It finally happened.

season 2 starz GIF by Blunt Talk
I know how EQ works, I know how volume works, I know that I’m not going to ask the drummer to “dial it back” for this kind of music.


That is the question.

If your response is anything other than an answer to that question you’re not being helpful here. This isn’t an adult contemporary rock gig at a diner. We’re not a jazz band. Drums playing softer is not how this music works, contrary to whatever your X years of professionally being quiet tell you.
Mustang is to my ears LOUD. Super cheap. You could get 2. Not sure how it's going to compare to the EVs though. That's another wrinkle in this situation. You're going to have to grab something to try it and see, no matter what you do.
Mustang is to my ears LOUD. Super cheap. You could get 2. Not sure how it's going to compare to the EVs though. That's another wrinkle in this situation. You're going to have to grab something to try it and see, no matter what you do.
Oh for sure, I haven’t even owned a real cab in a loooong time, so the suggestions are useful. When they address the question anyways.
Are you making a claim that no "FRFR" speaker has comparable SPL at the midrange with a guitar amp? This is easy to test by adding high and lowpass filters to one
No hardcore shows, no. But if I was playing those, I'd likely either get the Laney 4x12 or go for IEM.
As much fun as the Laney would be it’s waaay overkill for something I only need 4-5 times a year. We’re already on IEMs, so me hearing myself is never an issue, and the other 50 shows a year are in places with “real” PAs so even a stage wedge is optional. Objectively bad guitar tones seem to work better in these types of places, and also separating the bass playback from the guitar amplification may be beneficial, as well.
Are you making a claim that no ""FRFR"" speaker has comparable SPL at the midrange with a guitar amp? This is easy to test by adding high and lowpass filters to one
Not at all, but there is a definitely a difference in a single driver versus something with a crossover.
Multiple requests for volume, video recording from the show.
The two EV monitors you have, are those only playing back the guitar sound or are other sources involved? Bass, tracks, etc?

Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just trying to picture the entirety of the scenario.
The two EV monitors you have, are those only playing back the guitar sound or are other sources involved? Bass, tracks, etc?

Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just trying to picture the entirety of the scenario.
Yeah, in this scenario they’re handling guitar and some bass, also connected to a cheap 12” sub to help with the bass. No issues with the bass in this situation, the room makes that seem twice as loud, lol. I’m sure some of the issue is the combined amplification along with the fact that I’m playing an absolutely ridiculous extended range guitar that carries the full range of standard guitar through A0.
Yeah, in this scenario they’re handling guitar and some bass, also connected to a cheap 12” sub to help with the bass. No issues with the bass in this situation, the room makes that seem twice as loud, lol. I’m sure some of the issue is the combined amplification along with the fact that I’m playing an absolutely ridiculous extended range guitar that carries the full range of standard guitar through A0.
It sounds to me like the bass might just be swallowing your guitar tone right up. Seperate amplification sounds like the way to go. Have you thought about using one EV for bass (with sub) and the other strictly for your guitar?

I know these aren't the answers you're looking for, just trying to possibly save you some $$.

FWIW a Boss Katana 100w can get stupid loud and used ones are cheap AF. I hear a lot of places are blowing out the L6 Catalyst amps for a good price.
Yeah, in this scenario they’re handling guitar and some bass, also connected to a cheap 12” sub to help with the bass.

That's defenitely not a great idea. I even notice my guitar to somehow get lost already when just running some keys through my wedge, which is why I always try to have my personal guitar monitoring separated from anything else (just that sometimes it's not possible).
But seriously, we're not comparing apples and apples here anymore. I mean, that guitar combo (or whatever you plan to buy) certainly won't be used for any bass, so the comparison is somewhat flawed.
I'm surprised FR10/ FR12 haven't "entered the chat" yet. Are we assuming these simply aren't loud enough? They seem like the intended answer for the exact question in the OP. Good controls to tailor output for any given room, easy to use at various angles for sidewashing, XLR output to the board, etc.
I'm surprised FR10/ FR12 haven't "entered the chat" yet. Are we assuming these simply aren't loud enough? They seem like the intended answer for the exact question in the OP. Good controls to tailor output for any given room, easy to use at various angles for sidewashing, XLR output to the board, etc.
I wouldn't put an FR in a loud metal band show really at all. Loud enough when pushed for a cover band but someone ripping out your lower intestinal tract in drop E; not so much. They'd probably blow the speaker with as much bass running :sofa :rofl