A mild grumble+warning about IK Multimedia & Amplitube 5 Max

I have a lot of IK stuff - Tonex pedal, all 4 X-Gear pedals, and a bunch of software (Total Studio Max 3.5 and a few extras). But I see it for what it is. They're the fancy-look fast food joint of the effects/plugins world. Generally low prices (ok, not the X-Gears, but I got them on a blowout) , decent capabilities, clunky "undo and redo it" software, mostly a comms vacuum. Take the product or leave it. Interaction only via email in their ticketing system. If they don't want to answer a question, they just don't. They'll just go silent or tell you to open a ticket - where you'll be told you're wrong or asked to record samples of things that are in the factory settings. The real basic stuff - like info on input levels for Amplitube or bothering to even out factory amp captures (and X-Drive pedals) so you can switch between them - is left to the customer.
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I’ve held strong with Tonex Max (came free with Tonex hardware at the time) and TRacks, neither of which were 2024 purchases. Neither are perfect, both have been very useful in production environments though.

I did buy a pile of amalgam profiles but I don’t think that counts.

That all depends... was there a "Deluxe" on the tin as well (as I assume y'all say)?

No "Deluxe", don't think you can expect the "Full Monty".

I’ve been tempted by the TONEX One, but now I’m more looking forward to seeing what happens with cheaper NAM based stuff instead. So no money to IK from me last year and probably not this year!

What I did do last year was uninstall Amplitube 5 Max (which is missing the newer stuff same as OP) since I never, ever use it. I know too little about most the amps modeled to want to deal with not knowing what to set the input to. Screw that.
Boogaloo Shrimp Breakin GIF
I stumbled upon this thread (very interesting BTW) trying to find out what would be in the Amplitube 5 Max package. Actually more like what wouldn't be in it.
I have Amplitube 4 and downloaded the Amplitube 5 SE package that IKM put in my account but was immediately turned off by everything being locked and not really that usable.
That being said, I see on their site right now that the Total Studio Max package is on sale for $150.00 which contains Amplitube 5 and a shit ton of other stuff. Seems like a no brainer but......... what's the catch?? I want to be sure as there are no do-overs.

Any advice / thoughts / disparagements, greatly appreciated
There's a bit of a "oils ain't oils" about IK's packages. You buy Max and discover that it does not include the things you most wanted. Then they spam you to get you to upgrade to something like "Max 2" and eventually "Max Max" no doubt. The strategies resemble mobile phone company contracts after a while. Just tell 'em you're all maxed out.