IK Multimedia TONEX

I thought @James Freeman more or less won that $20? Don't tell me you've stiffed him on it? Well I'll be!
It was for 100, not 20. I split 50 and 50 to two other players since James said he didn’t want it. James’ is my current main preset on my helix now but it’s still pretty far off compared to what tonex and revalver get. Especially when you switch pickups.

100 is chump change considering the type of learning you get out of it. Really happy to learn how James used span plus for instance. I’ve really been diving into that now.
Pretty sure if you put an EQ before an amp and tits 100hz to make it fuzzy and 'doomy', and then put an EQ after the amp and remove 100hz to try and restore the low-end tight-chug thing, it just aint gonna work.
The other way around is a popular solution though - cut bass up front and boost midrange to tighten it then bring up bass and cut mids with an EQ in the loop. Not all that far off from what Mesa Marks do inside the amp with how the up front knob tonestack drives the amp (e.g more treble = more gain).

Captures are the easiest way to take your favorite amp's favorite settings and then make a digital snapshot of those. Whether it works for anything else after the fact is up to you as you are limited with pre/post-EQ options in shaping the sound.

The second best way is dialing in a close enough sound on a component modeler and using a tone match to figure out the rest.

Doing it by ear or spectrum analyzer or whatever is definitely a lot more work but with the added benefit that if you get the sound right that way and your results look similar to what you would use on the real amp (namely didn't have to do extreme things to get there), then most likely that amp model is pretty accurate and will behave very similar to the real amp so you can enjoy its full capabilities in the virtual realm too!
The other way around is a popular solution though - cut bass up front and boost midrange to tighten it then bring up bass and cut mids with an EQ in the loop. Not all that far off from what Mesa Marks do inside the amp with how the up front knob tonestack drives the amp (e.g more treble = more gain).
Yes, but the principle is the same - you cannot fix pre distortion EQ shaping with post distortion EQ shaping. It isn't the same thing. Which was my point.

I'm fully familiar with the concepts of amp topology.
you cannot fix pre distortion EQ shaping with post distortion EQ shaping.

Well, nobody exactly want's to do that - and yet, you sort of can. @laxu already posted an appropriate example.
It's something I'm really doing all the time ever since I got into modeling (in fact, I've partially been even doing it before, using a loopswitcher setup with various pre/post EQ-ing options). Boost pre amp to get the drive characteristic you're after, re-balance things with a post EQ.
There's a new update, as well as a firmware update for TONEX Pedal:

TONEX 1.1.2

Changes from version 1.1.1:

  • Fixed an issue with the CAB Lock that wasn't locking the CAB when changing from TONE MODEL CAB to VIR.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause TONEX GUI to go grey when closing and reopening the plug-in.
  • Added 13 new PRESETs taken from our demo video. Type "Demo Video" in the search bar to find them.
  • Fixed an issue that could give inaccurate results when modeling High Gain Amplifiers or Stomps.
TONEX PEDAL (Firmware 1.0.4)
  • Fixed an issue that was locking the pedal at start-up when a MIDI CLOCK was sent to the MIDI IN.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could corrupt the last selected preset before powering off the pedal.

  • General reliability improvements.
Reposted from "The Other Plaice"...


So, today was the day that I started exploring making my own captures.

I started with my Morgan MVP23, and I'm pretty happy with it, although I need to have the amp serviced as it can be crackly and seems to be picking up some unwanted RF signals! :(

Anyway, I wanted to check out cab removal, and my original plan was to create a capture of my Morgan direct and then create another capture with the DI signal going through a "cab", in this case, a Helix stock cab from my HX Stomp, as I don't have the correct equipment and expertise to actually mic up an actual cabinet.

Since my Morgan was being a little flakey, I decided to use a modelled amp from the HX Stomp (Litigator) and first created a capture with a 1x12 Grammatico cab sim, and then created another capture with the cab sim off.

Once this was done, I locked a ToneX cab in the software and switched between the two profiles and, apart from a large difference in levels (my bad, should have balanced the HX preset with the cab on and off), the character of the tone was maintained despite one of the presets have a baked in cab that needed to be replaced.

From my very brief experiment, I'd say the cab removal algorithm is very good indeed - I will try it again over the weekend, taking care to actually balance the two captures.
Anyone notice that when you switch amps or reload them, they all have the same knob settings? How do you return the amp back to the knob settings it had when you captured it? When you capture, is it supposed to set all the knobs to the middle?
Anyone notice that when you switch amps or reload them, they all have the same knob settings? How do you return the amp back to the knob settings it had when you captured it? When you capture, is it supposed to set all the knobs to the middle?

Can't answer your question as I don't have access to the capture functionality yet, but I think any such device needed an option to set "parameter offsets". So, if you captured, say, a very mid-rangey amp, it'd likely be a decent idea to have the mid knob above noon as you'd rather turn mids down when tweaking. Isn't that already possible with the gain parameter?
Anyone notice that when you switch amps or reload them, they all have the same knob settings? How do you return the amp back to the knob settings it had when you captured it? When you capture, is it supposed to set all the knobs to the middle?
I wondered that myself. Is 5 the default point for each parameter?
Make a few captures of amps and use the same graphics choice of amp, or load up a few different captures from others that use the same amp icon. Change a setting on the knobs of one of them.

If I do this, ALL captures using that amp icon are now set the same as the one I changed. Seems broken, but I guess the trick is to save a preset of the amp instead so hopefully the knobs would go back
So @IK Multimedia

I am having odd results capturing my amp. The levels are fine during the Capture and Training processes. When I go to compare; the levels are SUPER low and the capture has an odd sound. Out of like 6 captures I've done this morning; one has worked as it should. Have there been any reports on this behavior from others? I am using the Axe I/O as my reamp box. I am on the latest Tone-X app revision and FW on the pedal itself. I know it's the weekend but just food for thought when Monday rolls around.

Also; on the Axe I/O; the level meter is barely hitting the 3rd bar. The Tone-X app is hitting red and telling me to turn down the gain. Which value am I supposed to rely on as the ideal...what is shown on the Axe I/O level meter or what is showing in the app?
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