NDSP Quad Cortex

One issue that blurred the line between the cloud's fault, NDSP myopic thinking fault and people sucking fault was the lack of required metadata when it came to cloud captures. I have no idea if that's been improved, but it made browsing quite frustrating. I gave up after awhile and would only bother auditioning new stuff from trusted sources like @Deadpan and headfirst Amplification/Jason Tong.
They've made improvements, but I can't say whether those improvements are anywhere near sufficient. Nor do I have any idea what "sufficient" might look like. (These massive piles of user-generated content eventually suck on every platform.)

I rarely go hunting for captures anymore. I tend to stick with the few captures that caught my attention early on, and otherwise use the more tweakable models.
They've made improvements, but I can't say whether those improvements are anywhere near sufficient. Nor do I have any idea what "sufficient" might look like. (These massive piles of user-generated content eventually suck on every platform.)

I rarely go hunting for captures anymore. I tend to stick with the few captures that caught my attention early on, and the more tweakable models.

Leads me to another issue. NDSP had and has quite the treasure trove of diverse high-quality captures, and yet there is no metadata on the ones that come from the factory. None.

Their cloud-only captures? They have all the metadata. Make it make sense.
good luck buying any kind of plugin without logging into and authorising to something that’s online

Pretty much anyone receiving a paycheck relies on a cloud to keep food on the table for cripes' sake!

To me it's more a question of which "workflow" is more intuitive to any given user.

I agree that workflow/preference is ultimately king, but after that you lose me. :ROFLMAO:

If you're mindset is "my amps have channels; I want my amp block to have channels", then I can see where the FAS paradigm makes sense.

I don’t look at it like "my amps have channels; I want my amp block to have channels", I look at it as “when I want more than one amp”. It’s common for anyone to have multiple amps or drives or reverbs or delays etc in a preset, and that’s where the FAS approach shines because you don’t have to add multiple blocks on the grid for that type. It’s one block for that block type, and you can choose to utilize up to 4 unique models within it.

For me, managing channels within scenes within presets is just a bit much of a muchness, and the 4 channel/ 1 block (on FM3) limitation feels arbitrary.

For someone that doesn’t like the “muchness” we’re talking about using more than 4 amps in a preset? :D

“Limitation” assumes you want more than 4 of that block type, in which case you’d just add a second block of that type to the grid. On the QC adding 5 amps would mean 5 amp blocks on the grid, in FAS it would be two blocks.
Joining the cloud hivemind aka creating an account and giving the Neural turds your contact information.
Besides the option to use an email “neuralturds@gmail.com”…eu privacy legislation is pretty strickt afaik.
Is the databreach driving this? Their privacy statement?
Tbh…I’ve seen databreaches at companies&gover,ent (from the inside), where those happend despite lots of effort to be well protected. Any material reasons to suspect ill intent in their case?
Besides the option to use an email “neuralturds@gmail.com”…eu privacy legislation is pretty strickt afaik.
Is the databreach driving this? Their privacy statement?
Tbh…I’ve seen databreaches at companies&gover,ent (from the inside), where those happend despite lots of effort to be well protected. Any material reasons to suspect ill intent in their case?
I just don't like them. No ill intent detected so much as I don't like the company. Full blown neural derangement syndrome in my head :rofl
I just missed these so I sold mine early 2023.


The urge to buy another one is getting really strong with all the cool new things going on.

I mean, the Tonex is a cool little box but.....

@Achilles - if you get a chance to try it again, that's cool.

One really nice thing is being able to run multiple captures which Tonex can't do and you may dig.

However, until NDSP gets a real marketplace, I don't think the capture stuff will take off. It's just too difficult to share at this point and that's a real bummer.

I don't necessarily want to drop several hundred on packs, but I sure wouldn't mind spending $30 or so on a collection from Michael Britt.
Ah, yes. Sometimes I forget that I skipped the first year or so of the "dark ages of QC." And even then OMG whack-a-mole capture menus...

But I think a lot of these issues get blurred together with "teh cloud suckz", when in fact they're almost entirely distinct.

A lot of the early QC process seems like working through an open beta. Maybe that's why I'm not as sour on it, I didn't use it until after it had an editor and a lot of improvements made.
For someone that doesn’t like the “muchness” we’re talking about using more than 4 amps in a preset? :D
Sure. More than a couple of amps isn't something I'd typically (if ever) arrive at. Having things splayed out as individual blocks just makes more visual sense to me when I'm throwing presets together, "thinking out loud" experimenting. As with everything else, it's 90% a matter of familiarity.

“Limitation” assumes you want more than 4 of that block type, in which case you’d just add a second block of that type to the grid. On the QC adding 5 amps would mean 5 amp blocks on the grid, in FAS it would be two blocks.
This might just be a matter of ignorance on my part. I didn't think you could have multiple amp blocks on FM3.