My question, someone who has a modeler, do they really need a midi controlled IR loader? And if not, why spend $200 more for this?

It's also smaller and WAY more powerful than the FR-12 which, while marketed as a 1000W amp, is actually 150W into 8 Ohms.

The FR-12 can go pretty loud thou, so, it's up to each one to gauge whether that price difference is justified.
It's also smaller and WAY more powerful than the FR-12 which, while marketed as a 1000W amp, is actually 150W into 8 Ohms.

The FR-12 can go pretty loud thou, so, it's up to each one to gauge whether that price difference is justified.

Does these things also have volume “blockers”? So a cap on what the thing is allowed to push?

132 db … I can see the horror of our children playing with the knob and hitting a string at 132db
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The apparent success of the Fender FR-10/12 is likely gonna spawn a bunch of these “full range” guitar speaker driven powered boxes with moveable high/low pass filters.

Not sure I trust IK’s product design team to get this right. Will be interested to see what the latency figures look like and whether you can bypass the processing to avoid it.

I suspect that we’ll see at least a few more of these “Fender FR__ killers” as more companies chase a piece of the market. But Fender set the bar pretty high with their cabs, so it’s going to take something pretty damn impressive to truly stand above what is already out there.
Does these things also have volume “blockers”? So a cap on what the thing is allowed to push?

Not sure. IK claims the Tonex Cab can do 132db, which is fucking bananas (that's a fighter jet take off at 15 meters), yet all reviews note that the amp is crazy loud with the volume at 3pm-ish.

I did not know this? If true!?

Yes 😥 See the Fender Tone Master FR-10 and FR-12 ""FRFR"" cabs thread page 10 for details.

I don't think it's "different specs", but Fender outright lying. Amp manufacturers tend to get... creative when it comes to methodologies for measuring power, but there's no real way to spin a 150w amp as 1000w.
I suspect that we’ll see at least a few more of these “Fender FR__ killers” as more companies chase a piece of the market. But Fender set the bar pretty high with their cabs, so it’s going to take something pretty damn impressive to truly stand above what is already out there.
I’d love to see someone one-up Fender, if anything just to signal that we’re seeing healthy competition in a space that’s been…I don’t want to say empty because similar ideas have been around for a while, but maybe ineffective in that the results up until the FR-10/12 haven’t been great.

This idea feels like there’s promise and it could continue to develop.
Not sure. IK claims the Tonex Cab can do 132db, which is fucking bananas (that's a fighter jet take off at 15 meters), yet all reviews note that the amp is crazy loud with the volume at 3pm-ish.

Yes 😥 See the Fender Tone Master FR-10 and FR-12 """FRFR""" cabs thread page 10 for details.

I don't think it's "different specs", but Fender outright lying. Amp manufacturers tend to get... creative when it comes to methodologies for measuring power, but there's no real way to spin a 150W amp as 1000W.

That’s insane.
I think power is not that important. Actual dBs depend on other things (speaker efficiency, for instance) as much than power (or even a little more). Remember than doubling the power only gives you 3 extra dBs.

My 50W Champion XL can get really loud. Way more than I need. As an stage monitor is even more pointless to search for extreme power. I use it at 10 o´clock in a 6-band.

So... for me, it´s extremely pricy. It gets me a little surprised, given they have the opposite pricing strategy with the ToneX pedals (they are very cheap, IMO).
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My question, someone who has a modeler, do they really need a midi controlled IR loader? And if not, why spend $200 more for this?
Henning Paul's "Use it to basically have a cab that stays the same through the entire gig" made the most sense to me, as that will mean it's not tied to your preset settings and whatnot, works mostly like having a particular cab on everything. Of course you can do this on a modeler, but without global blocks in most units, you are going to have to set that stuff up in every preset.

But then again...you could just bring a poweramp and your favorite 1x12 guitar cab.

While I like having some EQ control on the amp just to have a real quick way to have global EQ, all the other stuff could be done on the modeler.

I would not be surprised if someone measures what the "Amp tone" knob does for EQ since it seems to boost the mids and cut the highs. Then you can just use a parametric EQ to do that.

As a product it seems fine, but I don't think I'd pay the extra over a Fender FR-12. I hope someone puts it head to head with that one to see if there's e.g a difference in feel playing through them.