lol) and I have a small army of Neural plugs.

Overall, how are you digging the update?

Don't even ask how much money I spent on Kemper profiles lol
Don't even ask how much money I spent on Kemper profiles lol

I'm amazed they sell in significant volumes anymore because every used Kemper listing usually references the "1000s of third party profiles" that come with the unit. Mine did, and I still have that crazy large volume on a hard drive somewhere. I'm happy to support awesome providers like @Deadpan and @JerEvil, but I don't have to.

If I bought another Kemper at any point, I'd still have way more than I know what to do with. Guess that's why Tonex/QC/etc. all keep your plugin/capture/whatever licenses in the cloud associated with your individual account rather than easily movable offline files, right?
Guess that's why Tonex/QC/etc. all keep your plugin/capture/whatever licenses in the cloud associated with your individual account rather than easily movable offline files, right?

Or never invest in the same platform more than once? (y)
Or never invest in the same platform more than once? (y)
Ray Liotta Laughing GIF
I was going to joke “When your $1,699 modeler becomes a $2,699 modeler”, but we are all way too deep in the gear game to start quibbling over a dollar spent (future tense lol) and I have a small army of Neural plugs.

Overall, how are you digging the update?
Yeah, that's been my argument against PCOM (and a more formal capture "marketplace") for some time. Anyway, so far, nothing spent on plugins. Whether I'll wind up spending money in the future comes down to whether NDSP keeps that promise of releasing native QC content to keep pace with plugins. But it will always be a timing thing - e.g. once that MkIIc+ suite is compatible, I'll probably blink before they do LOL.
I was going to joke “When your $1,699 modeler becomes a $2,699 modeler”, but we are all way too deep in the gear game to start quibbling over a dollar spent (future tense lol) and I have a small army of Neural plugs.

Overall, how are you digging the update?
Forgot to answer your 2nd question. I’m loving the update so far, but I’ve barely scratched the surface. The QoL stuff - folders, etc. - is very nice. I’d been spending more time with the FM3 before I left for vacation, so returning to QC is a massive improvement in terms of ease of use regardless. And I’m still finding great effects that were introduced in previous updates that I’d never used before. Good times.
I suppose it could be useful sort of like the old guitar amps where you’ve got inputs for two guitars, microphone, bass and accordion so the whole band can play through one amp :grin

I’ve given up even using two amps at once, always just one. But I’ve also learned never to doubt anyone else’s gear needs.

I’m sure someone out there is thrilled that they can run 4 amps in parallel because that’s how they get their sound

I think dual amps makes sense when you are aiming for kitchen sink and you are working around "limitations" each product out there may have. I know we have the gapless preset option in a lot of pieces these days but there is always spillover and global block limitations as well just "I'm not managing 197 presets" bs that also gets factored in.
To me the silly amount of amps/stuff you can put in a preset pays off in the “kitchen sink”. I can do everything in one preset switching stuff/amps on/off using scenes…and I really wouldn’t wanna go back to a preset based setup. I’ve always appreciated the ability to (old school) switch ampchannels while keeping efx untouched. This allows that. Plus, when I change something generic like my delay/verb/cab..I do that once..and it’s there for all sounds. Saves time, idiot proof.
Plus..it allows quick adjustment to all my sounds (at a gig), without having to save each…love that.

Obviously scenes are not unique to the QC..but cause I can put 3 amps in there…I can keep all in one preset.
I could well imagine that some users might wanna run a couple of captures of the same amp, and toggle between those.

