IK Multimedia TONEX

So any amp profile i download will work
No. If you go to the IK multimedia site they break it down. Certain tiers have access to different profiles IK has shot. Ones that people have contributed on their own can be downloaded outside of the limitations of IK tier structure(as far as I know). Not sure about 3rd party paid ones at this point.

Best to just double check things on their site probably. :giggle:
No. If you go to the IK multimedia site they break it down. Certain tiers have access to different profiles IK has shot. Ones that people have contributed on their own can be downloaded outside of the limitations of IK tier structure(as far as I know). Not sure about 3rd party paid ones at this point.

Best to just double check things on their site probably. :giggle:
Yeah, you're basically paying extra IF you care about IK's own captures. Whether or not someone does is up to them.
Gosh darn. I can't hear much of a difference.
Gosh darn. I can't hear much of a difference.
Much like the Quad Cortex, I can hear differences. But they don't piss me off as much as the ones I can hear with the Kemper. This is well within tolerance and I'm super thrilled to be able to get these tones on desktop. I am seriously wondering if I even need my Axe FX III (again!!!) :facepalm

I installed the latest ToneX update. So previously my training times were at 35 to 40 minutes for advanced training.

Installed the new update. Just captured an amp-only capture earlier on. Started at 22:10. It just finished at 22:25. So it took 15minutes. Great improvement!
Much like the Quad Cortex, I can hear differences. But they don't piss me off as much as the ones I can hear with the Kemper. This is well within tolerance and I'm super thrilled to be able to get these tones on desktop. I am seriously wondering if I even need my Axe FX III (again!!!) :facepalm

I installed the latest ToneX update. So previously my training times were at 35 to 40 minutes for advanced training.

Installed the new update. Just captured an amp-only capture earlier on. Started at 22:10. It just finished at 22:25. So it took 15minutes. Great improvement!
Is it more stable in a DAW now?
Much like the Quad Cortex, I can hear differences. But they don't piss me off as much as the ones I can hear with the Kemper. This is well within tolerance and I'm super thrilled to be able to get these tones on desktop. I am seriously wondering if I even need my Axe FX III (again!!!) :facepalm

I installed the latest ToneX update. So previously my training times were at 35 to 40 minutes for advanced training.

Installed the new update. Just captured an amp-only capture earlier on. Started at 22:10. It just finished at 22:25. So it took 15minutes. Great improvement!
Yeah, I mean there might be small differences, upon re-listening. But it's like differences between two identical amp models, not like Kemper differences. Kemper, godblessem, did an amazing thing. But it sucked with Mesas, sucked with high gain tones, IMO.It's old tech.
Just installed it and loaded it up in Logic. I'm literally starting at the beginning, so now I'm going to figure out how to download other people's stuff.
The honeymoon over on this thing yet? What’s the consensus, Kemper killer or not yet?
I got the SE which says unlimited user downloads, but I'm still getting the static hiss every 30 seconds. I'm signed in an authorized on Amplitube 5 and the ToneX software....any ideas?

Edit- NVM, closed everything and re-opened, problem solved!
Just installed it and loaded it up in Logic. I'm literally starting at the beginning, so now I'm going to figure out how to download other people's stuff.
It’s right in the search bar. You just click out the tone model collection by clicking on the colored dot next to where it says toneNet. Then search away.
I dicked around for a little while, this could be cool. I only stopped because loading it in Logic, I'm using it fine with no latency, but after 10 minutes I get this crazy latency where I'll play and 2-4 seconds later it comes out the speakers. Not really in the mood for dickin' around with it tonight.

I think I'll end up using this much more for amp + cab captures or I'll have to route this through my AxeFX out of Logic then back into Logic, unless I get an IR loader and started....ugh...I suppose we'll see how much I end up using this verses opening AxeEdit and snagging what I want right away. It'll take some really cool amps to get me to go through the hassle and if this crazy latency thing keeps occurring it'll be a big 'ole funk dat for me.
I dicked around for a little while, this could be cool. I only stopped because loading it in Logic, I'm using it fine with no latency, but after 10 minutes I get this crazy latency where I'll play and 2-4 seconds later it comes out the speakers. Not really in the mood for dickin' around with it tonight.
Weird. Are you running it within Amplitude or on its own in Logic?
Weird. Are you running it within Amplitude or on its own in Logic?

On it’s own in Logic, with it being the only plug-in open. Works great for 10 minutes then the latency kicks in. If I close it and re-open the plug-in it’s fine again.