NAD: MESA/Boogie Mark VII


Rock Star
It's funny how a single, unexpected occurrence can lead to a chain of events that, once started, seems unstoppable, and must see itself through to its ultimate conclusion, whatever that may be.

A couple weeks ago, I was looking for a couch noodler and had my eyes on Mesa's smaller combo offerings, mainly a used 20W Cali Tweed and 25W Mark V, when I saw a gorgeous, grey bronco (thanks @paisleywookiee and @Life Eats Life) Mark V 90 combo available for a mere $200 more than the other two. The choice was obvious, which led to the V90 combo being at my house two days later, which led to the fiasco and thread described as an "emotional roller coaster" by @Alex Kenivel and delivering "peak stuff" by @EOengineer.

So.... one blown-up V90 combo later, I had a brand new 35W combo at my place, with which I briefly fell in love, seduced by its syrupy-sweet EL84 mids and spongy, butter-on-the-fingers 10W tone. Much like owning the HX One led to quickly getting the Helix Floor, however, I was soon dreaming of the VII combo or head (@la szum be damned), scouring the stock of my local Long & McQuade's, gorging on badly-recorded YouTube reviews, and eventually consulting TGF guru @JiveTurkey on the mount for VII wisdom ("don't do it" he surprisingly said), serendipitously selling my PRS 594 the same morning (there's a whole story there, too), and heading to L&M with a wad of cash and a horny, VII-induced gear hard-on making it hard to walk. :grin

Ok, wordy, bad blog-journal writing aside, what the hell is going on here?

TL;DR: I bought a used Mark V combo > it blew up in 10 seconds > I liked the replacement 35W combo > I sold my PRS and bought a VII head + 1X12 cab.

And here it is! More thoughts to come later. So far, I'm having a blast with it and was able to quickly do what I had in mind re. pushed cleans, crunch, and high gain.

MIIB is :chef for pushed cleans, crunch is Dyne-level goodness, and VII high gain is :love :love:love.




I miss mine so much :cry:

Thanks! I don't remember you getting it? Did you have the head or combo? What were your thoughts, overall?

I was jealous with the V. I’m climbing my roof to jump off over the VII. With the Custom too.

Party on.
Haha, thanks man. No need for roof-jumping. :beer

Damn that looks nice! Which cab?

Thanks! It's the (new?) 19" open-back 1X12, with C90 rear-mounted for a "vintage" vibe, as described by Mesa marketing. I don't normally love C90s - though I have always appreciated what they do and loved one in a JCM800 1x12 combo I had - but this one sounds perfect with the Mark VII. I mainly got it for home use, but it sounds pretty damn big with the VII in 90W mode, I could definitely gig with it, too. Maybe get a second one for a JT Industries/ @JiveTurkey Old Man Stack™. :rofl

As for gigging, I'm mainly planning on using my 2x12 Recto, and for band practice my 4x12 Trad.
A few quick thoughts, just from my time with it yesterday/today:

- it has a more immediate, less-processed feel than the V and other Mesas I've owned; kind of a Dr Z-like instant-connectedness and responsiveness

- MIIB is pure gold for pushed clean, edge of breakup stuff; like I can't believe how good it sounds and feels for that, with a bit of VOX-like chime and some Fender-y twang in there, especially on the Custom's bridge T-Top pickup.; it also has fantastic Stones-y vibe on the neck pickup; I just love this mode and it's quickly becoming a huge plus of owning the amp; I can see it being used a lot in my classic rock/blues rock trio

- I am very pleased with Crunch mode: my big concern was whether it can compete/equal my beloved Electra Dyne on the Blue channel, and so far it's fantastic :love

- VII high-gain is just killer for what I had in mind, which is basically what I get from my Dyne when boosting crunch with a MXR CBMOD/SD1 clone; huge-sounding, hyped-up ZZ Eliminator sounds with killer "squank" :)

- the master volume is very effective, I've been able to use it at home in 90W mode at "loud home theatre" levels and it sounds great; started out in 25W mode but ended up at 90 with pretty reasonable volume and great sound/feel

- everything that was removed from the V was nothing that I used; quite happy to not have the global master, solo output, variac power, and tube rectification; with the exception of the last one, I didn't use any of it, and not having tube-rec isn't a dealbreaker for me, and actually simplifies tube-replacing, especially having experienced my recent Mark V debacle

- I'm seeing the ZZ song "Apologies To Pearly" in my head, except it's "Apologies To @la szum " :rofl
Thanks! I don't remember you getting it? Did you have the head or combo? What were your thoughts, overall?

I had the head. I loved it!

The only slight problem I had was I discovered I liked the IIc+ mode on ch3 best for both high gain and low-mid gain. So I started wishing it was just three channels of that model.

I foolishly panicked at the last minute and went back to full digital instead of building out a rig around it
I had the head. I loved it!

The only slight problem I had was I discovered I liked the IIc+ mode on ch3 best for both high gain and low-mid gain. So I started wishing it was just three channels of that model.

