Is there anything inside the Quad Cortex that they didn't steal from someone else?

Not sure what this means.

I can count many dozens of things that were specifically lifted from Helix that have nothing to do with rounded squares and grids, yet any time someone mentions shameless copying, contrarians fall back onto... rounded squares and grids. It's like when B€#®!n&€® unveiled their MonoPoly (not Mono/Poly! See, it's different, there's no slash!) and any critique was met with "Ohhhh, they both have keys and knobs. Big deal."

It's not about the keys and knobs. It's not about the rounded squares and grids. It's the many dozens of other things that collectively could never have organically manifested themselves without the active, blatant direction of "just copy how Korg Line 6 did it."

Basically, it's Diet B€#®!n&€®.
I only didn't buy one of those coz I didn't want to lose your respect. :rofl

Went with the Waldorf Iridium and Novation Summit instead - made a good choice me thinks!
Ever used a pedalboard??

Of course. It's all the other way around. And fwiw, Zoom and TC are allowing you to have that analog signal flow represented in their MFX pedals (as in L->R or R->L being a global preference).
But quite obviously, as we're westerners, we're reading from left to right, hence on a screen also using written labels, it's easier to do signal flow representations left to right, too.
No, it's really f*****g haaarrrddddd. Even these dumb kids books with like "billy lives on a roof" or "Ted sleeps on the beach like a trampy hobo covered in doo-doo" ... super hard in Japanese.

I know, my son reads those manga style comics. And even if they're translated to german, they're still starting at the end... drives me mad.
It's not about the keys and knobs. It's not about the rounded squares and grids. It's the many dozens of other things that collectively could never have organically manifested themselves without the active, blatant direction of "just copy how Korg Line 6 did it."
There's no denying that (much of) the QC interface looks a lot like HX. I'm sure it's frustrating to watch NDSP do victory laps for "their" aesthetic choices. On the other hand, I don't know how anyone could ever "unsee" the HX UI and how much common sense it makes. In many regards, you'd have to intentionally muck up the UX to differentiate a new one from HX. (And by the way, in some regards, they did LOL.)

More importantly, we tend to talk about this design plagiarism from the top down: e.g. "the icons are even the same color", etc. I think it's equally important to look at the ways in which the features and hardware architecture inevitably bubble up through the presentation layer. Four lanes representing four cores across the two SHARC chips, comparable I/O, and so on. That's not plagiarism at the f/w or content level; it's just application of good organizational principles. (We would need to have a separate discussion as to whether the similarities in h/w constitute some ethical breach.)

I know you're (reasonably) salty about all of this, so I hesitate to say more, but I do think the QC touchscreen and encoders are put to effective use, and its substantially "flattened" Globals UI is an improvement over HX (again, owing largely to the touchscreen, which I imagine Line 6 is looking at for future products.)

You know I was and remain a HUGE Helix fan before I became a QC fan. To great extent I like the QC because it is so much like a full-fat Helix. It's just a shame NDSP have behaved like such jerks. :( (For whatever it's worth - and I'm guessing you already know this and the answer is "not much" - Doug does give you guys props in interviews for being industry leaders in UI/UX, and acknowledges that he wanted to incorporate that along with strengths from other competitors.)
New update about updates today-

Isn’t the cab portion of the QC one of the things users enjoy the most about it? Seems odd they’d be updating that rather than doing anything else? There’s a feature request forum FILLED with feature requests but they’re going to work on the one thing, literally, NO ONE is asking for. :rofl

They’re on another f*ckin’ planet. But hey, the desktop editor *should* be ready to preview at NAMM in April.
What's a 'Bellend?"