Namm 2025 predictions

I'm on the same boat. I'm holding myself on getting a fender fr12 because I'm still not convinced of the size and weight change. A smaller and lighter solution that still sounds awesome and doesn't have a risk of having an annoying hiss volume, I would buy it on day 1.
So...just my opinion but

The FR-12 is killer. They implemented a hiss fix (based on the work @Lysander did) so that's a non-issue at this point for new units. Sounds bigger than it is, and sounds more amp like than other solutions I've tried. If you're US-based you might consider ordering one from GC so you can try it and see what you think. There have been a few skeptical folks who tried it and really enjoyed it. And others who still don't like it soooo 🤷🏾‍♂️
So...just my opinion but ... the FR-12 is killer.

It really is. Note that buying is still a bit of gamble outside the US as Fender won't replace it if you happen to get an older noisy version, but there's definitely some mojo going on with those amps.

Also, if the FR-12's size concerns you, i'd seriously consider the FR-10. By all accounts it's supposed to sound much like it's bigger brother, but in a ligther, more compact package.
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That's all I'll say
I had that same ADA rig (minus the two straight 2x12 bottom cabs) when it first came out. It was great…right up until I got in a band and the other guitarist had some old Fender blackface 2x12 combo and everyone said they ‘couldn’t hear me’ and I couldn’t hear me either.
I hope the reissue power amp is better!

Kinda hard to hear the rig without speakers.

Just sayin'...

I say it every fucking year, “Why do I keep getting my hopes up that they’re going to release anything appealing?”

They still have the sig models to announce at NAMM and generally have 3rd quarter releases, but this was abysmal.
Only one I know about (not to say there’s some not in what was sent out) is another stupidly expensive Satch model. I love Satch, but Jesus Harold Christ, enough with the $6000 guitars.