NDSP Quad Cortex

The Morgan plugin suite has multiple Morgan amps and I think the SW is one of them? No Tone King model but they added Tone King captures post launch (which obviously isn't the same as a model)
The SW50 is the dumble one
AC20 is Voxy and the other is Princeton based

On Wednesday July 31st, we released CorOS 3.0.0 with Plugin Compatibility and Cortex Control 1.1.0. The response to this update has been overwhelmingly positive and we cannot thank you enough for your patience and your kind words. This release shattered any records held by previous updates with respect to the number of users who updated on release day!

We also announced that we are giving away a free plugin to all Quad Cortex owners who update to CorOS 3.0.0 until Wednesday August 28th.

Finally, we introduced TINA, our data collection robot, and published a follow-up article and research paper explaining how we’ve merged mechanical robotics with machine learning in more detail.

In the coming weeks, we will release CorOS 3.0.1, patching any issues that are found in CorOS 3.0.0, while simultaneously finishing up the remaining tasks for CorOS 3.1.0.

The future of CorOS updates
CorOS 3.0.0 was our most significant update to date, overhauling much of the system’s architecture. With this update now complete, we’re shifting gears to deliver more frequent releases, including new devices like amplifiers and effects for all users. We understand some users have concerns that Plugin Compatibility might put new devices behind a paywall, but we want to make it absolutely clear: that’s not the case.

We’re proud to introduce Plugin Compatibility to the Quad Cortex, marking the first time a modeling company has effectively integrated the worlds of native software and embedded hardware. Tens of thousands of our Quad Cortex users who are also plugin users have been eager to access their favorite plugin sounds on their hardware. For those who aren’t plugin users, rest assured, we’re adding plenty of new devices directly to the Quad Cortex.

Our philosophy is clear: when we create an exceptional device, we aim to bring that technology to the Quad Cortex whenever possible.

We want to emphasize that plugins are not a paywall or DLC for the Quad Cortex. Instead, they offer a way for our hardware and software to coexist harmoniously. If you’re not interested in plugins, you won’t miss out on essential features. However, if you do use plugins, Plugin Compatibility gives you the power to replicate those sounds and signal chains on your Quad Cortex.

Finally, a reminder: future plugin updates will be ported in parallel with upcoming CorOS updates. Soldano SLO-100 X and Fortin Nameless Suite X are coming in CorOS 3.1.0, and the next major update will include Parallax X and Archetype: Nolly X.

Future X updates
We are pleased to announce that the next X updates will be Archetype: Cory Wong X and Archetype: Petrucci X. We look forward to sharing them with you
Now that is a great statement
So whoever is doing their communication has improved
Since we have seen more communication from them in the past 2 months than the last year

The fact that they are ramping up QC releases is promising but it still just a statement we need to see it happen , but I am happy to give them the benefit of the doubt , if they release one or 2 more updates this year that will bode well for them

Also kudos for the rate they are moving on X plug-in
I think after Wong and Petrucci they are about 50% done ,, 😮
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Now that is a great statement
So whoever is doing their communication has improved
Since we have seen more communication from them in the past 2 months than the last year

The fact that they are ramping up QC releases is promising but it still just a statement we need to see it happen , but I am happy to give them the benefit of the doubt , if they release one or 2 more updates this year that will bode well for them

Also kudos for the rate they are moving on X plug-in
I think after Wong and Petrucci they are about 50% done ,, 😮
Yeah it was an encouraging update for sure. Curious to see if the stick to it!
Now that is a great statement
So whoever is doing their communication has improved
Since we have seen more communication from them in the past 2 months than the last year

The fact that they are ramping up QC releases is promising but it still just a statement we need to see it happen , but I am happy to give them the benefit of the doubt , if they release one or 2 more updates this year that will bode well for them

Also kudos for the rate they are moving on X plug-in
I think after Wong and Petrucci they are about 50% done ,, 😮

Damn ... yet again my hatred level for NDSP Corporation has dropped a little bit again ... twice in 1 day .... at this rate, "soon" I may not have anything to criticize them over :)

True, it's not an issue & it doesn't matter if they're the first or the 10th but their stance / communication on the topic feels disjointed:

View attachment 25915

I’ve always thought of them as the “Apple” of amp sims. Implementing a feature your competitors have been doing for years and using ultra sharp wording to claim it as your own is just par for the course 🤣.
No Shame for sure, its a Nice Unit, just not for me , but i certainly see the appeal for others

Let us Know your thoughts


That's a good message. They did a good job on porting the plugins...I played for a while last night and everything worked and sounded great.

Also good to hear their commitment to adding more amps and effects to the QC.

Will be curious to compare upcoming X releases to the internal blocks. The Plini Crunch is a little different than the Friedman BE, although in the same ballpark. The Plini Clean is also pretty close to the Fender Twin, but again not exactly the same.
I ordered my (first) QC on July the 8th. I got a demo from SW for 15% off. So when July 31 came, I upgraded. I won't be returning it but I do have a 2 year warranty, so there's that.

I wonder if TB3 is considering stepping into the QC light....