Kemper Player - Kemper gives away Morphing for FREE

ha ha simpsons GIF
I love my two KPP units. I mean for me, it's perfect for acoustic, bass and electric gigs. What I don't love is their management / marketing / how they treat their customers. So now what? I hate this!
From my perspective from the last 10 years…they’ve always been trustworthy and transparent…so a general disqualification of the company is a bridge to far imo. I honestly believe they want to do it right for their customers…I don’t believe they sit at the Management table with “how we gonna rip them off today” on the agenda.

But..the way they handle this shifting of functionality, which I get from a broader perspective (having to compete with price fighters), doesn’t feel like a fair deal for people how recently upgraded to lvl II, but i can imagine it’s a though nut to crack how to make it fair for everyone (and stay in business atst)

For me as a lvlIII user…the full package is reduced in price with 50.-…price changes happen, I’m ok.
Lvl 1 users get new stuff for free…happy peeps there.
Lvl II…still have the same functionality…and effectively you are also dealing with a 50,- price drop also , albeit it’s a larger % then for me as a lvl III, and >25% on the II pack itself, and maybe the II upgrade does less now on the used market also. Thats where the pain pivots around afaic.

Oth..line6 gives 25% off + a backpack atm right?…thats perfectly fine for all of us..but that impact is actually larger on previous buyers…simply feels less awkward cause it impacts all buyers the same. Well..,if you bought 1 week for the sales/pricedrop, you are grumpy probably.

I think it’s complicated…what if they drop new functionality in II in a couple of months…would that balance the score? Dripping new stuff into payed tiers and drip some older into lvl I would make sense to me as a way forward in the long run… might end up with functionality in your paid tier you didn’t sign up for…also no perfection.

I get the lvl thing, I get the need to enrich the lvl I to remain competitive, and I also get it’s not that easy to do it in a way that’s perfect for everyone. Maybe they should do partial refunds of the 50,depending on the purchase date? Allow a roll back within certain periods?
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Well this is interesting. I just got BANNED on the Kemper Forum for voicing my displeasure with what they just did. So needless to say, I will be returning both of my Kemper setups.
Good. If they ban paying customers for voicing their displeasure with something, then you should get all of your money back if it is within the return window still. Yeesh, what a farce this whole thing seems to be.
The KPA forum has always been *very* tightly held - even for all the years the KPA was the only game in town - I always thought it was just a cultural-German-European kind of thing (?)

But in the last 2 years especially, there are less and less new posters, and very little criticism is tolerated - its just shouted down by either mods or more often that not, "rusted-on" users - its taken a very inward-almost-paranoid vibe - I can only put it down to the impact of things like Tonex, NAM etc....

I don't think KPA or the units are going away any time soon - especially for all the mid-to-top-tier touring bands and pro studios - but for everyone else - which is probably a f*ck-ton % of the market - their general level of un-happiness seems to be really growing.

Its really weird too because CK is absolutley onto something amazing with his LP approach, but even that - its now ~18 months old - and no new "amp stacks" have been added.

The whole "paid-levels" model for the Player has also been a major misstep which could have been %100 avoided if it was released at the right [substantially lower] price but it has left a terribly bad taste in the mouths of many people who were, or may have become, KPA users.

It bares being clear about things - the latest "downward feature adding" just announced was not done because the units are selling like hot cakes :(
It very much is a German thing.
In addition that all small companies and their designers think they're the singer in an 80s band.
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Those of us who paid to upgrade our Kemper Players are not happy this week with the news that Kemper is now giving away morphing for free, after we paid to have this feature. In my case, I paid twice, since I have two Player units. What are your thoughts on this? I think the whole "level" thing is a disaster. Honestly if the Tonex had better reverbs (like Kemper's ionosphere) I would be DONE with Kemper.
Why would anybody even have bought those to begin with? I mean it was already a bad idea as discussed on many forum so people should vote with their pocketbooks was not your comforter working fine as it was?
The KPA forum has always been *very* tightly held - even for all the years the KPA was the only game in town - I always thought it was just a cultural-German-European kind of thing (?)

But in the last 2 years especially, there are less and less new posters, and very little criticism is tolerated - its just shouted down by either mods or more often that not, "rusted-on" users - its taken a very inward-almost-paranoid vibe - I can only put it down to the impact of things like Tonex, NAM etc....

I don't think KPA or the units are going away any time soon - especially for all the mid-to-top-tier touring bands and pro studios - but for everyone else - which is probably a f*ck-ton % of the market - their general level of un-happiness seems to be really growing.

Its really weird too because CK is absolutley onto something amazing with his LP approach, but even that - its now ~18 months old - and no new "amp stacks" have been added.

The whole "paid-levels" model for the Player has also been a major misstep which could have been %100 avoided if it was released at the right [substantially lower] price but it has left a terribly bad taste in the mouths of many people who were, or may have become, KPA users.

It bares being clear about things - the latest "downward feature adding" just announced was not done because the units are selling like hot cakes :(
Sounds like a cult