Kemper Player - 1st [ Paid for ? ] Update coming very soon ?

I don't think anyone asked for that. Why not read the thread to see why people don't like it instead of throwing out theories that don't match up to the genuine criticisms posted.
Either you have a reply or not. Not gonna read 16 pages of a thread to not talk to you, I’m just not gonna talk to you.
It has a screen, more switches, direct access to all functionality, profiling... etc.. there are many reasons to buy a stage at its price, with the Kemper Playing doing everything that different levels do out of the box, whilst not cannibalising any sales of either of them.

But this isn't why anyone has beef with the approach anyway.
I get the beef, no one likes paying for DLC or for it to be the business model in this space. I also get why Kemper priced it as such, and I think the pricing’s competitive within its product line for those who like the Kemper. You don’t like it and think it sounds donkey, so of course the pricing doesn’t make sense to you.
Big part of the problem is we know too much about how the sausage is made and how old the underlying algos are to not have a certain wave of push back on this.
Yeah, this is what I mean. Many of us enthusiasts think the Kemper algos are old and outdated, and the Kemper Player pricing is just a latest highlight of that. Same point, different messaging, different responses… figure out what you actually think, people.
Not sure why anyone would expect them to release the tiny Kemper Stage for half the price of a Kemper Stage.
Hmmmm. I don't hate Kemper. If I did, I would have sold my toaster before they dropped a few hundred in resale. The Kemper software is designed to have a screen. If the Player really was meant to be a tiny Stage, it would have one. Honestly if they'd done a better job with the Player design, I might have actually considered it.

What they released here smacks to me of an afterthought to an already poor design...and a cynical cash grab.

But hey....if it works for you, that's great!
Didn't read most of the thread, but I think everyone hates it...?

I kind of like it. $1k for a tiny Kemper Stage. I think it's the most featured modeler in this small 3 footswitch form factor by far.

Not sure why anyone would expect them to release the tiny Kemper Stage for half the price of a Kemper Stage. If you don’t like this pricing, it’s cus you don’t like any of the Kemper product line pricings…

Interested to see how it handles the 8 effect slots or anything else that’s not in the current UI, I guess it’s all app control with those? Manual doesn’t say.
It's not $1000 for a mini Stage though. It doesn't capture. Doesn't have a screen. Requires a MIDI controller to get the most out of it. And used Stages are $1100 all day long.
What they released here smacks to me of an afterthought to an already poor design...and a cynical cash grab.
Oh no, they’re trying to make money and give salaries to their German manufacturing employees!
It's not $1000 for a mini Stage though. It doesn't capture. Doesn't have a screen. Requires a MIDI controller to get the most out of it. And used Stages are $1100 all day long.
Its IO sucks I agree, but it’s also $600 cheaper. They don’t make money off used prices.
Oh no, they’re trying to make money and give salaries to their German manufacturing employees!

Its IO sucks I agree, but it’s also $600 cheaper. They don’t make money off used prices.
Right, but as I've said already, they definitely have to pay attention to used prices, because they're definitely competing with it. Especially since Kemper stuff has been around for a over a decade.
I just fired up Tonocracy(RIP?) again. With the Slammin Mofo captures of some choice plexi amps I would be a happy camper if someone made a better NAM box than what's currently available.
What cannabilizes sales of higher priced products is not making those products compelling relative to cheap(er) gear, both inside and outside of your own company. Implementing a paid tier update scheme as some way to get around the true viability of the shit you’re selling, is dumb as shit and anyone mildly supporting it is voting against their own long term self interests.
I can buy a Stage on the Kemper site for $1280 right now
Refurb? Yup, refurb. Why make me google for this stupid point.
Right, but as I've said already, they definitely have to pay attention to used prices, because they're definitely competing with it. Especially since Kemper stuff has been around for an over a decade.
They’ve been in business for over a decade, I’m sure they have a handle on how to compete with used prices better than rando forumites.
What cannabilizes sales of higher priced products is not making those products compelling relative to cheap(er) gear, both inside and outside of your own company. Implementing a paid tier update scheme as some way to get around the true viability of the shit you’re selling, is dumb as shit and anyone mildly supporting it is voting against their own long term self interests.
Long term self interests? Wrt luxury music gear, lol wut? If one’s so concerned with that, buy a used Kemper Stage instead, it’s still fully supported.
Refurb? Yup, refurb. Why make me google for this stupid point.
And? I can buy it off Kempers website with a 3 year guarantee.

Your point of

Its IO sucks I agree, but it’s also $600 cheaper. They don’t make money off used prices.

Does not hold since the full Kemper Player experience is only $250 cheaper than a direct purchase of a Stage on the manufacturers website

If one’s so concerned with that, buy a used Kemper Stage instead, it’s still fully supported.
I've seen the Stage cheaper than the LVL 3! Kemper player on FB Marketplace multiple times.
And? I can buy it off Kempers website with a 3 year guarantee.

Your point of

Does not hold since the full Kemper Player experience is only $250 cheaper than a direct purchase of a Stage on the manufacturers website

I've seen the Stage cheaper than the LVL 3! Kemper player on FB Marketplace multiple times.
Then buy the Kemper Stage.
Absolutely mad how this has been handled. Of course everyone’s pissed off, Kemper are trying to flog software for £300 that they’ve happily been including with all their other products for free for 11+ years.

And of course the player should be cheaper, it’s got no screen, three buttons and no decent I/O to speak of.

DLC doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing if it’s something that a lot of work has gone in to and has value but this is money for old rope.
I absolutely would if I were between the Stage and the Player as there is very little, if any, reason not to.
And that is why the Player was designed and released at nearly half the price you are focused on…to make it more affordable and only a select few will see a value to by the level 3 version/price.

If the only way you could buy a lvl 3 version was to buy a different model that had the DSP to provide it most of the people complaining wouldn’t be. It’s only because Kemper had the good fortune to have a way to use the existing circuits and chips etc in a small box to provide the content at all 3 levels.

Some people think they are entitled to anything that can be delivered by the hardware until the manufacturer needs to change hardware. It’s a false premise.
Ultimately they are selling *content* produced by hardware at a price they see fit. That is always the business model.

Just because in this case it was a cost effective production run for them doesn’t mean you are now stock holder and they are withholding your dividend check.
How do you expect them to keep selling the Kemper Stage if you want the lvl 3 Kemper Player for half the price?
I think you are Right about this that’s what the are protecting the Stage owners
If they gave away it all for $150 you are going to tick them off

That’s said if I owned the player I would wait a bit I Am sure as NDSP does there 50% off plug-in and holiday sales
Kemper will have a sale on the bundle and drop price for the lvls
I think you are Right about this that’s what the are protecting the Stage owners
If they gave away it all for $150 you are going to tick them off
But yet, as mentioned in this thread, Line 6 sells the stomp for a fraction of the price of the flagship and not once have you had to pay to unlock functionality.

There is enough of a price cushion with how Line 6 tiers their products imo. Kemper failed on this.
Considering companies have been doing this for many years idk how it is a false premise?
Simple, just because someone has done something is not proof that everyone must always do it that way. The business model was never produce and sell to the lowest bidders ability to pay.
It has always been balance your profit margin to maintain optimal cash influx.
The market as a whole decides what is viable, not the noisy low bidder.