I even have a couple of pedals/amps in my preset that are “always off”, as quick alternatives if something might not work in a setting…so I can quickly replace a block with something a tad different. Saves me a mental notebook with “I like these also”.
Honestly, the Fractal block system is considerably better than the QC system, simply by removing the amount of grid clutter. I suppose if you wanted ultra granular ability to have a specific type in a specific place the QC could be a little more flexible, but once you’re at FM9/AxeFX level you have so many blocks of each type available that even that flexibility becomes a wash. I have a preset with over 60 effects in it, (More than the entire QC grid) and thats not even including amps or cabs. That’s kitchen sink. :bag But looking at the grid it’s a super simple preset. :ROFLMAO:
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Forgot to answer your 2nd question. I’m loving the update so far, but I’ve barely scratched the surface. The QoL stuff - folders, etc. - is very nice. I’d been spending more time with the FM3 before I left for vacation, so returning to QC is a massive improvement in terms of ease of use regardless. And I’m still finding great effects that were introduced in previous updates that I’d never used before. Good times.

Nice. Looks like they nailed the update. (y)

Honestly, the Fractal block system is considerably better than the QC system, simply by removing the amount of grid clutter. I suppose if you wanted ultra granular ability to have a specific type in a specific place the QC could be a little more flexible, but once you’re at FM9/AxeFX level you have so many blocks of each type available that even that flexibility becomes a wash. I have a preset with over 60 effects in it, (More than the entire QC grid) and thats not even that including amps or cabs. That’s kitchen sink. :bag But looking at the grid it’s a super simple preset. :ROFLMAO:
The fractal grid/routing is light years ahead of the QC's. QC's ability to put however many of each type you want is superior. The ability to adjust, amongst other things, the panning of each block individually is superior in the fractalverse.

I think we are at the point where a person would have to list all of their requirements and then closely examine them to see it either would be better for them or if it's a wash.
You mean 60 separate blocks?? Because you could do that with 15 blocks. If it's 60 blocks that's potentially 240 effects. I'm not sure many non-Fractal users really understand just how powerful channels are.

60 effects, (channels) as stated. Those would represent 60 blocks on a QC. In the Fractalverse it’s 15 blocks. Thats why I consider the Fractal block system and grid routing considerably better. (Which I’m only offering since it’s a topic of discussion above)

There are very few instances where the QC block/grid is better than the Frac imo.
To me the silly amount of amps/stuff you can put in a preset pays off in the “kitchen sink”. I can do everything in one preset switching stuff/amps on/off using scenes…and I really wouldn’t wanna go back to a preset based setup. I’ve always appreciated the ability to (old school) switch ampchannels while keeping efx untouched. This allows that. Plus, when I change something generic like my delay/verb/cab..I do that once..and it’s there for all sounds. Saves time, idiot proof.
Plus..it allows quick adjustment to all my sounds (at a gig), without having to save each…love that.

Obviously scenes are not unique to the QC..but cause I can put 3 amps in there…I can keep all in one preset.
I could well imagine that some users might wanna run a couple of captures of the same amp, and toggle between those.

I even have a couple of pedals/amps in my preset that are “always off”, as quick alternatives if something might not work in a setting…so I can quickly replace a block with something a tad different. Saves me a mental notebook with “I like these also”.

I often work this way with Fractal. The amp block having 4 channels makes it so you can have four amps to switch between in one preset.

I also do the same thing with channels in blocks. So I’ll typically have a drive pedal set up and I’ll have a different drive pedal on channel B that I can switch to if the one in channel A isn’t working for this gig.

Sometimes I’ll set up 4 alternates for each so I’ve got choices when I start rehearsing
I like fractal channels with amps but most others I prefer multiple blocks. Easier to stack things. The fractal grid is definitely more flexible but 99% of the time I run a straight line. Fractal switching is more flexible but I prefer managing my switches at the preset level and it’s a complete pain to program those without axe edit.

Both get me where I need to be.
I often work this way with Fractal. The amp block having 4 channels makes it so you can have four amps to switch between in one preset.

I also do the same thing with channels in blocks. So I’ll typically have a drive pedal set up and I’ll have a different drive pedal on channel B that I can switch to if the one in channel A isn’t working for this gig.

Sometimes I’ll set up 4 alternates for each so I’ve got choices when I start rehearsing
yep , I do the same with channels , may never use them but I have them there

4 drives , 4 comps 8 amps , 4 delays 4 verbs