I foolishly panicked at the last minute and went back to full digital instead of building out a rig around it

Yeah, I think I'm lucking out with how my three planned-on modes are spread across three channels (Crunch, VII, IIB).
Some other side notes, while the tubes are warming up:

- the size and weight is really appealing, love it, super easy to grab and move around

- however, with that, comes the ridiculously difficult to install IEC cable; it honestly took me 10-15 frustrating minutes to get the damn thing plugged in, it's a comically tight space and you can't maneuver or push the cable; thankfully it only needs to happen once

- the fan is kind of loud in a living room situation, but not a huge deal, and certainly not an issue in a loud rock band

- so far, I've got a StompInTheLoop™ and HX One and Dunlop 535Q mini wah in front, with a Mesa Stowaway buffer at the very start (this was after some time spent plugging straight in); pretty versatile setup and sounds great

- looking forward to getting midi channel-switching happening, but not sure how it will work yet

- also looking forward to trying the Cab Clone DI + Two Note IRs at gigs and not needing my Friedman Mic No Mo (which has been great)
Looks epic :love :love :love

IIB clips are actually what’s triggered the most VII lust for me even though I’m mostly clean/high gain

Seems like a total beast
A few quick thoughts, just from my time with it yesterday/today:

- it has a more immediate, less-processed feel than the V and other Mesas I've owned; kind of a Dr Z-like instant-connectedness and responsiveness

- MIIB is pure gold for pushed clean, edge of breakup stuff; like I can't believe how good it sounds and feels for that, with a bit of VOX-like chime and some Fender-y twang in there, especially on the Custom's bridge T-Top pickup.; it also has fantastic Stones-y vibe on the neck pickup; I just love this mode and it's quickly becoming a huge plus of owning the amp; I can see it being used a lot in my classic rock/blues rock trio

- I am very pleased with Crunch mode: my big concern was whether it can compete/equal my beloved Electra Dyne on the Blue channel, and so far it's fantastic :love

- VII high-gain is just killer for what I had in mind, which is basically what I get from my Dyne when boosting crunch with a MXR CBMOD/SD1 clone; huge-sounding, hyped-up ZZ Eliminator sounds with killer "squank" :)

- the master volume is very effective, I've been able to use it at home in 90W mode at "loud home theatre" levels and it sounds great; started out in 25W mode but ended up at 90 with pretty reasonable volume and great sound/feel

- everything that was removed from the V was nothing that I used; quite happy to not have the global master, solo output, variac power, and tube rectification; with the exception of the last one, I didn't use any of it, and not having tube-rec isn't a dealbreaker for me, and actually simplifies tube-replacing, especially having experienced my recent Mark V debacle

- I'm seeing the ZZ song "Apologies To Pearly" in my head, except it's "Apologies To @la szum " :rofl
Enjoyed hearing your take on the IIB. I don’t have experience with the VII IIB but the old IIBs I’ve played made the blackface fender heritage much more apparent, in some ways outfendering fender. Beautiful complex cleans and low gain tones.

Are you able to dial down into a cleanish range in that mode or is it all breakup?
Some other side notes, while the tubes are warming up:

- the size and weight is really appealing, love it, super easy to grab and move around

- however, with that, comes the ridiculously difficult to install IEC cable; it honestly took me 10-15 frustrating minutes to get the damn thing plugged in, it's a comically tight space and you can't maneuver or push the cable; thankfully it only needs to happen once

- the fan is kind of loud in a living room situation, but not a huge deal, and certainly not an issue in a loud rock band

- so far, I've got a StompInTheLoop™ and HX One and Dunlop 535Q mini wah in front, with a Mesa Stowaway buffer at the very start (this was after some time spent plugging straight in); pretty versatile setup and sounds great

- looking forward to getting midi channel-switching happening, but not sure how it will work yet

- also looking forward to trying the Cab Clone DI + Two Note IRs at gigs and not needing my Friedman Mic No Mo (which has been great)

Ugh, I almost forgot about that IEC cable. That design seriously pissed me off when I first got it.

I was planning to get something like this to keep always plugged into the amp so I could detach the power cord without having to go through that every time

Ugh, I almost forgot about that IEC cable. That design seriously pissed me off when I first got it.

I was planning to get something like this to keep always plugged into the amp so I could detach the power cord without having to go through that every time

Hey, that’s a great idea, thanks! I’d like to be able to detach the cable sometimes, but had resigned myself to never doing it, it was such a crazily annoying process.
Enjoyed hearing your take on the IIB. I don’t have experience with the VII IIB but the old IIBs I’ve played made the blackface fender heritage much more apparent, in some ways outfendering fender. Beautiful complex cleans and low gain tones.

YES! It’s a fantastic channel/mode, so rich and responsive and yes, Fender-y.

Are you able to dial down into a cleanish range in that mode or is it all breakup?

Yes, it can be clean-ish with the amp’s gain down.

And for my use, I can keep the gain up a bit for the Stones-y stuff, and then roll guitar volume back for a cleaner, VOX-ish thing. I really love it and it’s a big, unexpected bonus of the amp, for me.