Do you talk to your partners about forum/member interaction?

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I still quote this one on occasion. :grin
My pen! My pen!

It was the kids in the hall gifs in my status thingy that made me think of it.

Friends Cheers GIF
Nah, she gets bored in 2 seconds when I'm playing music, much less talking about it.
Love my wife, but like a lot of chicks, she likes generic electronic pop music. She'll become visibly annoyed with something like guitar rock, but Taylor swift or Beyonce talking about women's empowerment will literally bring her to tears.

They're mostly simple creatures when it comes to art. Even the emo chicks I used to date in my early 20's were always more into getting stupid haircuts and dressing in all black than the actual music.
That's crazy, man. Women make up the majority of my friends and all but 1 are metalheads who are just as passionate about it as I am. My ex-wife was a scene/emo chick, I knew I was going to marry her when she told Mike Portnoy was her favorite drummer as a result of her drum teacher giving her a copy of A Change Of Seasons.

I don't think that aspect of my life could be better evidence of like attracting like. And I'm going to turn that 1 friend who isn't into metal into a metalhead, she's listening to Devin Townsend on her own now, all it takes is that one gateway band and a good concert!
That's a pretty broad (no pun intended) and sexist statement...

I know very many artistic females as well as many that are enthusiastic about various forms of art.

There's a lot more to art than guitar oriented music.

It's a broad statement, but but its backed up by science. Women are statistically less creative than men for biological reasons.
Yes, women can be amazing at art, and they can appreciate art, but there's huge discrepancies between men and women in those areas that go far beyond social influences that are biological in nature.

You can want that to not be true, but it won't change the fact that it is true. This is why the performance bar is much higher form men in pretty much any form of art.

This post isn't for you, but for anyone that's interested, look it up.
Cite sources for both sides or....


For realz doe.

Also I'm talking about peer reviewed journals....not blog posts judgement.
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Yes, because art is about competition, right?
In a lot of ways, yes, art is about competition.

If it wasn't, Michaelangelo wouldn't have been chosen to paint the Sistine chapel, David Copperfield wouldn't have a residency in Vegas, and Metallica wouldn't sell out stadiums.

They achieved those positions by being better at their craft than the competition.

If you don't think the bar is lower for women, I would suggest watching a tic tok video of a pretty girl playing a simple blues lick and reading the comments.

I ok with that too.