Might've just went Full Turbo™

I was watching some Cooper Carter drive block vids this morning. There are a few cool pieces in the FM but nothing I can see myself preferring over amp gain. I will certainly give it a go before I settle in. The OCD, the exotic acb(?) and the jamray(?) thing in the CC vids stood out the most to me.
I was watching some Cooper Carter drive block vids this morning. There are a few cool pieces in the FM but nothing I can see myself preferring over amp gain. I will certainly give it a go before I settle in. The OCD, the exotic acb(?) and the jamray(?) thing in the CC vids stood out the most to me.

That’s always the thing isn’t it? Tube distortion or silicon?

I use a drive for leads to get extra sustain and low cut/ mid boost , but I generally prefer power amp section sat/distortion. 👍
That’s always the thing isn’t it? Tube distortion or silicon?

I use a drive for leads to get extra sustain and low cut/ mid boost , but I generally prefer power amp section sat/distortion. 👍
The BL is the tightest amp I've ever played. It's nuts. It would be interesting to see (and be able to understand lol) the schematics to know if they built a baked-in boost into the circuit. I feel like I've read that somewhere?
Dumb question. Can spdif out be positioned in the chain and work as a instrument level send for amp input?