It finally happened.

That’s on my list for bass. One of the bands we played dude had a little 1x12 combo and it was pretty impressive for the size.
I’m a fan of the Rumble series. They were well priced, light and sound good to me. I’m not a bassist however, I just fake it best I can.
The question has already been answered.

I’d grab a Mesa DC-5.

I know you don’t want to hear it but more amplification might not solve this problem. You’ll just be exciting a space that’s likely working against you. I also get that this venue is going to tell you to go F yourself if you suggest bass traps.

Might also be a phase issue.
You could choose something like these two. The extra 3db from the added 12” might help you cut through versus the 1x12 versions and they are new, could always return if insufficient.

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You could choose something like these two. The extra 3db Fromm the added 12 might help you cut through versus the 1x12 versions and they are new, could always return if insufficient.

I was looking at both of those. I like the looks of the Catalyst.
I’d like to point out that I’m not looking for “good” sound, I’m looking for a moderately light box with a loud ass power amp. Nothing is going to sound good in these spaces at performance volume. I appreciate the (relevant) input.
I’d like to point out that I’m not looking for “good” sound, I’m looking for a moderately light box with a loud ass power amp. Nothing is going to sound good in these spaces at performance volume. I appreciate the (relevant) input.
assume you don’t already own a guitar cab that can take a lot of watts? If you do, I’d just use a power amp with that and call it a day. If not, the shatalyst should shit on the shatana in this shenario given the shatana generally oozes shatana power amp juice all over everything passed through it, making things likely more colored/less intelligible.
assume you don’t already own a guitar cab that can take a lot of watts? If you do, I’d just use a power amp with that and call it a day. If not, the shatalyst should shit on the shatana in this shenario given the shatana generally oozes shatana power amp juice all over everything passed through it, making things likely more colored/less intelligible.
I haven’t had a guitar cab in a looooong time. Honestly haven’t even thought about it until this last year, but there’s been more fun shows in shitty venues with cool bands so I’ve just been fighting it. Also, I would like a custom badge that says SHATALYST
assume you don’t already own a guitar cab that can take a lot of watts? If you do, I’d just use a power amp with that and call it a day. If not, the shatalyst should shit on the shatana in this shenario given the shatana generally oozes shatana power amp juice all over everything passed through it, making things likely more colored/less intelligible.
In my experience, if you want drier amplification the Catalyst would be my pref. If you wanted an amp with a “tubier” sound amp… the Boss.

I’d like to point out that I’m not looking for “good” sound, I’m looking for a moderately light box with a loud ass power amp. Nothing is going to sound good in these spaces at performance volume. I appreciate the (relevant) input.

How about an old crate power block + whatever cheapest cab you can find locally?
How about an old crate power block + whatever cheapest cab you can find locally?
That is also a consideration since I already have the power block. Up until recently I’d usually ask very nicely to use a cab and use it for this type of event, but gear sharing is not very popular lately. I’m kinda partial to less cables and extra pieces wherever I can so I’ve kind of talked myself into the combo idea.
That is also a consideration since I already have the power block. Up until recently I’d usually ask very nicely to use a cab and use it for this type of event, but gear sharing is not very popular lately. I’m kinda partial to less cables and extra pieces wherever I can so I’ve kind of talked myself into the combo idea.

My current banding situation has only been going on since 2021 and there was a long dry spell bedsore that but yeah in the last few years outside of drums and occasionally bass I’ve seen about 0 gear sharing scenarios with guitarists. Actually there was one time that the sound guy dropped on me last second at load in that they were expecting me to use a fender hot rod and I was like yeaaaaahh that’s definitely not gonna work for me. Basically had to beg the sound guy to let me use my 5153 i had brought lol
My current banding situation has only been going on since 2021 and there was a long dry spell bedsore that but yeah in the last few years outside of drums and occasionally bass I’ve seen about 0 gear sharing scenarios with guitarists. Actually there was one time that the sound guy dropped on me last second at load in that they were expecting me to use a fender hot rod and I was like yeaaaaahh that’s definitely not gonna work for me. Basically had to beg the sound guy to let me use my 5153 i had brought lol
Yeah, never a fan of the forced backline like that. It’s been kind of weird honestly with the gear sharing thing. In previous lives the band setting up the show pretty much always offered to backline cabs and drums, but nobody does that anymore. And the bands setting up the show would usually split opening/closing duties or “headline”. Now they want the newer band from a hundred miles away to play last at 12:30. And then get salty when I don’t want to book them a show on top of it.


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Well, I have. And I've hardly seen any bands (in fact none) with no bass player.
Shit man, we have a set ready to go if the drummer has to cancel. If the drummer or the vocalist wanted to carry my shit and run the laptop they could do a show without me. I’ve seen “bands” where it’s a vocalist and an iPod, or a guitar player and a drum machine and a bunch of playback, and they put on killer shows. Hanging out waiting for the right people to show up is a great way to do nothing creatively. All the tools are there to keep making music, why wait? This current project and my previous band both had or have had tracked bass and surprise, nobody but a few bass players have ever given a shit, lol. And when your bass player literally can’t fuck up you have to play really tight or you look stupid.