Mesa Badlander

Cabinet is also a big factor - big difference running my Mark V:25 or Rectoverb 25 into my 1x12 mini recto/1x12 thiele mini stack vs the rectoverb openback Fillmore speaker.
I’ve run my Badlander head primarily thru a Randal Diavlo 212 w/V30s and love it. If you wish there was such a thing as a JCMRectifier, this is your amp.

As an aside, Ive also run it thru a Peavey 412 with Sheffields and a Peavey 412 with 2 Sheffs and 2 V30s. The Badlander sounds killer thru all three and is unmistakable no matter the cab.

All that to say, I am likely getting rid of it. Not because I don’t love it, but because I seldom use it and would like to put the money in it into something I do use and/or “be responsible” and pay bills with that cash… man, I could barely keep a straight face typing out that last part. 🤣
I’ve run my Badlander head primarily thru a Randal Diavlo 212 w/V30s and love it. If you wish there was such a thing as a JCMRectifier, this is your amp.

As an aside, Ive also run it thru a Peavey 412 with Sheffields and a Peavey 412 with 2 Sheffs and 2 V30s. The Badlander sounds killer thru all three and is unmistakable no matter the cab.

All that to say, I am likely getting rid of it. Not because I don’t love it, but because I seldom use it and would like to put the money in it into something I do use and/or “be responsible” and pay bills with that cash… man, I could barely keep a straight face typing out that last part. 🤣
Thanks very much for the info! I’m sorry you are letting it go. But I completely understand… been there, done that.

If you wish there was such a thing as a JCMRectifier, this is your amp.

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I’ve run my Badlander head primarily thru a Randal Diavlo 212 w/V30s and love it. If you wish there was such a thing as a JCMRectifier, this is your amp.

As an aside, Ive also run it thru a Peavey 412 with Sheffields and a Peavey 412 with 2 Sheffs and 2 V30s. The Badlander sounds killer thru all three and is unmistakable no matter the cab.

All that to say, I am likely getting rid of it. Not because I don’t love it, but because I seldom use it and would like to put the money in it into something I do use and/or “be responsible” and pay bills with that cash… man, I could barely keep a straight face typing out that last part. 🤣
Yeah, sounds so awesome you're getting rid of it?!

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I've had the 25w combo for quite a while now. I got mine not long after the 25w combo was released. It's my go to "grab and go" amp. In some respects, I kind of wish I got the 50 instead, but overall, I have zero regrets. I have enough 50 and 100 watt amps anyway. This Badlander is a straight-forward rock and roll machine. I use clean and crunch only. If I need more gain, I hit it with my EP booster. The amp takes pedals like a champ and the loop is flawless - at least for what I run through the loop which is a wild selection of cheapo pedals and "name brand" ones. I did change the speaker, however. I installed a WGS Invader 50. In all honesty, I think it sounds extremely similar to the factory Creamback 65. That was just something I wanted to do. I won't be selling it any time soon.

I used to have the 90 watt Mark V. I do not feel like these 2 amps are similar at all. Of course, the V has way more tonal options, but for straight up rock, you can't go wrong with a Badlander IMHO.
After owning the Mark V:25, Bogner Atma, and Friedman Pink Tacos, all for a decent period of time I'm convinced there ain't a damn thing wrong with EL84s. It just took some serious design efforts to make them work for heavy shit. Physics dictates they'll never have the low mid beef of bigger bottles, but in a well designed 20-25 watter in a home, garage, cellar, type setup they're going to kick all sorts of ass.
I would love to have a 25w combo, but can't seem to find one for less than the 50w head... one of these days I'll stumble on a deal for one.
I got mine for $1599 after a $200 price drop and $400 in cart discount for being a MF member (free registration). Quite a bit better than the $2199 street price not long ago. An over 27% difference.
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So here’s the problem with EL84s, headroom. If you’re playing at home, in a studio, or in a bedroom, they’re fine and everyone is happy. Great amps. If you’re playing country, blues, rock, etc in a bar, they’re fine too.

If you’re playing metal in a band, playing in a 2 guitar band, or playing with a powerful drummer, they’re just not going to cut it. I’ve owned all of the 25 watt Mesa amps and the only one that had enough volume to work in a band context was the V25 and only in Extreme mode. Even then, I could not get enough power out of it for a lead boost. Once you hit 11 o’clock on the master knob, it’s over. It’s all power tube grit you’re adding from there on. For someone that needs even a little more clean headroom, it’s not it.

The Mark V35 solves this and if you’re looking for a EL84 amp, that’s the one I’d suggest. I honestly have no idea why the Badlander 25 exists, as the 50w can be found for a similar price on the used market and solves every problem you’d have with the 25. It’s also a 17” chassis out of the headshell, so if space is an issue, buy a 4 space shallow rack and the rack kit, and now you have a full size 50w EL34 amp in a similar sized enclosure as the 25w head.
Truth! :beer

It's all about context (set and setting). There are times when 4 x EL84 in the 30-40 watt range
can work. That said, there is no replacement for displacement.