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You know, I'd like to say I'm totally unbiased but I'm not sure that's true. I love a LOT about Fractal overall and they haven't annoyed me at all that I can remember. Also the FM9 is damn near my perfect modeler. There are literally three things about it that would take it the rest of the way for me: massive user experience improvements, significantly reduced form factor, and the ability to run a 2nd pitch block so I could ditch the Drop and further reduce footprint. In contrast, I've been quite annoyed at NDSP in the past. I was excited about the QC when it first got announced and got in on the first 100 preorders. I ended up canceling that preorder and for a long time was happy I did. I have shared the criticisms about them making promises/statements and not following through, and the annoyance with their marketing.That is saying a lot! I've always known you to think very highly of the fractal but cool of you to be able to set any bias aside
But here's the thing. I find myself caring much less about that stuff these days and I'm much more focused on how I feel about the QC itself (and the plugins). And the QC is fucking great. Is it perfect? No. But I'd say the same about the FM9. At the end of the day, it's about whether or not I can get what I want.
Which unit gives me great sound? Both
Which gives me great feel? Both
Which allows me to run anything from simple to w/d/w? Both (took some figuring out on the QC and I don't think I could've done it the way I want before 3.0)
Which gives me the amp models I want? Both (especially factoring in captures and PCOM)
Which gives me the effects I want? Okay Fractal has a definite edge here, but the QC does well enough from what I can tell so far
Again, the Fractal routing and grid are waaaaay better IMO; that's not even close. However, since I can still build my w/d/w setup in the QC, I'd have to say the QC is good enough for me in this department. I won't be too surprised if I discover something I want to do but can't but as of now it seems fine.
So now I find myself leaning more towards ease of use and form factor. Editing on the FM9 is clunky but certainly possible. FM9 edit is fucking awesome but I have my FM9/FR12/PXM rig setup in the living room. If I want to use the editor I have to bring the FM9 board into the bedroom. Not a big hassle, but a little bit of one. With the QC I haven't even loaded up Cortex Control yet.