IK Multimedia TONEX

Let's do this, pick one of my amps and I will make a capture and share.
Omega would be interesting.

Btw of all the methods for capturing with this device what have you found to be more accurate? Mic'ing or direct with IRs.. or direct then add an IR later? I only get to experiment maybe about one day a week, two if im lucky. So trying to pre think my approach for this weekend.
Omega would be interesting.

Btw of all the methods for capturing with this device what have you found to be more accurate? Mic'ing or direct with IRs.. or direct then add an IR later? I only get to experiment maybe about one day a week, two if im lucky. So trying to pre think my approach for this weekend.
Two for the Grano so far.

Bring more recommendations!
I'd say either the Omega Granophyre 100, BE100 HBE C45, or the 2204. You Pick. :giggle:

For me I'd like a Tonex Model based on being able to roll the volume knob up at the guitar with a lower output humbucker( something like an Alnico 3 in a Les Paul bridge) and it screams, and when you roll the volume knob down it cleans up well.

Anyways one of those amps with that sweet spot would be my pick this evening.
Those are all great amps and I have easy access to them, haha, that makes them easier choices.

My BE100 is quite modded and much better than it was stock.

What style of music is everyone playing?
Btw of all the methods for capturing with this device what have you found to be more accurate? Mic'ing or direct with IRs.. or direct then add an IR later? I only get to experiment maybe about one day a week, two if im lucky. So trying to pre think my approach for this weweekend.
I haven't done any amp only captures yet with Tonex though I have read they are making improvements on this.

I would say it comes down to your room avaliable mics and mixing knowhow.

Knowing exactly what you are gonna a get is pretty important since the process takes so long.
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I am absolutely shocked that everyone isn't all over this.

I understand it's early and things are not perfect but you can get a great discount by buying now. And if you register for emails they will give you $20 off the discount.

Let's do this, pick one of my amps and I will make a capture and share.
The Jake QC capture you did was ridiculously good, IMHO. That'd be my pick.
So I’m a dumbass and it didn’t even dawn on me that I can just get the software without the hardware, being that I don’t really want to profile a bunch of Fractal presets and don’t currently own an amp. I’ll scoop this up tonight, but I still might hold off from installing/using it until they patch any bugs.
Just ordered an Axe IO with ToneX, and a Captor X. I’ll be playing around with real mics and the Captor X, to see what works best. I wanted the Captor X anyway, so no-brainer there, with the $100 off right now.
Some may have read my post Ear Trauma, yeah, it really sucks. I start to think it's getting better but then I think not. Anyway, one decent ear right now.

I pulled the Dover DA 50 out the other day and as luck has it it was dead. From working fine to dead. Not the first time I've had this happen. My tech says amp manufactures use no lead solder, most likely for California laws??? Not sure. Anyway, this tends to cost me haha.

Amp it at the techs now but I was able to get it up and running for a day before taking it in.

I shot a Tonex capture to test it. Anymore I only write random riffs and never think about them again so you will have to take this into consideration.

As my ears are a bit jacked right now can you let me know how this sounds to you all?

Some may have read my post Ear Trauma, yeah, it really sucks. I start to think it's getting better but then I think not. Anyway, one decent ear right now.

I pulled the Dover DA 50 out the other day and as luck has it it was dead. From working fine to dead. Not the first time I've had this happen. My tech says amp manufactures use no lead solder, most likely for California laws??? Not sure. Anyway, this tends to cost me haha.

Amp it at the techs now but I was able to get it up and running for a day before taking it in.

I shot a Tonex capture to test it. Anymore I only write random riffs and never think about them again so you will have to take this into consideration.

As my ears are a bit jacked right now can you let me know how this sounds to you all?


Sounds good!
Which tonex should i purchase if all i am using is to using other peoples profiles as i dont own any real amps. Please advise. Thanks
If you don’t care about IK’s own captures, and just want access to other people’s captures, SE is enough.
So i wont be getting hissing noise if i get the SE? The hissing noise is what you get ever 20sec when u use gear or amps you havent purchased yet in amplitube 5